Hi pdq2,
I'd like to direct your attention to the disclaimer at the bottom of
this page. I am only able to provide you with information. I am not
a physician or health care provider.
"Answers and comments provided on Google Answers are general
information, and are not intended to substitute for informed
professional medical advice."
I had a tough time finding any negative reports! Your wife seems to
be in the majority of people who have found relief from many health
I've placed my research in the following order. First are the FDA
references I found - there weren't many. Second will be negative
reports - again there weren't many. And lastly, positive reports from
various sources including patients, doctors and the inventor... Dr.
It appears the evidence is overwhelmingly positive. Nevertheless, the
family physician should be consulted for their opinion and advice.
I found a reference to the FDA which was from The OAKTON HEALTH CENTER in Chicago:
Oakton Health Center
Medical Director
4860 W. OAKTON ST.
SKOKIE, IL 60077
What Kind of Energy Does It Generate?
"The PAPIMI device is pending FDA approval under IRB guidelines and
falls under the classification of non-significant risk medical
devises. This new treatment has been in development for over ten years
with more than 300 devises in use worldwide with documented success."
Another reference to the FDA at LifeWorks Wellness Center Pap-imi
"The Papimi is a treatment that we deliver under an FDA research
protocol for the treatment of pain. Not all patients will qualify to
be part of this investigational research. For more information about
PAPIMI please see www.papimi.com
This treatment was developed in Greece by Dr. Papas about ten years
ago. Dr. Papas is a physicist and researcher. The research that is now
underway at LifeWorks Wellness Center, using the Papimi is to
investigate the effectiveness of reducing pain from various causes.
Our experience so far has been very favorable..."
And finally from Google Groups Newsgroups: alt.support.cancer (see
last paragraph for FDA reference)
"As some of you know, I have been talking about the fact that they
cure cancer with magnetic fields, from pulsing equipment and from
static magnets. An advantage is cost, no side effects, and you can
use it with other therapy if you are afraid to interrupt it.
Wm. H., Philpott, M.D. has a new book out, "Magnetic Therapy," and he
devotes a good deal to cancer. His old "Biomagnetic Manual," did not
cover cancer and that was covered in a separate book, which was highly
This new book is very professionally done and the publisher is the
same as publishes the magazine, Alternative Medicine, and various
books regarding various modalities. This one fits in with those, and
this book contains a good deal from those books, and goes beyond
simply giving magnet therapy solutions.
A good deal is devoted to the various causes of cancer. This is
useful not only for avoidance, but also if you remove the causes you
stand to have the therapy you are using have a greater chance for
Treatment for various kinds of cancer are described.
Beyond cancer, the book also deals with a wide variety of (mostly)
degenerative conditions.
I would urge everone reading this forum to become familiar with the
content of this book. Libraries surelyu will get it, and you can
always make a request they get it.
Right now I have a request in to see a book which is not one the
library would want to buy. They are sending it all the way from
Alaska, and it is "The cancer treatment that worked, Fifty years of
suppression," about the Rife Generator.
On that subject, there is a somewhat similar machine being tested in
various locations in the U.S. now, and it is called the Papimi
Machine. You can turn up info on it with your browser.This machine
has already been approved in the European Common Market, Canada, and
Greece, but we have a very strong lobby here protecting the
pharmaceutical industry, and other conventional medical interests.
Cancer is a multi billion dollar business. Jacobson Resonance Ent. is
another co. seeking FDA approval for a pulsing magnetic mach. which is
useful for a variety of conditions, incl. cancer. It is interesting,
that most of the machines work for the same things, and the solid
state magnets have been observed for the same things they do. It
doesn't seem to make much difference, but everyone agrees that per
hour of treatment, the pulsing equipment is faster.
So far only one mach. is fully approved (for treating fractures), and
that was done in 1978, and another the Diapulse mach. is approved for
limited application. This was forced on the FDA by court action.
The FDA does not concern itself about solid state magnets, and
declared that "magnets are not essentially harmful." Many doctors use
them in their practices, and Wm. H. Philpott consults with many of
them, and records results in an FDA approved study."
Negative Reports
Faith Healers with Soldering Guns and other "Junk" Science
Lack of Quality Research
"I have been unable to locate any quality research on the subject. The
lack of quality research suggests to me that the machines do not work.
Therefore, I believe we should approach the topic with great
skepticism. The more effort I have put into researching the matter,
the less likely it seems that any of these systems actually work.
However, some people are reporting interesting results. Take a look at
the current stats, links on the left. Check out also the data posted
(Negative report from Google Groups)
"Sorry Don, my fault entirely. I forgot to mention that he is an associate of
a very good friend who works for ABC in London. He has apparently left
his job as an engineer with ABC to concentrate on this 'product'.
Anyone who spent 20 minutes looking up the objective work on this
subject would walk away from it. Anyone who spent 20 minutes
researching the sales potential would embrace it with open arms, as
long as they had no conscience.
I checked him out within 10 minutes of receiving the call and am happy that he is
'apparently' genuine. I will definitely bring up the safety study idea though.
I can assure you it is absolutely safe, no one has ever been harmed by
a magnet of the strength of these "rare earth" medical devices (about
the same as a fridge magnet if you are interested) or any of the
magical mystery machines. As they do nothing at all how can they be
Here are some descriptions of such devices:-
http://www.spiritual-healer.com/rife-therapy.htm "...Royal R. Rife,
discoverer of the Mortal Oscillatory Rates, for microbes and viruses
according to a Frequency Theory. "
http://www.portalmarket.com/papimi.html "...THE DEVICE WITH NUCLEAR
http://www.webdeb.com/q-machine/research/#bio-mag "...*These
statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug
Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure
or prevent disease. "
http://www.mineralconnection.com/mag2.htm "The external application
of a magnetic field to the human body was found to alleviate the
symptoms of "Magnetic Field Deficiency Syndrome"."
