Thanks for asking!
The Historical Resources Collection of the U.S. Army indicates that as
of 13 March 1997, the official records of Operation Mercy, at Camp
Kilmer are stored at the National Personnel Records Center pending
transfer to the National Archives.
313.6 Records, Camp Kilmer Refugee Reception Center
Historical Resources Collection: Part II (HRC2)
Documentation and description of records concerning Camp Kilmer
Reception Center for Hungarian Immigrants, 1956-1957, Operation MERCY.
Records on file in NPRC pending transfer to National Archives."
U.S. Army - US Army Center of Military History
The National Archives and Records Administration does not maintain
records of Operation Mercy online, however access to microfilm or
copies of these records may be available through The Freedom of
Information Act. It's very likely that it will require a visit to or
direct contact with one of the National Archives Record Centers in
order to identify the appropriate Records Group Number, and to seek
the location of these documents for reproduction. A preliminary survey
of documents indicates these records may be currently held at either
the Washington, DC facility, or the College Park, MD facility. The
following documents from the National Archives may help you refine
your search prior to direct contact.
National Archives
Obtaining Reproductions
Textual Documents
NARA Facilities, Business Hours, and Locations
Sample Record Groups / Locations Data
I hope this information aids you in your search. Should you have any
questions about the information presented, please feel free to ask.
- larre - |