Greetings Bard68ph:
An "Equity house" is one that meets the union requirements and
subsequently signs an exclusive contract with Equity, legally
declaring that the theater will not employ non-union actors and/or
stage managers.
"Equity theater simply means?that the people who are putting on
performances are holding union cards..." says Brad Armstrong,
president and CEO of the Virginia Performing Arts Foundation which is
behind the proposed downtown Performing Arts Complex...To achieve
Equity status, theaters must meet certain criteria in ticket sales,
audience size, and in the number and types of plays the theater puts
on each year."
You may be able to directly contact the Actor's Equity Association
through their website at or by
mail or phone
165 West 46th Street, 15th Floor
New York, New York 10036
(212) 869-8530 telephone
(212) 719-9815 fax
to see if they have a listing available to non-members. Much of their
website is available only to members.
You could possibly compile your own list from the search results of
"an Equity theater" at
Good luck, and I wish I could have found the exact database you are seeking.
Best regards,
"Actor's Equity Association"
"professional theater" listing
"professional theater" database
"professional theater" directory
what is an "equity theater"
where is an "equity theater"
"equity theater" database
"equity theater" union listing OR certification
"Equity house" members theaters
"an Equity theater" |