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Q: Phrase permutation ( Answered 5 out of 5 stars,   0 Comments )
Subject: Phrase permutation
Category: Computers > Algorithms
Asked by: uc1bear-ga
List Price: $15.00
Posted: 14 Apr 2004 20:27 PDT
Expires: 14 May 2004 20:27 PDT
Question ID: 330452
I need a tool to generate all combinations of three sets of text,
where each Set is in a fixed position.  (i.e., Set1 is always the
first word, Set2 is always teh second word...)  For example:

Set1: Happy, Great, Super, ...
Set2: People, Kids, Grandparents, Children, Women, ...
Set3: Stink, Rule, ...

Would turn into:
Happy People Stink
Happy People Rule
Happy Kids Stink
Happy Kids Rule
...and so on

Each Set may have a different number of words (or phrases), which will
number in the thousands or tens of thousands.  The algorithm should
combine them
into single phrase by choosing one from each set in the order Set1
Set2 Set3, with a single spaces between the member from each set (as above).
We should end up with ALL possible combinations (with Set1 first,
Set2 second, and Set3 third always).

It should be quick and easy to use, dumping output to XLS or CSV. 
Input method is your choice, but 3 files would be acceptable.  Bonus
points if the tool can be easily expanded to 4 or 5 sets, but only 3
is required.

I am open to a script that can be run on my computer (programming
language should be freeware, and you should explain briefly how to run
it!) or -- even better -- an Excel program or macro.  Thanks!
Subject: Re: Phrase permutation
Answered By: hailstorm-ga on 15 Apr 2004 00:40 PDT
Rated:5 out of 5 stars

Here is an Excel Macro I created that reads in all of the columns of
the first three rows on the first worksheet, and places all of the
permutations on a new sheet in the same workbook.

Sub SetPermutations3Words()
   Dim wks As Worksheet, wksData As Worksheet
   Dim intColumnWord1 As Integer, intColumnWord2 As Integer
   Dim intColumnWord3 As Integer, intDataRow As Integer
   Dim strSheet As String
   Dim word1 As String
   Dim word2 As String
   Dim word3 As String
   Application.ScreenUpdating = False
   Set wksData = ActiveSheet
   intColumnWord1 = 1
   intColumnWord2 = 1
   intColumnWord3 = 1
   intDataRow = 1
   Worksheets.Add after:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)
   On Error Resume Next
   Do Until IsEmpty(wksData.Cells(1, intColumnWord1))
      Do Until IsEmpty(wksData.Cells(2, intColumnWord2))
         Do Until IsEmpty(wksData.Cells(3, intColumnWord3))
            word1 = wksData.Cells(1, intColumnWord1).Value
            word2 = wksData.Cells(2, intColumnWord2).Value
            word3 = wksData.Cells(3, intColumnWord3).Value
            ActiveSheet.Cells(intDataRow, 1) = word1
            ActiveSheet.Cells(intDataRow, 2) = word2
            ActiveSheet.Cells(intDataRow, 3) = word3
            intDataRow = intDataRow + 1
            intColumnWord3 = intColumnWord3 + 1
         intColumnWord3 = 1
         intColumnWord2 = intColumnWord2 + 1
      intColumnWord3 = 1
      intColumnWord2 = 1
      intColumnWord1 = intColumnWord1 + 1
   Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

If you run the macro SetPermutations3Words with the following data on
the first worksheet:

         A        B        C        D        E
  -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1       my      his      our
2      dog      cat     bird  chicken
3     Spot      Rex  Stanley   George    Oscar

The output will display in the new worksheet as follows:

