Hello Oscardelamissy~
Once your stitches are out, you can do gentle exercises. Walking is a
good choice; start with about ten minutes a day, and gradually
increase this time until you feel ready to do about 45 minutes a day.
Generally, doctors say you should be able to do that 45 minutes about
six weeks after the operation, but if you were out of shape before the
surgery, this may not be realistic. Listen to your body and don?t push
too hard, or you could delay your recovery. Be sure that as you go
about your day (including your exercise routine) you don?t lift heavy
objects. (?Recovery after Hysterectomy,? The Hysterectomy Association:
Your exercise shouldn?t be any more stressful that just this. After
six weeks, you should see your doctor to make sure you are healing
well. If he or she gives you the go-ahead, you may then gradually go
into a regular fitness routine. It?s good to begin slowly, working
your way up to full-blown exercise. Your doctor may have specific
exercises to suggest. Otherwise, you here are some good exercises for
your back and abs:
?Back Pain Exercises,? American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons:
?Exercises for the Back,? Back Safety in Healthcare:
?Exercises to Strengthen Your Back,? Health Online:
?Exercises for Your Abs,? About.com:
?The Best Ab Exercises,? About.com:
?Abdominal Strength Training Exercises,? Georgia State University:
Best wishes,
exercise after hysterectomy
abs exercises
"strengthen back" exercises
://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=%22strengthen+back%22+exercises |