Yes, patriciaj, I have heard of swollen joints related to pneumonia.
However, it's more a sign that it's worsening or infection has spread
in your body during.
"Your child should be checked by your pediatrician as soon as you
suspect pneumonia. You should check back with the doctor if your
youngster shows any of the following warning signs that the infection
is worsening or spreading.
* Fever lasting more than two or three days despite the use of antibiotics
* Breathing difficulties
* Evidence of infection elsewhere in the body: red, swollen
joints, bone pain, neck stiffness, vomiting"
Taken from:
and from this source:
Call your doctor if . . .
? Your child shows any of the signs or
symptoms of pneumonia.
? Your child is having trouble breathing or is
breathing very fast.
? Your child has bluish or gray lips and
? Your child still has a fever or looks very ill
after 24 to 48 hours on the antibiotic.
? Your child has red, swollen joints, bone
pain, complains of chest pain, neck stiffness,
or vomiting.
? Your child is not drinking fluids well or is
not able to take his or her antibiotics."
So, there you go, they are related in a person with pneumonia.
Also, there can also be many other causes of swollen joints
And, how to ease some suffering:
I found this information doing a google search for "swollen joints and pneumonia"
Thanks for using Google Answers. I hope whomever inspired this
question either stays healthy or feels better.
Nenna-GA |