The diagram shows a canal with two drawbridges A and B connecting a
short loop of road (which has ended up this way for historical
reasons). The canal and the road carry one way traffic only, as shown
on the diagram. The canal traffic consists of 200 metre long barges
and other smaller craft, including tall yachts. The barges travel very
slowly. The bridges have to be raised for a barge or tall craft to
pass underneath. The bridges are also heavily used by pedestrians, to
gain access to shops on either side of the bridges, and so the bridges
should be down whenever possible. One proposal for a computer
controlled system to manage this situation is to have detectors for
boats / barges 50 metres before each of the two bridges. When a craft
is detected, the relevant bridge will be raised unless there is a car
actually on it, in which case the canal traffic will be stopped until
the bridge is clear. Analyse the problem, making notes of any
potential difficulties. Explain the reasons why you think this
arrangement is safe enough, or not safe enough, to handle the traffic
on the road and canal? Suggest a suitable algorithm to simulate the
road/canal system and the control of traffic. Be careful to state any
assumptions which you make in your solution, and that it can cope with
various speeds for the cars and barges and with breakdowns. Sketch out
the algorithm as a set of annotations for the concurrent processes
required before implementing and testing the simulation. 5
Advice for making your simulation The major part of the assignment is
to design and implement a simulation for your solution to your
problem. First work out the basis of your solution, what processes you
need to model, and any CCP techniques you need to use to ensure safe
and live operation. Check these with teacher before investing more
energy on more details. Then decide how you are going to display the
running system so that you can check clearly on what is happening, but
don?t spend masses of time on elaborate graphic displays. You will
also need to include a ?Control Panel? of some kind so that you can
change the ?speeds? of various processes, and other parameters,
simulate breakdowns etc. You can use the control process to set up
various conditions to investigate how your solution behaves.
Deliverables (One set per pair, type written, please indicate which
partner has written which parts) a) A introductory overview which
identifies the key factors of the system concerned, and any problems
in its operation, in CCP terms. b) A general outline for a simulated
solution to the problem, including: - A description of any assumptions
you make, - A brief description of the processes used in the
simulation, if and how these interact, and an account of any CCP
techniques necessary. - Supporting engineering arguments for your
particular solution. c) An annotation for each process in the
simulation, along with notes where necessary to describe what is
happening, particularly if the process interacts with others. d) A
fully commented listing of the program (but not a 3 sheet document),
and a disc with the source code on it. e) A brief ?operations guide?
for the user (i.e. your lecturer), so that somebody else can run the
program and make sense of it, particularly how to interpret what is
shown on the screen. f) An account of the tests you have done, and
some conclusions. Assessment All the above must be produced -they all
contribute to the overall mark for the assignment. You will be given
back a mark sheet which itemises them, along with a grade for each.
Because there are different solutions to these rather open ended
problems, a more detailed mark scheme is not appropriate, and your
final mark will be my aggregate of the grades for each aspect of the
problem. |
Request for Question Clarification by
04 Apr 2004 20:40 PDT
Hello Mensahbarku,
There seem to be a number of steps in the question you raise that
prevent a single answer from being satisfactory. For example, you
"First work out the basis of your solution, what processes you
need to model, and any CCP techniques you need to use to ensure safe
and live operation. Check these with teacher before investing more
energy on more details."
For example, that may part stated may be a suitable problem and is
much more in line with the list price you have offered. You would then
get agreement on that answer (with your teacher) before progressing
with any further work (and asking a separate question).
Also, are you looking for assistance in writing this program or want a
completed program provided as an answer? In the first case, you need
to indicate the type of help you need. In the latter case - please
- you need to specify the operating system / C++ compiler available
otherwise the program you get may not work on your system
- a control panel is needed, you should specify the constraints on
this (e.g., tools)
- a program written by a professional generally cannot be submitted
by a student for credit in a course
Based on this, please advise how you wish to proceed.