my	dog	Spot
my	dog	Rex
my	dog	Stanley
my	dog	George
my	dog	Oscar
my	cat	Spot
my	cat	Rex
my	cat	Stanley
my	cat	George
my	cat	Oscar
my	bird	Spot
my	bird	Rex
my	bird	Stanley
my	bird	George
my	bird	Oscar
my	chicken	Spot
my	chicken	Rex
my	chicken	Stanley
my	chicken	George
my	chicken	Oscar
his	dog	Spot
his	dog	Rex
his	dog	Stanley
his	dog	George
his	dog	Oscar
his	cat	Spot
his	cat	Rex
his	cat	Stanley
his	cat	George
his	cat	Oscar
his	bird	Spot
his	bird	Rex
his	bird	Stanley
his	bird	George
his	bird	Oscar
his	chicken	Spot
his	chicken	Rex
his	chicken	Stanley
his	chicken	George
his	chicken	Oscar
our	dog	Spot
our	dog	Rex
our	dog	Stanley
our	dog	George
our	dog	Oscar
our	cat	Spot
our	cat	Rex
our	cat	Stanley
our	cat	George
our	cat	Oscar
our	bird	Spot
our	bird	Rex
our	bird	Stanley
our	bird	George
our	bird	Oscar
our	chicken	Spot
our	chicken	Rex
our	chicken	Stanley
our	chicken	George
our	chicken	Oscar

I am also including SetPermutations4Words, with comments that will
show how to expand this out to any number of word permutations:

Sub SetPermutations4Words()
   Dim wks As Worksheet, wksData As Worksheet
   Dim intColumnWord1 As Integer, intColumnWord2 As Integer
   Dim intColumnWord3 As Integer, intDataRow As Integer
' Define Additional word counters as necessary
   Dim intColumnWord4 As Integer
   Dim strSheet As String
   Dim word1 As String
   Dim word2 As String
   Dim word3 As String
   Dim word4 As String
' Define Additional word strings as well
   Application.ScreenUpdating = False
   Set wksData = ActiveSheet
   intColumnWord1 = 1
   intColumnWord2 = 1
   intColumnWord3 = 1
' Initialize Additional word counters
   intColumnWord4 = 1
   intDataRow = 1
   Worksheets.Add after:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)
   On Error Resume Next
   Do Until IsEmpty(wksData.Cells(1, intColumnWord1))
      Do Until IsEmpty(wksData.Cells(2, intColumnWord2))
         Do Until IsEmpty(wksData.Cells(3, intColumnWord3))
' Insert extra Do Loop for each additional word
            Do Until IsEmpty(wksData.Cells(4, intColumnWord4))
               word1 = wksData.Cells(1, intColumnWord1).Value
               word2 = wksData.Cells(2, intColumnWord2).Value
               word3 = wksData.Cells(3, intColumnWord3).Value
' Set additional word string for each additional word
               word4 = wksData.Cells(4, intColumnWord4).Value
                ActiveSheet.Cells(intDataRow, 1) = word1
                ActiveSheet.Cells(intDataRow, 2) = word2
                ActiveSheet.Cells(intDataRow, 3) = word3
' Set additional cell entry for each additional word
                ActiveSheet.Cells(intDataRow, 4) = word4
                intDataRow = intDataRow + 1
' Change this counter to the last word counter
' For example, for 5 words this would be intColumnWord5
                intColumnWord4 = intColumnWord4 + 1
' Expand each closing counter reset to 1 for each new word
             intColumnWord4 = 1
             intColumnWord3 = intColumnWord3 + 1
         intColumnWord4 = 1
         intColumnWord3 = 1
         intColumnWord2 = intColumnWord2 + 1
      intColumnWord4 = 1
      intColumnWord3 = 1
      intColumnWord2 = 1
      intColumnWord1 = intColumnWord1 + 1
   Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Running SetPermutations4Words on this list:

         A        B        C        D        E
  -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1       my      his      our
2      dog      cat     bird  chicken
3     Spot      Rex  Stanley   George    Oscar
4    Smith Goldberg   Tanaka

Returns the following output:

