untersuchen-ga -
You asked for information on the availability, use, current research
focus, and access to articles concerning business process reference
models and their affects on the documentation, implementation, and
re-engineering of current business processes - exploratory work for a
Based on my research results, I can see why you picked such a "hot"
topic. Using the broad topics - availability, use, research focus, and
access - here is a summary of what I found and how you can expand this
summary to the extent you feel necessary.
In addition to a variety of topic specific sites and papers ( e.g., a
PDF on IBM Security and Privacy Services For Enterprise Privacy
Architecture - http://www.tivoli.com/products/documents/whitepapers/enterprise_privacy_architecture_overview.pdf
), there are sites that are warehousing solutions and providing
keyword search.
One such site is KnowledgeStorm ( http://www.knowledgestorm.com/ ).
Searching on your example of ERP and SAP resulted in 10 categories and
892 solutions. The 10 categories were: Applications & ASPs Services;
Fax Management; Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP); Supply Chain
Management: Production Planning; Application Integration; Electronic
Mail; Enterprise Resource Planning; Application Integration;
Application Planning and Implementation, and; Application Outsourcing.
Looking at the first solution under ERP, I found: Fourth Shift - for
Midrange Manufacturing - A set of integrated applications that tie
together and streamline business processes across your accounting,
engineering, manufacturing, order entry, purchasing and shipping
operations. This helps you to reduce overall inventory levels while
improving cash collection and on-time order shipments.
This information was obtained by Searching Google using: business
process reference model source. More on this under the last topic
Again, there are a variety of topic specific sites. One such site is
FEDMA, The Federation of European Direct Marketing, and its CCRM
Project, to establish a recommended reference model for multilingual
complaints forms and a set of recommended operating guidelines within
a legal package to be utilised by individual direct marketing
companies using e-Commerce (
http://www.fedma.org/code/page.cfm?id_page=259 ).
From a more general point of view, there are organization whose
purpose is the advance of a particular form of process.
One such organization is the Workflow Management Coalition (
http://www.wfmc.org/about.htm ). Their primary mission is to promote
and develop the use of workflow through the establishment of standards
for software terminology, interoperability and connectivity between
workflow products. They were founded in August 1993, as a non-profit,
international organization of workflow vendors, users, analysts and
university/research groups.
This information was obtained by Searching Google using: business
process reference model use. More on this under the last topic ACCESS.
What is the current research Focus? What are "others" looking at.
Educational Institute: From Technology and Management at the
University of Twente in Enschede, The Netherlands (
http://www.sms.utwente.nl/frameset.asp?objectID=308 ), "Situation
specific business modelling and enterprise wide systems," Dr. Ir. C.
van Slooten:
- Purpose: to gain knowledge about situation-specific business
analysis and conceptual modeling before implementing ERP/WFM software;
the differences between the business situation and the implied
reference model; required business redesign to fit the ERP/WFM
software; requirements for improving the ERP/WFM software.
- Research focus: The focus of this research is on SAP, Baan,
Peoplesoft and similar software and their related reference models. It
must be possible to review a number of projects preparing the
implementation of this kind of software in various types of
organizations, eliciting the problems, mismatches and required changes
of the business process (
http://www.sms.utwente.nl/beheer/webpage/viewmain.asp?objectID=488 )
Private Industry: From Idea Publishing Group, (
http://www.idea-group.com/about/ ), and their list of Journal
Articles: Business Process Reengineering, we find 5 titles with
descriptions. This includes:
- Integrated Analysis and Design of Knowledge Systems and Processes;
- The Detection of Data Errors in Computer Information Systems: Field
Interviews with Municipal Bond Analysts
- Visualized Guidelines for IT-Enabled Process Change, which
includes: Many contributions in the literature of Business Process
Change (BPC) address the questions of why and how to conduct
IT-enabled BPC projects. A relatively underexposed area, however, is
the question of how to formulate an alternative process design.
Therefore, the focus of this paper is to support BPC managers in their
search for (IT-enabled) alternative process design(s). The support
should stem from a set of concretely defined redesign guidelines that
are visualized in simple process charts. These visualized guidelines
should help BPC managers to recognize their applicability in their own
context. The aim of this paper is threefold. First, the literature is
reviewed to formulate a number of IT-enabled BPC guidelines. Second,
these guidelines are visualized in process charts. Third, a case study
is presented to illustrate the applicability of these visualized
- On Conceptual Micro-Object Modeling, and
- Using Harel's Statecharts to Model Business Workflows
URL is http://www.idea-group.com/articles/index.asp?id=1
This information was obtained by Searching Google using: "business
process" reference model "research focus." More on this under the last
topic ACCESS.
How to access articles focusing on this topic? How did I do it.
First I determined the general key words: business process reference
For availability, I added source: business process reference model
For use I added use: business process reference model use
For focus I added research focus: business process reference model
research focus, but did not like the results obtained. Thinking about
it, there were two key two-word phrases. By using quotes I could
obtain both phase and word searching. I used: "business process"
reference model "research focus". This searched for: "business
process"; reference; model, and; "research focus".
In all my cases, many sites were suggested. As your research becomes
more specific, by adding additional keywords/key phrases, you can
narrow the results you obtain to "just" those sites that have the best
untersuchen-ga, I believe this should help you "hit the ground
running" on your exploratory research for a PhD.
Good luck to you!
Regards, walts-ag |