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Q: translation of 1 single page of text for adult orriented website ( Answered 5 out of 5 stars,   8 Comments )
Subject: translation of 1 single page of text for adult orriented website
Category: Reference, Education and News > General Reference
Asked by: jeckyll-ga
List Price: $5.00
Posted: 23 Jun 2002 12:49 PDT
Expires: 23 Jul 2002 12:49 PDT
Question ID: 31991
I want to be very specific...the material I would like translated
contains NO PROFANITY WHAT-SO-EVER. Zero. I am looking for individuals
interested in making a few bucks translating a single page of text
into these various languages:
German, Italian, Japanes, Portugese, French, Dutch, and Spanish.

I am NOT looking for a reasearcher to produce multiple links to
various translation services...As I've already contacted many myself.  I
was going to trek over to the local college and post a few flyers to
see if any college students would be interested...but was hoping that
I could broaden my search here.  I'll pay $50 per language...and the
langauge MUST be your primamry language, with English as your
secondary language.

So to clarify...I'm searching for individuals (possibly college
students) interested in making a quick $50 bucks translating 1 page of
text into their native langauge. Links to translation services is not
what I'm after, but a translation services "message board" where people
post jobs might do the trick.

Thank You

Clarification of Question by jeckyll-ga on 23 Jun 2002 19:31 PDT
ok...everyone who replied to my post...Google deleted your replies
because you included your email addy's, and I failed to write them
down, thinking that everything they would still be here.

Answers had made me a suggestion, so I guess I will try it the
legitimate way, and repost this request for each individual
language...however, I do not plan to post the text to be translated,
as it makes no sense for it to be here for all to see.

So, I will repost for each language...first come first served...yet if
the email addys get deletes, then I have no idea how I'll be able to
get in touch with these people???

Once again lets see what happens.

Request for Question Clarification by tehuti-ga on 24 Jun 2002 06:46 PDT
Hello jeckyll-ga,

I posted the URL as a commment, because it was not a direct answer to
your question, ie it was not providing you with the names of
individuals volunteering to do this work.  However, the site does
provide means to contact translators from all over the world, who
offer their services for a wide range of fees, as well as giving up to
ten words of translation for free.  If you wish, I can formally answer
this question by placing the URL into the answer box.  However, being
as I knew of the site anyway, I did not actually have to "work", ie
search, to give you that answer, beyond typing it in  :)

Clarification of Question by jeckyll-ga on 24 Jun 2002 08:46 PDT
Yes...why don't you do that tehuti.  Thank you.
Subject: Re: translation of 1 single page of text for adult orriented website
Answered By: tehuti-ga on 25 Jun 2002 11:03 PDT
Rated:5 out of 5 stars
At your request, jeckyll-ga, and thank you. offers free translation, but only up to 10 words at a
time.  Otherwise, the site provides a means to contact translators
from all over the world, who offer their services for a wide range of
jeckyll-ga rated this answer:5 out of 5 stars
Very pleased indeed.  Thanks for the great tip, I would have never
found it otherwise. : )

Subject: Re: translation of 1 single page of text for adult orriented website
From: tehuti-ga on 23 Jun 2002 12:53 PDT offers free translation, but only up to 10 words at a
time  Otherwise, you can post jobs up on the site
Subject: Re: translation of 1 single page of text for adult orriented website
From: answerguru-ga on 23 Jun 2002 13:11 PDT
Hi Jeckyll,

I would be willing to do the translation from English to Spanish.

Subject: German
From: vader-ga on 23 Jun 2002 13:17 PDT
I can do the translation into German. Just mail me the page.
Subject: Re: translation of 1 single page of text for adult orriented website
From: jeckyll-ga on 23 Jun 2002 17:41 PDT

I want to be sure you get paid for your answer...I need to look into
how to pay someone who left a comment but did not reply directly as
the answer.  Great work...just what I was looking for.

I'd like to set my guidlines for this wonderful response from all of
you. I will handle everything on a first come first served basis,
provided that you can provide some form of credintials that the
language you are bidding to work on is trully your native language. 
And Elmarto, I commend your spirited bid...but I'm not looking to
undercut anyone.  It is worth $50 to me, and that is what I will be
paying...first come first served.
Answer-guru, Vader, I need an email address for you.  Silvaries,
webdude23, I'll contact you via email this eve. I'll email you the
page by tomorrow eve.
Thanks everyone, let's see what happens...
Subject: Re: translation of 1 single page of text for adult orriented website
From: answerguru-ga on 23 Jun 2002 18:39 PDT

Though I have posted my email I must say that as researchers we are
not permitted to be in contact with you outside this forum. The best
thing for you to do is post each of the translation requests as
individual $50 questions and direct them towards the person who
responded to your request.

Usually if this person doesn't answer within a specified period,
anyone is free to answer it.


Subject: Re: translation of 1 single page of text for adult orriented website
From: jeckyll-ga on 23 Jun 2002 20:22 PDT
I've got a request in to the answers team to explain just how I should
handle this request because I do not want to offend or waste anyone's

Please keep an eye out for me.

Subject: Re: translation of 1 single page of text for adult orriented website
From: lensam69-ga on 23 Jun 2002 22:46 PDT
I don't have any way to prove it to you, but i live in Venezuela, and
i'm fluent in english and spanish (Which is my native language). I'm a
college student (4th year Computer Science)

Plus,  i'll do it out of the kindness of my heart (AKA free)
Subject: Re: translation of 1 single page of text for adult orriented website
From: silviares-ga on 25 Jun 2002 00:02 PDT
Hello Jeckyll-ga

you said that you would contact me but I haven't recieved anything
Let me know if you still need the Italian translation. Italian is my
language being that I was borned and lived in Italy for 26 years (no
way to prove it to you though ... unless you know Italian)


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