my	dog	Spot	Smith
my	dog	Spot	Goldberg
my	dog	Spot	Tanaka
my	dog	Rex	Smith
my	dog	Rex	Goldberg
my	dog	Rex	Tanaka
my	dog	Stanley	Smith
my	dog	Stanley	Goldberg
my	dog	Stanley	Tanaka
my	dog	George	Smith
my	dog	George	Goldberg
my	dog	George	Tanaka
my	dog	Oscar	Smith
my	dog	Oscar	Goldberg
my	dog	Oscar	Tanaka
my	cat	Spot	Smith
my	cat	Spot	Goldberg
my	cat	Spot	Tanaka
my	cat	Rex	Smith
my	cat	Rex	Goldberg
my	cat	Rex	Tanaka
my	cat	Stanley	Smith
my	cat	Stanley	Goldberg
my	cat	Stanley	Tanaka
my	cat	George	Smith
my	cat	George	Goldberg
my	cat	George	Tanaka
my	cat	Oscar	Smith
my	cat	Oscar	Goldberg
my	cat	Oscar	Tanaka
my	bird	Spot	Smith
my	bird	Spot	Goldberg
my	bird	Spot	Tanaka
my	bird	Rex	Smith
my	bird	Rex	Goldberg
my	bird	Rex	Tanaka
my	bird	Stanley	Smith
my	bird	Stanley	Goldberg
my	bird	Stanley	Tanaka
my	bird	George	Smith
my	bird	George	Goldberg
my	bird	George	Tanaka
my	bird	Oscar	Smith
my	bird	Oscar	Goldberg
my	bird	Oscar	Tanaka
my	chicken	Spot	Smith
my	chicken	Spot	Goldberg
my	chicken	Spot	Tanaka
my	chicken	Rex	Smith
my	chicken	Rex	Goldberg
my	chicken	Rex	Tanaka
my	chicken	Stanley	Smith
my	chicken	Stanley	Goldberg
my	chicken	Stanley	Tanaka
my	chicken	George	Smith
my	chicken	George	Goldberg
my	chicken	George	Tanaka
my	chicken	Oscar	Smith
my	chicken	Oscar	Goldberg
my	chicken	Oscar	Tanaka
his	dog	Spot	Smith
his	dog	Spot	Goldberg
his	dog	Spot	Tanaka
his	dog	Rex	Smith
his	dog	Rex	Goldberg
his	dog	Rex	Tanaka
his	dog	Stanley	Smith
his	dog	Stanley	Goldberg
his	dog	Stanley	Tanaka
his	dog	George	Smith
his	dog	George	Goldberg
his	dog	George	Tanaka
his	dog	Oscar	Smith
his	dog	Oscar	Goldberg
his	dog	Oscar	Tanaka
his	cat	Spot	Smith
his	cat	Spot	Goldberg
his	cat	Spot	Tanaka
his	cat	Rex	Smith
his	cat	Rex	Goldberg
his	cat	Rex	Tanaka
his	cat	Stanley	Smith
his	cat	Stanley	Goldberg
his	cat	Stanley	Tanaka
his	cat	George	Smith
his	cat	George	Goldberg
his	cat	George	Tanaka
his	cat	Oscar	Smith
his	cat	Oscar	Goldberg
his	cat	Oscar	Tanaka
his	bird	Spot	Smith
his	bird	Spot	Goldberg
his	bird	Spot	Tanaka
his	bird	Rex	Smith
his	bird	Rex	Goldberg
his	bird	Rex	Tanaka
his	bird	Stanley	Smith
his	bird	Stanley	Goldberg
his	bird	Stanley	Tanaka
his	bird	George	Smith
his	bird	George	Goldberg
his	bird	George	Tanaka
his	bird	Oscar	Smith
his	bird	Oscar	Goldberg
his	bird	Oscar	Tanaka
his	chicken	Spot	Smith
his	chicken	Spot	Goldberg
his	chicken	Spot	Tanaka
his	chicken	Rex	Smith
his	chicken	Rex	Goldberg
his	chicken	Rex	Tanaka
his	chicken	Stanley	Smith
his	chicken	Stanley	Goldberg
his	chicken	Stanley	Tanaka
his	chicken	George	Smith
his	chicken	George	Goldberg
his	chicken	George	Tanaka
his	chicken	Oscar	Smith
his	chicken	Oscar	Goldberg
his	chicken	Oscar	Tanaka
our	dog	Spot	Smith
our	dog	Spot	Goldberg
our	dog	Spot	Tanaka
our	dog	Rex	Smith
our	dog	Rex	Goldberg
our	dog	Rex	Tanaka
our	dog	Stanley	Smith
our	dog	Stanley	Goldberg
our	dog	Stanley	Tanaka
our	dog	George	Smith
our	dog	George	Goldberg
our	dog	George	Tanaka
our	dog	Oscar	Smith
our	dog	Oscar	Goldberg
our	dog	Oscar	Tanaka
our	cat	Spot	Smith
our	cat	Spot	Goldberg
our	cat	Spot	Tanaka
our	cat	Rex	Smith
our	cat	Rex	Goldberg
our	cat	Rex	Tanaka
our	cat	Stanley	Smith
our	cat	Stanley	Goldberg
our	cat	Stanley	Tanaka
our	cat	George	Smith
our	cat	George	Goldberg
our	cat	George	Tanaka
our	cat	Oscar	Smith
our	cat	Oscar	Goldberg
our	cat	Oscar	Tanaka
our	bird	Spot	Smith
our	bird	Spot	Goldberg
our	bird	Spot	Tanaka
our	bird	Rex	Smith
our	bird	Rex	Goldberg
our	bird	Rex	Tanaka
our	bird	Stanley	Smith
our	bird	Stanley	Goldberg
our	bird	Stanley	Tanaka
our	bird	George	Smith
our	bird	George	Goldberg
our	bird	George	Tanaka
our	bird	Oscar	Smith
our	bird	Oscar	Goldberg
our	bird	Oscar	Tanaka
our	chicken	Spot	Smith
our	chicken	Spot	Goldberg
our	chicken	Spot	Tanaka
our	chicken	Rex	Smith
our	chicken	Rex	Goldberg
our	chicken	Rex	Tanaka
our	chicken	Stanley	Smith
our	chicken	Stanley	Goldberg
our	chicken	Stanley	Tanaka
our	chicken	George	Smith
our	chicken	George	Goldberg
our	chicken	George	Tanaka
our	chicken	Oscar	Smith
our	chicken	Oscar	Goldberg
our	chicken	Oscar	Tanaka

