Dear angelswatching,
It certainly wasn't easy, but I finally managed to find the perfume
oils you are looking for. To show you that those are indeed the
products you have in mind, let me first explain the steps that finally
led me to the right path:
When searching for "Sunshine Marketing" did not lead anywhere, I tried
part of the address as a search term, "1919 Burnside":
Examining the search results, I came across this FAQ on the "Beyond
the Illusion" website:
It mentions the following company:
Soothing Touch Massage Oils
Sunshine Products Group
1919 Burnside Ave
Los Angeles CA 90016
(213) 939-6400
(all natural, 15 oils and 2 lotion formulas, water dispersible oils, animal
cruelty free)
I could not believe that it was mere coincedence that a company of a
name so similar, with products closely related to perfume oils,
existed at the same address as Sunshine Marketing. So I assumed that
those companies were identical, and I was right. Besides, the name
"Soothing Touch" is very similar to "Glowing Touch".
My next step was to search for the "Sunshine Products Group". The
results convinced me that they were the company making the perfume
oils you desire. I found their line of perfume oils, among them
"Arabian Musk", which you can see on this photo:
Research revealed that "Sunshine Products Group" was now located in
Eugene, Oregon, 2545 Prairie Road: Animal Rights - Animal Testing in Cosmetics
There can be no doubt that it is the same company as the one making
the perfume oils, as you will see. I searched for this address on the
Switchboard online telephone directory (
and got the information that the company at that address was "Golden
Temple of Oregon Inc.", phone(541)461-2160.
And I also found the United Northeast website with a maufacturers'
list of natural body products listing "Golden Temple" as the
manufacturer of "Sunshine Products":
Finally, I found this interesting note:
"The following companies are members of the KIIT group: (...) Ancient
Healing Ways Catalog markets and distributes Yogi Tea, Golden Temple
and Sunshine products."
(Source: The Catbird Seat website)
"Ancient Healing Ways" also distribute the Sunshine Products Group items.
So I managed to locate the companies behind the Sunshine perfume oils:
Ancient Healing Ways
39 Shady Lane
Espanola, NM 87532
(800) 359-2940 For retail sales
(505) 747-2860 international
(877) 753-5351 For wholesale
(505) 753-5351 international
Fax: (505) 747-9718
Golden Temple of Oregon
2545 Prairie Drive
Eugene, OR 97402-9700
Phone: (541) 461-2160
Additional sources used:
Kala Massage Company
Network Solutions Whois
Search terms used:
"1919 BURNSIDE "
"Ancient Healing Ways"
"sunshine products group"
"sunshine products" perfume
"sunshine spa" "sunshine products"
"sunshine products group"
"sunshine products group" cosmetics eugene
"Golden Temple" "sunshine products"
Hope this answers your question!
Best regards,
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