Dear Kristilch,
Quantitative Methodology in ethnographic research plays a vital
role. It helps in determining
sample size and population definition.For should take at
least 100 cases in a community
based sample for complex multivariate analysis.It determines basic
variables in the
Household.It gives measures of economic resources and socio-economic
composition is also determined by it i.e total no. of adults,total
no. of individuals
and the " dependency ratio".
In the past few years, researchers oriented quantitatively, have
developed ordinal values.
These are scales and indices for key variables even in cases which
otherwise seemed
A specific computer software helps in quantitative research. It`s
useful in:
-Making notes in the field.
-writing up field notes.
-Coding-attaching keywords or tags
-Storage-making organised database
-Search and retreival-locating relevant segments of text
-Data linking-forming categories or networks of information
-Memoing-writing commentaries on data for deep analysis
-Content analysis
-Data display
-Drawing and verification of conclusion
-Theory building-developing explanations of findings,testing
-Graphic mapping-creating diagrams that depict finding
-preparing final reports
The research style involves a mix of qualitative and quantitative
Addl. links:
Qualitative and quantitative research
Hope this helps.
Warm regards,
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