Hi! Thanks for the question.
The following links will provide a direct answer to your question.
1. What is electrophoresis?
Google provides the following definition of electrophoresis.
?A method of separating large molecules (such as DNA fragments or
proteins) from a mixture of similar molecules. An electric current is
passed through a medium containing the mixture, and each kind of
molecule travels through the medium at a different rate, depending on
its electrical charge and size. Separation is based on these
differences. Agarose and acrylamide gels are the media commonly used
for electrophoresis of proteins and nucleic acids.?
?Method using an electrical field which leads to the separation of
proteins or DNA fragments based on their size. Smaller proteins or DNA
fragments move faster; larger ones slower. Samples are normally placed
in the electrical field loaded in a gel-like substance, called agar or
Google: Definition search for electrophoresis
The AgResearch Educational Outreach website also provides a good
primer on electrophoresis.
?Electrophoresis-What Is It??
2. How is it done?
Again The AgResearch Educational Outreach is valuable tool in
providing the step-by-step process of electrophoresis. Pictures are
also provided.
?Electrophoresis-How it Works?
?Electrophoresis Procedure-Introduction?
?The Electrophoresis Procedure-Photos? (Click on the Forward button on
the right hand of the page)
?Electrophoresis-Where is it Used??
To get to know more about the process just click on the ?Next? link at
the bottom of the page.
3. What are the key types of electrophoresis?
?There are two major types of electrophoresis: protein electrophoresis
and immunoelectrophoresis. Immunoelectrophoresis is used to assess the
blood levels of specific types of proteins called immunoglobulins. An
immunoelectrophoresis test is usually ordered if a SPEP test has a
"spike," or rise, at the immunoglobulin level. Protein electrophoresis
is used to determine the total amount of protein in the blood, and to
establish the levels of other types of proteins called albumin, alpha1
globulin, alpha2 globulin, and beta-globulin.?
?Protein electrophoresis?
Here are descriptions of the types of electrophoresis mentioned in the
link and other types of processes not discussed.
a. ?Serum Protein Electrophoresis (SPE)?
b. ?Hemoglobin Electrophoresis?
c. ?2D Gel Electrophoresis - An Overview?
d. ?Protein electrophoresis?
e. ?Agarose gel electrophoresis?
f. ?Capillary Gel Electrophoresis?
4. What are the key reagents/ materials used in electrophoresis?
Our next link provides a list of reagents used in electrophoresis.
?Reagents from A ? Z?
Search terms used:
Overview introduction Electrophoresis types process
Reagents in Electrophoresis
I hope these links would help you in your research. Before rating this
answer, please ask for a clarification if you have a question or if
you would need further information.
Thanks for visiting us.
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