I currently have osCommerce 2.2 Milestone 1, and need to upgrade to
osCommerce 2.2 Milestone 2. I want to know the steps to complete this.
As you know, osCommerce is the top open source e-commerce tool in the
world, has many contributors, but the development community is
extremely disorganized.
My version has been slightly customized -- it has 2 new files, 2
modified files and one additional database table.
The customization adds an additional product category, but is otherwise the same.
I need it to be upgraded as soon as possible and want the help of an
expert, not somebody who doesn't have a lot of osC experience.
I have a test server that will be dedicated to a person who can
complete this project in 48 hours. If you have your own Linux box (rev
8 or above), and you run zend encoder, and lcurl -- I will pay an
additional $20 for the answer to this question.
If you complete this task for me, I am in a position to direct many
more questions to you, so that you can generate significant revenue in
this area. |