Dear russell2002-ga,
The sources I have looked at all suggest that you should try to
resolve the issue before resorting to the law. If that fails, to seek
legal advice. The copyright law is very complex and I cannot find
reference to it being dealt with in the small claims court. Perhaps
another researcher may be more successful.
"What can I do if my work is used without my permission?
Although you are not obliged to do so it will usually be sensible, and
save time and money, to try to resolve the matter with the party you
think has infringed your copyright. If you cannot do this, then you
may need to go to court. Before doing so, you should consider
obtaining legal advice. Courts may grant a range of remedies, such as
injunctions (to stop the other person making use of the material),
damages for infringement, or orders to deliver up infringing goods."
The legislation
"Although you are not obliged to do so, it will usually be sensible,
and save you time and money, to try to resolve the matter with the
party you think has infringed your copyright. Indeed, in some cases it
may be necessary to demonstrate to a court that you have tried to
solve the matter by mediation or arbitration if you wish the court to
consider awarding you the best available remedy including an award
covering your costs."
"If you cannot resolve the issue with the other party, then going to
court may be the right solution, but it would be a good idea to seek
legal advice at an early stage, and certainly you should consider this
very seriously before going to court."
answerfinder-ga |