Unfortunately I didn't have to look hard for them - they and hundreds
of other similar scams popped up without much research!"
(Negative Report) PAPIMI Pain/Healing Device
"I am surprised at the concern around the world about AIDS. I read
here that a possible cure was available in 1993, and it came from the
man responsible for the plague of photo processing stores that you
find in every shopping mall. I mean, if someone can figure out how to
get your holiday happy snaps back to you in just an hour, curing
disease must be a simple problem. I will grant it that Dr Frome did
not claim that his machine would cure AIDS, but as it cured cancer the
next step is just a formality. I notice that Dr Frome had friends in
the Nobel Prize business, so I am surprised that I can't see his name
on the list of recipients since 1993. Maybe it was an oversight. Maybe
the liar can't cure cancer or AIDS either."
Positive Reports from Physicians, Patients and Dr. Pappas
Raw Life Digest
From: HFWESSELS@aol.com
Subject: Re: RAW FOOD BULLETIN #20 Prof Kervran
nature@rawfood.com writes:
"Thank you, David Wolfe, for such an interesting trigger point. I went on a
search and found the most amazing healing articles based on Prof. Kervran's
work. For instance:
http://www.papimi.gr/index-5.htm The PAPIMI Cases and Inteviews"
Heide in DC
The PAP Ion Magnetic Inductor
108 Reports On Over One Thousand Cases
"Finally I picked up on Cold Fusion, mainly after the indication that
my PAP-IMI (Ion Magnetic Inductor) triggers biological transmutations.
This is my main subject now, both experimentally and theoretically.
Also, for fun, I am looking to Gold Fusion, too.
I managed to do C to Fe and other elements which I show to
non-believers in a few minutes.
PAP IMI also produces 20% excess heat on the probe alone, not counting
other loses all around which certainly should make this figure more
than 2-3 times bigger. But who cares about heat. It was also producing
water from the beginning which made me to develop a draining system in
it to get rid of it. No doubt it does cold fusion, not so cold..."
[The editor visited Dr. Pappas when he was working with M.D.'s from
UCLA in Santa Monica. ED]
Transcript of interview with Dr. Michael Cargile - Emeritus Chair of
Research for the American Association for Acupuncture and Oriental
"Our research group has been using the PAP-IMI with respective areas
of dimensions of integrated healing because it seems to cross all
lines of physiological, bio-chemical, and electro-chemical phenomena
that pertain to the proper operation of a living cell. The National
Library of Medicine, in report that I generated for the healthcare
task force in 1993, pursuant to declassifying acupuncture and
electro-medicine out of investigational, experimental, and
unscientific status into mainstream understanding with the respect of
modern science. In that report the National Library of Medicine
clearly states that several converging view points from these various
disciplines of science have clearly shown and indicated that the body
is far more than simply a collection of molecules and cells. That in
fact the body is comprised of a set of standing stabilized electro
magnetic oscillations or oscillatory patterns and that these electro
magnetic patterns, the changes in these patterns, occur before any
morphogenesis or pathogenesis that is they precede the morphagenesis
and pathogenesis. The generation of normal..."
My astonishing experience with the PAP-IMI
Kathryn Masters - Darling (Founder, Motherwavework')
"I'm one of those impossible cases who has tried everything. Here's
the Readers Digest version of my story: Got sick with a mysterious
cluster of ailments around the age of 30, nearly 20 years ago.
Exhaustion, fevers, aches and poins, dizziness, dysbiosis and
parasites, candido, female problems, allergic to everything... yaddo
yoddo... now known as Chronic Fatigue Syndromel FibromyolgialMultiple
Chemical Sensitivityl Estrogen Dominance Syndrome etc.
I and everyone around me immediately assumed it was my mind or my
subconscious and I explored all my unfinished business with family,
God and the universe in great detail. In fact I became a successful
therapist as a result of my brilliant discoveries, but continued to
have health challenges year after year.
I tried everything. I mean REALLY everything. I have spent thousands
of dollars and two decades exploring every facet of health solutions
from the most for-out energy work and spiritual healing by renowned
saints, to the straightest ollopothic testing. I've hod surgeries,
osteopathy, homeopathy, chiropractic, acupuncture, (each discipline
Emerging Opportunity: Cancer Electromagnetic Frequency Therapy
Panos T. Pappas BioElectroDynamics (www.papimi.gr)
Athens, Greece
Application Centers Worldwide http://www.papimi.gr/applcntr.htm
"The PAP ion magnetic induction (PAP-IMI) device developed by Dr.
Pappas is an ultra fast, short duration, athermic biopolar magnetic
and induced electric pulse generator. The PAP-IMI device uses pulsed
electromagnetic fields to generate or induce electric pulses inside
biological matter. The website lists case report testimonials for a
wide variety of advanced cancers."
Keyword search:
Papimi machine
PAP-IMI device
Dr. Pappas
PAP-IMI FDA report
PAP-IMI quackery
PAP-IMI problems
PAP-IMI negative reports
PAP-IMI cancer
PAP-IMI chronic fatigue syndrome
PAP-IMI cures
Papimi Magnetic Inductor
Best regards,
tlspiegel |