Dear Brenbox
Nice to hear from you, but I'm afraid I haven't succeeded in putting
together a "summary of his career", so the information I did find is
here in the comments section, not the answer box. I hope it gets you
It does seem likely there was just one Father Brinkworth, involved in
editing in the early thirties, soon afterwards running a school,
retiring from headmastership in the late sixties, and starting to
publish in 1970.
Perhaps an ex-pupil or one of the publishers will be able to help you
further? Would there have been an obituary in the Catholic Herald?
Have you thought of contacting universities and colleges where he
might have studied?
Good luck with the research - Leli
Father Brinkworth the Headmaster
He was at St. Ignatius during the war and stayed into the sixties,
probably until about 1968.
Memories of 1933-37 do not mention him.
The boys called him Chang.
He "funded" several "charity" pupils, and took a special interest in them.
He was interested in the St. Ignatius College Reconstruction Association.
There are also a few anecdotes about him on the Friends Reunited
message boards, where I found this information, and where you can read
ex-pupils' memories and see school photographs from the fifties and
You may be able to make contact with Old Boys who remember him through
this website. To do that, you would have to pay a subscription to
upgrade the free registration which permits you to browse through the
Friends Reunited
It seems that part of the College was evacuated to Hemel Hempstead,
not Welwyn Garden City:
"I attended St Ignatius College 1942 as an evacuee at the part of the
College that was evacuated to Hemel Hempstead. The Head teacher was
Father Delahunty SJ and another younger Jesuit whose name I forget but
he had a lovely head of red hair. We used a little school at Piccotts
End just north of Hemel Hempstead near Gadebridge Park."
There are one or two anecdotes about St. Ignatius College in Welwyn
Garden City in the memoirs of someone who was at Our Lady's Convent
school there, but nothing about Fr. Brinkworth. See Chapters 21, 22
and 24:
Guy Edward A. Brinkworth SJ
Born on 30 August 1902 - outside Britain, as far as I can tell.
Death registered in Westminster, March 1987
Information from death registration details at:
1933 - edited translation of book by Reatz
Jesus Christ: His life, His teaching, His work
by Auguste Reatz
Translated by Mary Sands and edited by Rev. G. Brinkworth, S.J .
London : Sands & Co. 1933
1940s - corresponded with CS Lewis on spiritual matters
"Fr. Guy Brinkworth, a Jesuit, who corresponded with Lewis during the
period 1940-50"
1970 - started publishing - links with Wimbledon College, and with a
Convent of Mercy, either in London or Fishguard, or both.
Personal Renewal and Formal Prayer
Wimbledon College, London 1970.
The Lay Contemplative Ideal
Wimbledon College, London 1970
Renewal and the Daily Sacraments
Wimbledon College, London 1971
Take, O Lord :
Everyman's Guide to the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius
a D.I.Y. manual for private retreats or prayerful reading at home or
elsewhere, full-time or part-time
Fishguard or London [?]: Convent of Mercy 1972
World justice - do we care?
London : Catholic Truth Society , 1973
Our beloved physician : a study of St. Luke
Fishguard 1974
Adam Schall : missionary and mandarin
London : Catholic Trust [Truth?] Society, 1981
The Divine King`s Challenge.
Some Humble Meditations on the "Beatitudes"
Personal Spiritual Renewal Series
Fishguard? no date
Publishing information came from two sources:
1 The COPAC libraries catalogue at:
2 The secondhand book catalogue at:
Email address for the Catholic Herald on this page: |