Request for Answer Clarification by uc1bear-ga on 15 Apr 2004 01:43 PDT
Sounds like this is just what we were looking for, but I'm embarassed
to say I don't immediately know where/how to put the Marco into Excel
or execute it.

I am fairly well versed in Excel, though, so a very quick tutorial
should be fine.  Thanks!  uc

Request for Answer Clarification by uc1bear-ga on 15 Apr 2004 01:47 PDT
One other issue I just noticed... 

Each of our datasets is going to have 1000s of elements in it, as I
mentioned.  Thus, it would seem to be more ideal if we could list them
down columns versus across rows, as you have suggested.

is it possible to "flip" the macro, so we could actually have columns
with the input data, versus rows?  Thanks

Clarification of Answer by hailstorm-ga on 15 Apr 2004 04:14 PDT

Are you saying that each of the sets will be thousands of elements? 
If so, then I'm afraid that an Excel solution will not work.  If each
set contains 1,000 words, then for three sets you will have
1,000,000,000 combinations, and there are only a little more than
4,000,000 cells in an Excel spreadsheet.

I will look into exporting the results to a CSV file instead.

Clarification of Answer by hailstorm-ga on 15 Apr 2004 05:13 PDT

To write a macro into a spreadsheet, open the spreadsheet at press
Alt-F11.  On the left side menu, doubleclick on "ThisWorkbook" to
bring up the code window.  Then paste the entire code into the macro
and save the workbook.

Once you go back to the spreadsheet display, press Alt-F8 to run the macro.

Here is the code for the data in columns instead of rows:

Sub SetPermutations3Words()
   Dim wks As Worksheet, wksData As Worksheet
   Dim intRowWord1 As Integer, intRowWord2 As Integer
   Dim intRowWord3 As Integer, intDataRow As Integer
   Dim strSheet As String
   Dim word1 As String
   Dim word2 As String
   Dim word3 As String
   Application.ScreenUpdating = False
   Set wksData = ActiveSheet
   intRowWord1 = 1
   intRowWord2 = 1
   intRowWord3 = 1
   intDataRow = 1
   Worksheets.Add after:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)
   On Error Resume Next
   Do Until IsEmpty(wksData.Cells(intRowWord1, 1))
      Do Until IsEmpty(wksData.Cells(intRowWord2, 2))
         Do Until IsEmpty(wksData.Cells(intRowWord3, 3))
            word1 = wksData.Cells(intRowWord1, 1).Value
            word2 = wksData.Cells(intRowWord2, 2).Value
            word3 = wksData.Cells(intRowWord3, 3).Value
            ActiveSheet.Cells(intDataRow, 1) = word1
            ActiveSheet.Cells(intDataRow, 2) = word2
            ActiveSheet.Cells(intDataRow, 3) = word3
            intDataRow = intDataRow + 1
            intRowWord3 = intRowWord3 + 1
         intRowWord3 = 1
         intRowWord2 = intRowWord2 + 1
      intRowWord3 = 1
      intRowWord2 = 1
      intRowWord1 = intRowWord1 + 1
   Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

