Hello gabe9~
Like many Christian churches, the Catholic Church advocates personal
charity work to help relieve poverty.
Here are some articles that delve further into this subject, and will
provide a wealth of information for your school paper:
? ?Poverty,? The Catholic Encyclopedia: http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/12324a.htm
A thorough look at the Catholic Church?s teachings on poverty.
? ?No More Poverty: What the Catholic Church is Doing,? St. Anthony?s
Messenger: http://www.americancatholic.org/Messenger/Nov2003/Feature2.asp
The Catholic Campaign for Human Development?s participation in ending
poverty, funded primarily by November church collections. The group
focuses on bringing homes, jobs, and child care to the poor, so that
they can eventually be self-sufficient.
? ?Public Misconceptions Persist About Poverty in America,? Salt of
the Earth: http://salt.claretianpubs.org/stats/2003/02/sh0302a.html
The Catholic Campaign for Human Development also actively pursues
educating Americans about the number of poor in the U.S.A.?in hopes of
encouraging them to donate and volunteer for charity. ?Most Americans
believe that between 1 and 5 million people live in poverty in the
United States when the actual number is nearly 33 million,? says the
? ?Explain how the teachings of Christianity and one other religion on
wealth and poverty could help relieve poverty,? CourseWork:
?In 1987, pope John Paul II distributed an encyclical called Social
Concern?Within it were the causes of poverty and there was great
emphasis on the fact that the problems that cause long-term poverty
are problems that are unavoidable. It was noted as saying that all of
the money that is spent carelessly on weapons could effortlessly
provide clothes, food, housing and the opportunities for education and
medical care for the entire current population of the world.
Unfortunately, hazards such as natural disasters occur frequently,
causing short-term poverty in lesser economically developed areas, but
it is felt that it could be dealt with more adequately rather than
tending to ignore things in the hope of them disappearing.?
? ?Notable Quotations from Catholic Social Teaching on the theme of
Poverty,? Catholic Social Teaching:
Useful quotes.
? ?What is the Church?s Social Teaching Saying about Poverty?? See,
for a limited time, Google?s cache of this PDF document:
Church thought and statements about poverty.
? ?Solidarity Rides,? Catholic Campaign for Human Development:
An article about the Catholic-run ?Brake the Cycle? campaign to help end poverty.
? ?The Face of Poverty Today,? Priests For Life:
?The role of the Church in this question or any other must be shaped
by the perspective of the Scriptures as these are read in the Catholic
tradition?The biblical argument runs through both Testaments, as the
draft of the pastoral letter has shown. The prophets, in particular,
specify the theme. In spite of their different styles and
personalities, the prophets converge on a single message: the quality
of Israel's faith will be tested by the character of justice in
Israel's life. For the prophets, the test cases for Israel are
specific: The way widows, orphans and resident aliens are treated
measures the link between faith and justice.?
? ?Breaking the Poverty Trap in Ethiopia,? Relief Web:
The Catholic Church believes in relieving the poor throughout the
world. For example, in Ethiopia, less than one per cent of the
population is Catholic, but the Catholic Church runs the largest
number of schools and healthcare institutions, after the State itself.
? ?Students Learn About Lobbying and a lot more,? LookSmart:
Catholics also believe in encouraging the government to help relieve
poverty, as in this case, where Catholic students lobbied legislators
for a tax credit for the working poor.
? ?Pope John Paul II Statement on Debt Relief,? CRS:
What the Pope had to say about poverty, in September 1999
Catholic teaching about relieving poverty comes directly from the Old
& New Testaments. Here are a few quotes from the Bible, which direct
Catholic teaching:
??The Lord will judge the poor fairly and defend the rights of the
oppressed.? (Isaiah 11: 5)
?The spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has chosen me to bring the good
news to the poor.? (Luke 4:18)
?If you refuse to hear the cry of the poor, your own cry for help will
not be heard.? (Proverbs 21:13)
?Happy are those who are concerned for the poor; the Lord will help them when
they are in trouble.? (Psalms 41:1)
?Then the King will say to the people on his right, ?Come, you that
are blessed by my Father! Come and possess the kingdom which has been
prepared for you ever
since the creation of the world. I was hungry and you fed me, thirsty
and you gave me a drink; I was a stranger and you received me in your
homes, naked and you clothed me; I was sick and you took care of me,
in prison and you visited me.? (Matthew 25: 34-37)
"Catholic Church" "about poverty"
pope "about poverty"
"pope john paul" poverty
://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=%22pope+john+paul%22+poverty&btnG=Search |