Dear cocoa,
Here are the answers to your questions:
- Question 1 -
The rule for capitalization is: Names of family relationships are
capitalized only if they are a part of or a substitute for a person's
name. If there is a modifier before a such word, like a possessive
pronoune, it is not capitalized. So the two examples you provided are
absolutely correct. If a sentence uses the word "mother" as if it was
a person's name, it must be capitalized.
Two other examples that illustrate the principle:
"This is a cake Grandmother sent me." - "The is a cake my grandmother sent me."
"This is a cake Aunt Emma sent me." - "This is a cake my aunt sent me."
- Question 2 -
In the case of your example, there are no hyphens between the words.
It's simply "He was ten years old."
However, "He was a ten-year-old" (with no 's' behind the 'year') would
be correct since the three words would form a compound used as a noun.
As a rule, "ten-year-old" (or similar compositions) is written with
hyphens if the words form a compound that serves as a noun or as an
adjective. Like in these examples:
"A ten-year-old stood at the door." - here, the hypenated words are a
compound in the role of a noun.
"A ten-year-old boy stood at the door." - here, the hyphenated words
are a compound modifier in the role of an adjective relating to the
word "boy".
BUT: "The boy at the door was ten years old." - in this case, the
words do not form a compound that serves as a noun or an adjective, so
there are no hyphens.
Capital Community College Foundation: Guide to Grammar and Writing - Capitalization
Purdue University Online Writing Lab: A Little Help with Capitals
University of Delaware: English Language Institute - Grammar Hotline
Capital Community College Foundation: Guide to Grammar and Writing - The Hyphen
Search terms used:
grammar capitalization "year old"
Hyphenation "years old"
relationships capitalization grammar
grammar capitalization
hyphens "year old" "years old"
Hope this answers your questions!
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