However, as mentioned before this may not work properly with the large
amount you may be looking to create.  Could you please confirm whether
you expect to have thousands of entries per set?

Clarification of Answer by hailstorm-ga on 15 Apr 2004 16:02 PDT

After testing, the previous code does not work for sets that will
result in over 32,767 rows of data.  This revised code will work for
65,536, the maximum number of rows in Excel, or roughly 40 entries per
set for three sets:

Sub SetPermutations3Words()
   Dim wks As Worksheet, wksData As Worksheet
   Dim intRowWord1 As Integer, intRowWord2 As Integer
   Dim intRowWord3 As Integer, intDataRow As Long
   Dim strSheet As String
   Dim word1 As String
   Dim word2 As String
   Dim word3 As String
   Application.ScreenUpdating = False
   Set wksData = ActiveSheet
   intRowWord1 = 1
   intRowWord2 = 1
   intRowWord3 = 1
   intDataRow = 1
   Worksheets.Add after:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)
   On Error Resume Next
   Do Until IsEmpty(wksData.Cells(intRowWord1, 1))
      Do Until IsEmpty(wksData.Cells(intRowWord2, 2))
         Do Until IsEmpty(wksData.Cells(intRowWord3, 3))
            word1 = wksData.Cells(intRowWord1, 1).Value
            word2 = wksData.Cells(intRowWord2, 2).Value
            word3 = wksData.Cells(intRowWord3, 3).Value
            ActiveSheet.Cells(intDataRow, 1) = word1
            ActiveSheet.Cells(intDataRow, 2) = word2
            ActiveSheet.Cells(intDataRow, 3) = word3
            intDataRow = intDataRow + 1
            intRowWord3 = intRowWord3 + 1
         intRowWord3 = 1
         intRowWord2 = intRowWord2 + 1
      intRowWord3 = 1
      intRowWord2 = 1
      intRowWord1 = intRowWord1 + 1
   Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Clarification of Answer by hailstorm-ga on 15 Apr 2004 23:57 PDT

I have modified the code to write the results of all permutations of
the three columns to a text file called "all_results.txt" that will be
located in the same folder as the Excel file:

Sub SetPermutations3Words()
   Dim wks As Worksheet, wksData As Worksheet
   Dim intRowWord1 As Integer, intRowWord2 As Integer
   Dim intRowWord3 As Integer, intDataRow As Long
   Dim strSheet As String
   Dim word1 As String
   Dim word2 As String
   Dim word3 As String
   Application.ScreenUpdating = False
   Set wksData = ActiveSheet
   intRowWord1 = 1
   intRowWord2 = 1
   intRowWord3 = 1
   intDataRow = 1
   Open ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & "all_phrases.txt" For Output As #1
   On Error Resume Next
   Do Until IsEmpty(wksData.Cells(intRowWord1, 1))
      Do Until IsEmpty(wksData.Cells(intRowWord2, 2))
         Do Until IsEmpty(wksData.Cells(intRowWord3, 3))
            word1 = wksData.Cells(intRowWord1, 1).Value
            word2 = wksData.Cells(intRowWord2, 2).Value
            word3 = wksData.Cells(intRowWord3, 3).Value
            Print #1, word1 & " " & word2 & " " & word3 & " "
            intDataRow = intDataRow + 1
            intRowWord3 = intRowWord3 + 1
         intRowWord3 = 1
         intRowWord2 = intRowWord2 + 1
      intRowWord3 = 1
      intRowWord2 = 1
      intRowWord1 = intRowWord1 + 1
   Close #1
End Sub

