Hi essential,
I was able to find one manufacturer of aluminium snap frames in Turkey:
M & T Displays
Istanbul Organize Deri Sanayi Bolgesi,
YA 11 Parsel,
20. Yol Ayd?nlikoy - Tuzla
Istanbul - TURKIYE
Phone: +90 216 591 03 30 pbx.
Fax: +90 216 591 03 26
E-Mail: info@mt-reklam.com
Website: http://www.mt-reklam.com
Snap Frames page
I also came across "Algroup International" who also appear to
manufacturer snap frames, but their website does not appear to be
working, so I'm not sure whether they are still in business. Here are
their contact details and a cached link to their Snap Frames page,
(although the pictures didn't load):
Algroup International
Kisikkoy San Sitesi
Izmir, Turkey 35477
Phone: +90 232 257 55 44
Fax: + 90 232 257 67 14
Snap Frames page
I hope this information is useful! If anything is unclear, please
request a clarification before rating answer.
Best regards,
Search strategy:
Google search:
"aluminium snap frame"
aluminium "snap frame" manufacturer OR manufacturers OR manufacturing turkey
aluminium frames display manufacturer OR manufacturers OR manufacturing turkey
inurl:tr manufacturer frames aluminium
inurl:tr manufacturer snap frames aluminium
manufacturer snap frames aluminium
manufacturer OR manufacturers OR manufacturing frames aluminium turkey
manufacturer OR manufacturers OR manufacturing display frames aluminium turkey
manufacturer OR manufacturers OR manufacturing display photo aluminium turkey
"snap frame" OR "snap frames" turkey OR turkish
aluminium snap frames pop turkey
algroup aluminium snap frames pop turkey
algroup aluminium snap frames
turkish aluminium "snap frames"
turkey aluminium "snap frames"
"pop display" turkey inurl:tr
Country specific search - (pages located in Turkey):
"snap frames" OR "snap frames" OR "pop display"
manufacturer aluminium "snap frames" |