Hi audwilly-ga,
Soltek has released an Universal "All-In-One" Driver for the Soltek mainboards.
To locate the one for your specific model, first go here:
In the line marked "SEARCH" type, or copy and paste: sl-75frn2-l
Then, just to the right, select "DRIVER" from the drop-down menu.
Click "GO"
All the Soltek drivers for that model are available for download from
the resulting page.
The All-In-One driver is a huge file, 46MB's, so you will need to burn
it to a CD to install if the computer you want it for is not online.
At a bare minimum, you at least know where to locate it...
If I can be af any further assistance, please don't hesitate to ask
for a clarification of my answer.
Search strategy used at Google:
"soltek sl-75frn2" driver ethernet controller |