As the subject line indicates, I'm trying to capture streaming audio
that plays on my RealOne player. An acceptable answer to this
question will provide me with a few web addresses that will allow me
to save specific realaudio streams within a program called "Net
Transport" available for download here:
The website with the audio streams I'm interested in is "Morning
Becomes Eclectic" on KCRW ( Let's take
an example from this page. Say, for example, that I want to save the
audio stream for The Thrills. It appears that the web address for
this stream is:
However, if you try save this in Net Transport, you'll save a file of
66 bytes. This link is just a reference to the real file. Through my
own deduction, I've figured out that the real file is located here:
When I tell Net Transport to save this link, it indicates that the
file is 12.2 MB and begins downloading. Great! Ok, so what is the
question then? Well, there are two kinds of files on this Morning
Becomes Eclectic site. Scroll down to the bottom of the front page,
and click on "[more Morning Becomes Eclectic shows]". From here you
can search for more shows. Type in "jazz" for a keyword. Lots of
shows! Well, I can handle all the shows with the blue realaudio icon.
I've figured those out. But the shows on the bottom of the page,
with the black and white "RA" icon and black and yellow "28.8" icons
are troubling me. I can't figure out the correct URL to download
these streams in Net Transport. Here are three shows that I really
want (you'll have to enter these terms in the search page):
Sixpence None The Richer
Kelly Joe Phelps
Elliott Smith
There are others, but if you can figure those out, the others will
likely be similar.
It is not acceptable to direct me to a program that will record
anything that goes through my sound card. I'm aware that these
programs exist, but because of little blips that occur while streaming
the audio, I'd rather have the stream in its original form.
It is not acceptable to direct me to some other shareware program that
will record the stream for me. I have found the software that I want
to use: Net Transport.
An acceptable answer could be as short as three lines, as long as
those three lines are urls that allow me to save the three streams
mentioned above. However, I would be interested in finding out how
you identified the correct address. |