Hello again, dolgow-ga.
Thank you for your generous offer.
Here is the information I unearthed on Reliance Bronze through
searches of old newspaper records of the NY Times and the Los Angeles
I've also included information on accessing these articles yourself,
if you wish to see them in their entirety.
You have obviously undertaken an interesting and meaningful mission to
recreate some of this company's history as it relates to your family.
I wish you all the best in your endeavor.
If you have any questions about the material below, please let me know
before rating this answer. Just post a Request for Clarification, and
I'll be happy to assist you further.
The NY Times archives contained hundreds of references to Reliance
Bronze, but the bulk of these were simple business listings that
contained very little useful information. However, there were some
substantial references as well, including:
January 11, 1938
page 14
Reliance Bronze and Steel Co. Also Cites "Selfish Strike" in Bankruptcy Law Action
The"cross-fire of selfish industrial strife" and an "effective
five-week strike called by the C.I.O" were given as the basis of a
petition to reorganize under Section 77b of the Federal Bankruptcy Act
filed yesterday by the Reliance Bronze and Steel Company, Inc.,
manufacturers of metal doors, windows and frames.
"The activities of the C.I.O. were fatal to the debtor," the petition
said. "The large profits of the first six months of 1937 were
entirely wiped out and a large loss for the year substituted..."
[The article goes on to report the company was willing to meet wage
and hour demands, but was not willing to recognize the C.I.O because,
it argued, the building industry was controlled by the A.F. of L. and
that recognizing the C.I.O. would have resulted in a boycott of
Reliance Bronze products.]
[The petition also listed book-value assets of $869,581, and
liabilities in the same amount, and listed two secure creditors and
138 unsecured creditors.]
November 26, 1934
pg 31
Bronze Factory Is Sold
The Reliance Bronze Corporation sold its industrial plant on the south
side of Review Avenue...Long Island City, to Bloch & Guggenheimer for
a pickle and condiment works...
August 22, 1957
page 27
[An obituary for George C. Hess notes that he was an executive at
Atlantic Metal Products, Inc. since 1938, and had previously worked
for Reliance Bronze and Steel Corp.]
January 22, 1936
page 35
Court Approves Reorganization Under Section 77b
The Reliance Bronze and Steel Corporation of 95 Dobbin Street,
Brooklyn, filed yesterday in the Federal court...a petition seeking
reorganization...The petition, signed by E. F. Gillespie, president
and treasurer...stated that it had been authorized by the directors on
Jan. 16.
The petition was approved by Judge Grover M. Moscowitz...[who] set
Feb. 10 as the date for a hearing...
The Los Angeles Times also had some materials that referenced Reliance Bronze:
September 20, 1929
page 15
[There was a classified ad for Reliance as follows]
Listed on New York Curb Exchange
Reliance Bronze & Steel Corp.
Convertible 6% Debentures
Due 1944
The largest company of its kind in the United States...
[The bonds were offered by DeFremery & Company in Los Angeles and San Francisco]
September 2, 1932
page 8
NEW YORK, Sept. 1 -- The following is a summary of the principal
"conclusions" against Mayor Walker on which removal hearings have been
in progress before Gov. Roosevelt...
(4) That the Mayor violated the city charter by holding convertible
bonds of the Reliance Bronze and Steel Corporation, which received a
city contract for traffic light standards.
[Note that I had earlier identified the Governor at the time as
Theodore Roosevelt, but it was of course, cousin Franklin who held the
You can access the NY Times archives online by opening up a subscription at:
Just conduct a search at this site for "Reliance Bronze" (include the
quotation marks), and check the box that says "Closest Match" (unless
you want the articles sorted by date). Clicking "Search" will then
return several hundred hits.
You can preview each article, which will show you either the first
paragraph or, very often, nothing at all. To see the full article,
you'll select the option for viewing the full article, and the system
will walk you through the sign-on process to open an account.
The LA Times archives back to the 1930's are not available online, but
can often be accessed through library databases at public or
university libraries.
You may also want to contact the office of the Secretary of State of
New York State to see if the historical incorporation records for
Reliance Bronze are available.
According to their website at:
the records -- which usually contain the names of the senior officers
of the corporation -- should be available, and must be requested in
Q. How do I get information on a corporation or other business entity?
What information is available?
...The records of corporations that went out of existence prior to
December 5, 1977, are contained in manual inactive files at the
Department of State. Although still maintained, a written request must
be made for these records.
By Telephone: Callers to our 1-900-TEL-CORP (835-2677) information
line may request a database search of up to five entity names during a
single call. A fee of $4 (which will appear on your telephone bill) is
charged for each call. Information available includes the following:
(1) current entity name; (2) date of organization; (3) jurisdiction,
if other than New York State; (4) county location; (5) service of
process address; (6) registered agent, if any; and (7) filing history.
Information on business corporations may also include the name and
address of the chief executive officer and the principal business
location. Record search by telephone is only available through the use
of the 900 number listed above.
By Mail, Fax, or E-mail: Written requests containing up to five entity
names may be submitted by mail directed to the Department of State,
Division of Corporations, 41 State Street, Albany, NY 12231; by fax to
(518) 473-1654; or by e-mail (corporations@dos.state.ny.us). The
information for up to five record searches is provided free of charge.
Requests for more than five record searches must be accompanied by a
fee of $5 for each entity search exceeding the first five. Requests
for more than five record searches must be submitted (with the
required fee) by mail or in person at our Albany office.
Once again, the best of luck in your efforts. Let me know if you have
any questions about the material I've presented here. |