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Category: Relationships and Society > Government Asked by: probonopublico-ga List Price: $2.00 |
10 Apr 2004 22:55 PDT
Expires: 10 May 2004 22:55 PDT Question ID: 328349 |
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Re: A VERY SECRET QUESTION: For Pinkfreud's Eyes ONLY!
Answered By: pinkfreud-ga on 11 Apr 2004 10:52 PDT Rated: ![]() |
I'm glad you asked, Bryan. It's about time I made my position known. Regarding the Nigerian presidency (and any other presidency, for that matter)... If nominated, I will not run. If elected, I will not serve. If served, I will not eat. If eaten, I will not digest. If digested, I will not nourish. Your friend, Non-candidate Pink P.S. Everybody can peek now. I'm dressed. :-) | |
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rated this answer:![]() Many thanks, Pink, for handling all those awkward questions with the skill of a very accomplished politician. Of course, being a woman, it is your pregrogative to change your mind again and again and again. I am quite sure that when your bandwagon starts to roll you will do your duty by God and the Queen. Remember Franklin D Roosevelt? No, of course not, you are far too young but, in 1940, Mr R took a similar stance to yours when the subject of an unprecedented third term was raised ... and what happened? He was re-elected in 1940 AND 1944. So, never say never ... Just maybe. Warmest regards Your Humble Servant Bryan |
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Re: A VERY SECRET QUESTION: For Pinkfreud's Eyes ONLY!
From: sublime1-ga on 11 Apr 2004 00:01 PDT |
Bryan, Pink... I peeked. I admit it. I felt so..entitled..and curious. I shall throw myself on the mercy of the Nigerian Secret Service. Perhaps, down the road, I can obtain a presidential pardon. |
Re: A VERY SECRET QUESTION: For Pinkfreud's Eyes ONLY!
From: probonopublico-ga on 11 Apr 2004 00:52 PDT |
Sublime One ... How dare you? The Nigerian Secret Service shows no mercy. |
Re: A VERY SECRET QUESTION: For Pinkfreud's Eyes ONLY!
From: politicalguru-ga on 11 Apr 2004 04:05 PDT |
DEAR FRIEND, I also peeked. But only because my real name in POLITICUS GURUS, amd I am the widow of the former finance minister of NIGERIA. Just before he was dead by the current regime, my husband managed to smuggle $2,000,000,000,000,000,000 and put it in a briefcase. This is an offer only for your FRIEND and only because I POLITICUS GURUS trust you. I need someone to ask some 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 $2 questions, in order to transfer the money to the West. |
Re: A VERY SECRET QUESTION: For Pinkfreud's Eyes ONLY!
From: probonopublico-ga on 11 Apr 2004 04:28 PDT |
DEAR POLITICUS GURUS, I'm just the man to help you in any way I can in your time of need. Please, whatever you do, put any question of money completely out of your mind. The important thing is TRUST between two like-minded people and. as you are a widow, it is my solemn duty to come to your assistance. But why some 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 x $2 questions? Why not 10,000,000,000,000,000 x $200 questions? And how much is my share? And, please, exactly where is the briefcase? It would be much safer under my mattress with Daisy (my Rottweiler) and Sebastian (her Seagull friend) on guard. Trust me! PB |
Re: A VERY SECRET QUESTION: For Pinkfreud's Eyes ONLY!
From: politicalguru-ga on 11 Apr 2004 11:17 PDT |
Does it also mean that if you'll smoke, you won't inhale? |
Re: A VERY SECRET QUESTION: For Pinkfreud's Eyes ONLY!
From: justaskscott-ga on 11 Apr 2004 17:45 PDT |
"131. A person shall be qualified for election to the office of the President if - (a) he is a citizen of Nigeria by birth; (b) he has attained the age of forty years; (c) he is a member of a political party and is sponsored by that political party; and (d) he has been educated up to at least School Certificate level or its equivalent." "Chapter Six of the 1999 Constitution of Nigeria: The Executive" URHOBO WAADO, Web site of Urhobo Historical Society http://www.waado.org/NigerDelta/Documents/ConstitutionalMatters/1999Constitution/ChapterSix.html Possible problems for Pinkfreud's presidency (aside from alliteration headache): 1) Not a "he". 2) Not a citizen of Nigeria by birth -- at least, I don't think so. 3) Might be fooling us; might not even be 18 yet. 4) Doesn't have a Nigerian School Certificate. The political party requirement shouldn't be a problem: she can run with the Probonopublico Pinkfreud Progress Party. (Again with the alliteration? ;-) ) |
Re: A VERY SECRET QUESTION: For Pinkfreud's Eyes ONLY!
From: pinkfreud-ga on 11 Apr 2004 21:24 PDT |
Wow, thanks for the five stars, the five dollar tip, and the acknowledgment that I am not old enough to remember FDR! I do, however, remember his successor, Harry S Truman. I actually met Mr. Truman once, in Independence, Missouri. Perhaps I shall reconsider my refusal to accept nomination as a candidate for any nation's presidency. Now that I think of it, my hair is redder than that of John Kerry (even in his younger days), and I am much funnier than George W. Bush. Is it too late for me to run as the nominee of the Funny Redhead party? ~Pink |
Re: A VERY SECRET QUESTION: For Pinkfreud's Eyes ONLY!
From: kemlo-ga on 12 Apr 2004 13:23 PDT |
To justaskscott-ga The main qualification to be president in Nigera is to have an armoured division parked next to the presidential palace. Little else matters Regrads Kemlo |
Re: A VERY SECRET QUESTION: For Pinkfreud's Eyes ONLY!
From: pinkfreud-ga on 20 Apr 2004 11:49 PDT |
Coincidentally, just yesterday I received a mailing of the "Nigerian Scam Spam" variety. If the letter had offered me the presidency, I would have referred the sender to this thread for further information. ;-) |
Re: A VERY SECRET QUESTION: For Pinkfreud's Eyes ONLY!
From: steph53-ga on 20 Apr 2004 20:55 PDT |
Daisy the Rottwieller??????????????....DUH... What happened to her????????? I had always thought she was a Yorkshire Terrier? Perhaps on her latest birthday a bolt came out of the sky & pronounced her to bigger deeds....as when her pics were not displayed on GA after her daddy promised:( |
Re: A VERY SECRET QUESTION: For Pinkfreud's Eyes ONLY!
From: probonopublico-ga on 20 Apr 2004 21:57 PDT |
Hi, Steph This was and remains A VERY SECRET QUESTION, so I cannot understand how or why you have taken a peep. Yes, Daisy sometimes fantasises about being much bigger and stronger than she is, and why not? But her birthday is not until May 8. Now, I want you to faithfully promise NOT to investigate any secret questions in future or I shall have to report you to the G****eBOT. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! Big B |
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