Having just installed AIM with Netscape, and subsequently uninstalled
it, it has become apparent that it stays on the start-up menu, even
after uninstallation. To uninstall it I simply drag and dropped the
Netscape Communicator folder from the Hard Drive into the Trash. Now
whenever this computer starts it says that AOL instant messenger isn't
available in an error message. How does one make this error message
disappear by taking this now defunct program off the start-up menu? |
Request for Question Clarification by
06 Apr 2004 21:57 PDT
I suggest you (as my first shot) to reinstall completely Netscape and
AIM, then uninstall it following these instructions:
Uninstalling Netscape from a Mac OS computer:
1. Open the Preferences folder inside the System Folder.
2. Drag the Mozilla Registry and Mozilla Versions files from the
Preferences folder to the Trash.
3. Drag the Netscape Folder to the Trash.
Note that you only did the 3rd step, so you can try doing the steps 1
and 2 before reinstall netscape, if that not work, reinstall Netscape
and complete the uninstall procedure.
If this works, let me know in order to post this in the answer box to
claim the prize.
Request for Question Clarification by
06 Apr 2004 22:20 PDT
You can try this also:
To uninstall AOL Instant Messenger and MSN Messenger from a Mac:
1. Make sure no programs are running. In fact you may want to restart
your computer before you begin this process.
2. Double click on your harddrive ?Macintosh HD?.
3. From the view menu at the top choose ?view as list?.
4. Scroll down to the System Folder and click on the arrow (triangle)
to the left to open it. The little arrow should now be pointing
5. Scroll down to ?Extensions? and click the little arrow to the left
to open the folder.
6. Scroll down and drag any icon with ?AOL,? ?AIM,? or ?MSN? to the trash can.
7. Go back up to the ?Extensions? folder and click the little arrow to
close the folder.
8. Now find the ?Start-Up? items folder and click the arrow to open it.
9. Drag any icon with ?MSN? or ?AIM? to the trash can.
10. Go back up and close the ?System Folder? which you opened earlier
by clicking the arrow.
11. Now open the ?applications (Mac OS 9)? folder and drag to the
trash any folder with the letters AOL or MSN as the folder name.
12. Close all windows and restart your computer from the special menu.
Hope this works, I am waiting for your feedback.
Clarification of Question by
06 Apr 2004 22:51 PDT
A+ work, everything went according to plan, thanks to your direction.
Simply set it up so we can pay you, by telling google that you
answered the question, and we'll administer a tip as well as the total
amount of the question's fee. Look forward to giving you 5-stars.
Thanks for your time and expertise.