?Will bug repellent with DEET (or what kind) will tend to deter bees
orwasps when they are not provoked??
According to the North Memorial Medical Center neither DEET nor other
repellents are able to deter stinging insects such as bees, hornets,
and wasps.
?There are many products on the market that keep away insects. The
most effective of these contain the chemical diethyltoluamide, better
known as DEET.?
?It is very effective against bites by:
- mosquitoes
- fleas
- ticks
- chiggers
- biting flies?
?Neither DEET nor other repellents are able to deter stinging insects
such as bees, hornets, and wasps.?
North Memorial Medical Center
According to Insect Repellant Network, ?Bees, Wasps, Hornets and
Yellow Jackets are not deterred by insect repellents.?
From Ohio Floriculture Online: The Ohio State University Extension
?Remember that insect repellent does not deter bees and wasps.?
?One of the most worrisome insect bites is the bee sting. Although
bees do not normally attack unless provoked, it is still best to avoid
them if possible.?
?Follow these tips to avoid being stung by a bee:
- Wear light colored clothing that is tightly woven and covers your arms and legs;
- Always wear shoes. Most bee stings occur on feet;
- Be cautious of plants that attract bees and wasps;?
Ohio Floriculture: The Ohio State University Extension
By Andrew Mauschbaugh
Assistant Vice President of Loss Control
From the Discovery Health Channel:
?Neither DEET nor other repellents are able to deter stinging insects
such as bees, hornets, and wasps.?
?Many products on the market keep away insects. The ones that work
the best contain the chemical diethyltoluamide, better known as
DEET.(..) DEET is very effective against bites by: ? mosquitoes ?
fleas ? ticks ? chiggers ? biting flies?
Discovery Health Channel
Search criteria:
Bug repellent DEET deter bees wasps
DEET bees OR wasps
Repellent deter bees
Repellent deter wasps
I hope you this answered your question!
Best regards,
Bobbie7 |