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back up source for anit-Bush facts
Category: Relationships and Society > Politics Asked by: ah_oooh-ga List Price: $10.00 |
09 Apr 2004 13:54 PDT
Expires: 09 May 2004 13:54 PDT Question ID: 327833 |
A few moths ago I came across a web page with "facts" about the Bush presidency and it's record. I "stole" the page to use on my site. ( http://www.tilenut.com/yo/BUSH_record.html ) I can't remember where I originally found the page on the web. Since then I've been getting emails challenging the source of these facts. People, both for and against Bush, have asked where I got the info and how I can back up some of the allegations. I'd like to be able to provide them with something. I did a search on "I attacked and took over 2 countries." and came up with many of the same page, in different formats, many of them copied into Blogs, but I still can't find the original author. Could you provide me with some good solid sites that back up these allegations of Bush attrocities, if not actually find the source of this original page? I need some ammo to send to these inquiries I get. P.S. The page I stole: I changed the name of it to "Get Bush out of office" but not the name of the file: BUSH_record.html |
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Re: back up source for anit-Bush facts
Answered By: scriptor-ga on 09 Apr 2004 14:39 PDT Rated: ![]() |
Dear ah_oooh, Assuming that knowing the original source and author of the George W. Bush achivements list would be the most valuable possible information, I systematically tried to find it. And I have been successful: The "Bush Record" was originally published on the BuzzFlash website on 23 April 2003. The author is Kelley Kramer. Titled "George W. Bush's Resume", Ms. Kramer explicitly claims authorship: "And with that in mind, I started wondering ... what would a George W. Bush resume look like exactly? Listed below is what I came up with." Further research revealed that Kelley Kramer is politically very active and contributes articles to numerous websites. Various sites quote her "Bush Resume", giving BuzzFlash as the source and crediting her with authorship. Also, I did not find earlier examples of this article, so I have no doubt that Ms. Kramer indeed is the author. Read the original version of th "Bush Resume" on the BuzzFlash website: http://www.buzzflash.com/contributors/03/04/23_resume.html You will probably want to contact Ms. Kramer to learn more about the sources she used for writing the "Bush Resume". In case you'd like to write her an e-mail, you can find a mail link on her Blog site: http://www.demopower.com/blog (Old Blog: http://kelleykramer.blogspot.com/ ) Sources: Topple Bush: George W. Bush Resume http://www.topplebush.com/bushresume.shtml Eclecticism: Resume of George W. Bush http://www.michaelhanscom.com/eclecticism/2003/12/resume_of_georg.html Bush and Cheney Suck: George W. Bush Resume http://bushandcheneysuck.com/George-W.-Bush-Resume.htm Citizens for Legitimate Government: George W. Bush's Resume ? by Kelley Kramer http://legitgov.org/essay_kramer_george_bush_resume_042403.html pbnj.biz: Shades of Grey http://www.pbnj.biz/pbnj.biz_outline/comm/beef/bush-record.html Search terms used: "bush record html" ://www.google.de/search?q=%22bush+record+html%22&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=de&btnG=Google-Suche "i invaded and occupied two countries" source ://www.google.de/search?hl=de&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&newwindow=1&q=%22i+invaded+and+occupied+two+countries%22+source&btnG=Google-Suche "kelley kramer" "attacked and took over" ://www.google.de/search?q=%22kelley+kramer%22+%22attacked+and+took+over%22&hl=de&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&newwindow=1&start=0&sa=N "kelley kramer" ://www.google.de/search?q=%22kelley+kramer%22&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=de&btnG=Google-Suche "kelley kramer" resume "george bush" ://www.google.de/search?q=%22kelley+kramer%22+resume+%22george+bush%22&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=de&btnG=Google-Suche Hope this will help! Regards, Scriptor |
rated this answer:![]() Excellent! You got right to the source. That's a 10 in my book. (but a 5 in yours) This will be VERY helpful fending off those inquiries, I much appreciate your search. |
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Re: back up source for anit-Bush facts
From: cozmo1-ga on 09 Apr 2004 21:28 PDT |
Yes, Kelley Kramer is the original author, I don?t have the sources for all the items, but someone put one together here http://home.earthlink.net/%7Emojo-hand/GeorgeBushResume.html Please be aware, I havent had the time to check all of them, but did do a spot check and they look good. This should be a lot of help in fending off any 'doubting Thomas's' Best Kelley www.demopower.com/blog --And a note to the google people.. Never heard of this service until my name popped up on the indexes, as the first example of qualification, I wrote that entire resume off the top of my head.. If you need anyone to help with political/current events research .. I'm available. |
Re: back up source for anit-Bush facts
From: ah_oooh-ga on 09 Apr 2004 23:19 PDT |
Ah! Bulls eye! Goldmine! This is exactly what I'd hope to see. I just figured it out, It's you! Kelly, the original author. Cool! You threw me off speaking in the third person at first. Isn't this a cool Google service? It isn't secret but they don't advertise it anymore because it's too cool and too popular. Get a "Google Answers" account right away. They can find anything! I thought you were my researcher, I never expected to get right to the top! Obviously I appreciated your work, since I stole it, so thank you. Your's is one Blog I will dig into. Thank you! -Ah_oooh_ga |
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