I have always contended that, at the end of the "Rocky & Bullwinkle"
show, when the two were signing off, Bullwinkle would say something
like, "this is Bullwinkle P. Moose, the "P" stands for stupid, can't
ya tell?" However, my wife says this never happened. My question is
this: Was this Bullwinkle, who said "The "P" stands for stupid, can't
ya tell!", or was it another cartoon character? If it wasn't
Bullwinkle who said this, could you tell me which cartoon character it
was? As with any "friendly" bet between spouses, there is much
hanging in the balance! |
Request for Question Clarification by
31 Mar 2004 14:22 PST
From my research, the news is not good.
For starters, Bullwinkle's middle initial was not P, but J:
Google Web Search: "bullwinkle j moose"
"Both squirrel and moose have the middle initial J, perhaps because
creator Jay Ward was born J (no period) Troplong Ward. (His parents
wanted him to pick his own first name.)"
I am a major fan of "The Bullwinkle Show," and of many other classic
cartoons, and I can't recall ever having heard the line "the [initial]
stands for stupid."
A Google search using a "wild card" for the initial doesn't turn up
anything promising:
I'm leaving your question open for other Researchers. I hope someone
can help you win your bet.