I have tested this with three columns of 100 words each.  An
approximately 16MB text file with 1,000,000 permutations was created
in about three minutes on my PC.  To do this for three columns of 1000
words each would increase those calculations by a factor of 1000,
meaning that this would take over a day to create a text file between
10 and 30 GB, depending on the size of the words used.  If you are
only doing this once or twice this may suffice for your needs, but if
you will be performing this operation multiple times then we will have
to look at something other than Excel to provide a more efficient

Request for Answer Clarification by uc1bear-ga on 17 Apr 2004 01:07 PDT
creating the macro was a breeze. i tested three small sets (10 terms
each) and it worked great. excellent answer. you do fine work!

one small issue, i wrongfully assumed that if i could use this macro
for two-set permutations as well, but if the third column is empty,
the macro spits out a blank text file.

would a two-setter be a different program? or could the one we're
working with be modified to do two OR three set permutations? either
solution would suffice. i'd be happy to toss in a $5.00 tip for
two-set capability.

Clarification of Answer by hailstorm-ga on 17 Apr 2004 03:21 PDT

I'm glad that you are satisfied with the answer.  As requested, here
is the macro for 2 word permutations, followed by the macro for 4 word
permutations.  Just select the one you wish to run after pressing
Alt-F8 to start the macro.

Sub SetPermutations2Words()
   Dim wks As Worksheet, wksData As Worksheet
   Dim intRowWord1 As Integer, intRowWord2 As Integer
   Dim intDataRow As Long
   Dim strSheet As String
   Dim word1 As String
   Dim word2 As String
   Application.ScreenUpdating = False
   Set wksData = ActiveSheet
   intRowWord1 = 1
   intRowWord2 = 1
   intDataRow = 1
   Open ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & "all_phrases.txt" For Output As #1
   On Error Resume Next
   Do Until IsEmpty(wksData.Cells(intRowWord1, 1))
      Do Until IsEmpty(wksData.Cells(intRowWord2, 2))
         word1 = wksData.Cells(intRowWord1, 1).Value
         word2 = wksData.Cells(intRowWord2, 2).Value
         Print #1, word1 & " " & word2
         intDataRow = intDataRow + 1
         intRowWord2 = intRowWord2 + 1
      intRowWord2 = 1
      intRowWord1 = intRowWord1 + 1
   Close #1
End Sub

Sub SetPermutations4Words()
   Dim wks As Worksheet, wksData As Worksheet
   Dim intRowWord1 As Integer, intRowWord2 As Integer
   Dim intRowWord3 As Integer, intRowWord4 As Integer, intDataRow As Long
   Dim strSheet As String
   Dim word1 As String
   Dim word2 As String
   Dim word3 As String
   Dim word4 As String
   Application.ScreenUpdating = False
   Set wksData = ActiveSheet
   intRowWord1 = 1
   intRowWord2 = 1
   intRowWord3 = 1
   intRowWord4 = 1
   intDataRow = 1
   Open ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & "all_phrases.txt" For Output As #1
   On Error Resume Next
   Do Until IsEmpty(wksData.Cells(intRowWord1, 1))
      Do Until IsEmpty(wksData.Cells(intRowWord2, 2))
         Do Until IsEmpty(wksData.Cells(intRowWord3, 3))
            Do Until IsEmpty(wksData.Cells(intRowWord4, 4))
               word1 = wksData.Cells(intRowWord1, 1).Value
               word2 = wksData.Cells(intRowWord2, 2).Value
               word3 = wksData.Cells(intRowWord3, 3).Value
               word4 = wksData.Cells(intRowWord4, 4).Value
               Print #1, word1 & " " & word2 & " " & word3 & " " & word4
               intDataRow = intDataRow + 1
               intRowWord4 = intRowWord4 + 1
            intRowWord4 = 1
            intRowWord3 = intRowWord3 + 1
         intRowWord4 = 1
         intRowWord3 = 1
         intRowWord2 = intRowWord2 + 1
      intRowWord4 = 1
      intRowWord3 = 1
      intRowWord2 = 1
      intRowWord1 = intRowWord1 + 1
   Close #1
End Sub
uc1bear-ga rated this answer:5 out of 5 stars and gave an additional tip of: $10.00
Hailstorm-ga did a very thorough job, and provided us with a clear,
concise answer that met our needs 100%.  Thank you!

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