Hello horseman-ga
Searching specifically for the tourist office on Skopelos, the only
information I was able to find is a phone number The Municipal
Tourist Office of Skopelos is on the waterfront, to the left of the
pier as you disembark (tel. 0424/323-231); open daily from 9:30am to
10pm in high season However, since the information is not from an
active web page, I cannot guarantee the accuracy of the number.
(Found on Googles cache for www.frommers.com/destinations/skopelos/
It does not appear that the tourist office has a web site as yet.
http://www.skopelos.gr/ is the official web site of the municipality
of Skopelos, and thus would be expected to host the Tourist Office
pages as well. There is a set of English language pages on the site
at http://www.skopelos.gr/en/index.asp However, these are still
under construction, and as yet do not have any content in the tourism
I did find the following web sites which might offer the same
information as one would find on a tourist office web site, and thus
be of assistance:
Web sites about Skopelos, including information on accommodation and
Greece National Tourist Office Travel Guide, billed as the Only
Official Travel Guide to Greece is at
http://www.gnto.gr/1/ea0100000.html but is still under construction.
On http://www.gnto.gr/1/01/0113/ea0113002.html you will find a list of
regional tourist offices.
Search strategy: Skopelos, tourist office |