Hi morleyevans-ga,
This took me aback too at first glance, but I can never resist a
puzzle. I've now found the reason you're looking for.
As you've seen, the page is a blog from India, which is constructed
using the blog software called Movable Type. This is highly
customisable software and this blogger is certainly customising it to
a large degree, as the text at the bottom of the page explains his
work on a Hindi language interface to Movable Type.
I started with a standard search within the page but found nothing, as
I expected. I then viewed the source code to the page, which is where
Google finds your page from this search string, but still came up
empty. So I was puzzled for a while, just as you were.
Then I thought about the customisations. On the right hand side of the
page is a Recent Searches drop down box. Taking a look in there brings
up the following list of recent searches.
waisa bhi hota hai
main hoon na
baby names
ISBN 0-9734823-0-3
As you can see, your ISBN is halfway down the list, between 'baby
names' and 'amrita'. It's amazing just how much information Google is
now making searchable!
Of course, while I've now answered your existing question, all this
merely leads us to an entirely new question. Why would a blogger from
India be searching for you? You may have a lot of fun discovering the
answer to this one!
I hope this has answered your question fully, but please feel free to
ask for a clarification if I can help further, before rating my
Thank you for using Google Answers and I hope you return to us soon.
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