The translation from Indonesian to English is:
"I do not understand, I speak very little indonesian language."
To perform quick translations use the following free online tools:
"Kataku? Automatic Translation Demonstration":
This free service enables you to translate English to Indonesian, up to 300 words.
PLEASE NOTE: Indonesian to English translation is currently under development.
I've tested this service by translating the first paragraph in
Indonesian to English of the following page (in this page we have the
two versions and you can verify the result) and I can say you that the
Indonesian to English works very well (only have little problems with
the tenses - sometimes changes past and present), the English to
Indonesian works but needs some improves as the service provider
The test page is:
"Terjemahan Tidak Resmi Lisensi Publik Umum GNU (Unofficial GNU
General Public License Translation)":
Here is the result of the Indonesian to English translation:
"This was the unofficial translation from the GNU Licence of the
Public's public (GNU General Public License) in Indonesian. This
translation was not published by Free Software Foundation (FSF, the
Free Foundation of Software), as well as did not state legally the
provisions from software that made use of GNU GPL -- only the version
official English that had the strength of the law.
However, was hoped by us that this translation will help that spoke
Indonesia understood GNU GPL better."
Compare it with the English version of the above paragraph (note that
they are not exactly the same statement in two different languages,
but it helps to check the quality of the translation):
"This is an unofficial translation of the GNU General Public License
into Indonesian. It was not published by the Free Software Foundation,
and does not legally state the distribution terms for software that
uses the GNU GPL--only the original English text of the GNU GPL does
that. However, we hope that this translation will help Indonesian
speakers understand the GNU GPL better."
You can perform your own test by completing the following quiz (try to
use the Indonesian to English tool preferably):
"Transparent Language - Indonesian Test":
You can use as additional tool the "Indonesian English Dictionary"
from Webster's Online Dictionary, The Rosetta Edition?:
To find an Indonesian word and see its English mean use the search box
at the top of the page with "Indonesian" checked.
I hope this helps you. If you need any clarification, feel free to
request for it by using the clarification feature.
Best regards.
livioflores-ga |