Must be in MLA format(name of article, journal info such as month
volume and pg #'s. 1 page long, double spaced. Summary of article(who,
what where when why) points of interest, and usefullness of info (how
i could use this info in the health field. proffesor said to go to
proquest and type in cinahl. i am having trouble doing this. |
Clarification of Question by
19 Apr 2004 15:48 PDT
its not a homework assignment, its extra credit!!!Yu havta at least
put it in MLA format, cause i dont no how!!!!........thanks for yur
Request for Question Clarification by
23 Apr 2004 07:07 PDT
Hi Rottieman,
What school are you at? If you let me know, I can walk you through
this process. You'll have to search CINAHL for an article on your
topic to review for your summary, but I can help you put the citation
in MLA format.
Request for Question Clarification by
23 Apr 2004 11:38 PDT
Rottieman -
Also, if you tell me the microorganism or disease you're researching,
along with some interests you have for it I can suggest some search
terms for you, and maybe even an article that you can get via your
college system. You will have to write the summary for yourself, but I
can help find the article and get the citation into the MLA format for
Think about the following questions:
What is your disease/microorganism? (I would pick something well-known
but not of huge interest - you'll have an easier time picking out one
article on, say, asthma than on AIDS)
What population are you interested in? (women/men? children/adults/the
elderly? minorities?)
What stage of treatment are you interested in? (prevention? diagnosis?
treatment? long-term prognosis?)
What kind of treatment are you interested in? (drug? diet? psychology?
alternative therapies?)
From what perspective are you coming? (nursing? public health?
clinical medicine? drug discovery?)
Why are you interested in this disease?
Request for Question Clarification by
30 Apr 2004 09:04 PDT
Hi Rottieman,
I understand your question was for extra credit. If you've already
had to turn in the assignment (and don't need our help anymore),
please let me know.
Thanks, Librariankt