Hi Mediatek01!
Here are the results of my research regarding Microsoft Excel exercises.
Microsoft Excel Exercises by David J. Houston is a comprehensive
tutorial that provides the following exercises:
Grade Sheet Exercise: Illustrates how to create a basic spreadsheet by
entering text, numbers, and formulas.
Checkbook Exercise: Introduces formatting of cells and columns.
Mortgage Exercise: See how functions can be used to create a
spreadsheet to perform "what if?" calculations.
Using ChartWizard: Demonstrates the ease of creating charts.
Sorting Exercise: Learn how to sort data and print portions of a worksheet.
Special Formats and Exporting Exercise: Illustrates how to dress up a
table using special formats and how to export a table or chart into a
Microsoft Word document.
Cost-Benefit Analysis Exercise: Demonstrates a basic cost-benefit
analysis using Excel.
Linking Exercise: Learn how to consolidate several worksheets into one
and to link several worksheets to a master worksheet.
Regression Exercise: Illustrates the use of analysis tools for
conducting bivariate regression and forecasting.
Statistical Analysis Exercise: Use a worksheet to calculate
descriptive statistics (e.g., mean, standard deviation, skewness,
kurtosis, frequency distribution, correlation).
Bivariate Regression Exercise: Estimate a bivariate regression
equation and related summary statistics.
Practice Exams and solutions
Here is the link to the tutorial.
Hands On Exercises with Excel 97
This section of In and Out of the Classroom with Microsoft Office 97
is designed to provide self-paced Hands-on Exercises that can be used
in staff development workshops or with students.
Introductory Exercises In Microsoft Excel 97
This document contains a series of exercises which give an
introduction to the Excel spreadsheet program.
Information Systems Services
University of Leeds
Basic Spreadsheet Exercises
These are suited to people who have learned the basic features of
Excel and need to practice setting up a spreadsheet.
7 exercises
Intermediate Spreadsheet Exercises
These are suited to people who have learned the basic and intermediate
features of Excel and need to practice constructing spreadsheets.
Introduction to Excel v.4
Microsoft Excel XP Beginners - Exercises
Microsoft Excel XP Intermediate Level - Exercises
Fundamental Excel Lessons
Great step by step lessons for the beginner Excel user.
Learning Microsoft Excel
?Learning Microsoft Excel is designed to introduce you to the basic
operation and functions of Microsoft Excel for Windows 5.0. The
lessons include practice exercises to work through as well as examples
for using spreadsheets in your work.?
Iowa State University Extension
A Spreadsheet Activity
Using Excel to analyze the results of a simple survey
Excel tutorial from Microsoft
Explore the powerful features of Microsoft® Excel 97 to simplify data
research and organization by using worksheets and charts
Collect, analyze, and format data in an Excel 97 workbook
Use powerful formulas and functions to calculate grades, create
budgets, and more, while using built-in tools to correct errors and
ensure accuracy
Create dynamic charts and graphs from worksheet data by using the
quick and easy graphing capabilities of Excel 97
Enhance presentations by inserting or linking charts and graphs to
Microsoft Word 97 documents
Table of Contents
Search criteria:
Microsoft Excel Exercises
Excel Exercises
Excel tutorials
Microsoft Excel beginners Exercises
I hope you find these resources helpful!
Best regards,
Bobbie7 |