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Pre-Israel Palestine: sovereignty, boundaries, governments
Category: Reference, Education and News Asked by: carmi604-ga List Price: $4.00 |
25 Jun 2002 23:51 PDT
Expires: 25 Jul 2002 23:51 PDT Question ID: 33367 |
I am often confused by Palestinians' outrage over Israel forcefully taking over t h e i r their country in 1948(?) for creating its own state instead. Looking for references I couldn't find a sovereign, distinctive nation/country called Palestine before 1948. Where should I look for maps, government, and how was Palestine - if at all - different from the surrounding Arab countries, what were/are it's unique national character that set them apart from Jordan, Syria? |
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Re: Pre-Israel Palestine: sovereignty, boundaries, governments
Answered By: voyager-ga on 26 Jun 2002 04:12 PDT Rated: ![]() |
Hi! This is an interesting question because I wanted to research the origins of the problem myself for some time but never got around to it before. The United Nations have quite a few pages on it. You might want to check out "The Origins and evolution of the Palestine Problem 1917-1988" ( http://www.un.org/Depts/dpa/qpal/dpr/DPR_pp_1.htm ). The difficulties of finding much info about the pre 1948 situation is probably directly related with Palestine already being an "occupied" territory since WW I (British Mandate). This resulted (as many other territorial problems causing war today) in the European nations struggle over outside territory. Palestine played a major role in these struggles as it is home to holy places of three world religions. The struggle began, when the Ottoman Empire disintegrated. Different nations tried to lay claim on the Palestine territory and plans were drawn up on how to split it (the details of which you can find in the above mentioned source). The European nations however recognized the reality of the people living there demanding an Arab state on this territory and agreed with this demand. Assurances were made on several occasions (especially when the Allies needed the support of the local leaders to counter Germany's interests in the area). At the same time the British government gave Zionist leaders assurances to parts of Palestine, too. British delegations stated in later conferences that Palestine had not been included in the assurances given to Arab leaders for independent Arab nations. The British also disregarded the principles drawn up in earlier agreements with other nations that the people inhabiting a territory should also decide about its government. The definition of the term Palestinian is pretty difficult, too. There are people who claim that there was no Palestinian identity before the British Mandate artificially created one. Cultural similarities at least between the people of Jordan and the Palestinians of that time were pretty slim according to the sources I was able to locate. Read e.g. this list of quotes in The Palestinian Identity ( http://www.netreach.net/~zoa/newsLinks/shockers/m100.htm ). Most sources I encountered in my search are highly political and contain little fact. This is after all still a highly sensitive subject. Summing up the facts: Palestine wasn't a distinct nation before 1948. It existed as a territory under British Mandate. Before that it belonged to the Ottoman Empire. The "Palestinians" are made up of the people living there before the Zionists arrived. As for their differences in culture to the other Arab nations in the region I couldnt find much. Keep in mind that Palestine was for a long time part of other empires that also included what now is Syria, Jordan, Iraq, etc. This also answers your question about a government: Palestine was ruled by the governments of the Ottoman Empire and the British Empire in recent times. There is a history of semi-organized resistance to the rulers but nothing that you could compare to a government (even one in exile or hiding). I hope this is what you wanted - feel free to ask for clarification if I have been to vague. I saw that orbitalelements comment already answered most of the question. I lost my connection to the net and couldnt dial in anymore for a while to extend my lock in it. I thought though that my answer provides additional information so I posted it as an answer anyways. Sorry for that! Additional Resources: Another good place to look for a brief history of the region with a wider focus is located at the "A history of Palestine" page ( http://www.palestinehistory.com/palst.htm ). It deals with the region's long history of occupation by different nations. At "History of Israel and Palestine in very easy to understand maps" ( http://www.masada2000.org/historical.html ) you'll find maps of the region from before the foundation of Israel. The page "Quick timeline 1900-2000" ( http://www.palestinehistory.com/qtime.htm ) also uses maps to document what happened. A more extensive chronology can be found at "History of the Nakba" ( http://www.alnakba.org/chronology/chronology.htm ). Review of Khalidi's studies http://ist-socrates.berkeley.edu/~mescha/bookrev/khalidi.html Amazon.com's listing of "Palestinian Identity" by Rashid Khalidi http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0231105150/qid=1025089791/sr=2-3/ref=sr_2_3/002-1089585-3906427 Palestinians: The Making of a People (Review) By Baruch Kimmerling and Joel S. Migdal New York: Free Press, 1993. 396 pp. $29.95 http://www.danielpipes.org/reviews/199304.shtml Amazon.com's listing of Palestinians: The Making of a People http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0029173213/qid=1025089891/sr=1-1/ref=sr_1_1/002-1089585-3906427 www.dictionary.coms list of dictionary entries on Palestine http://www.dictionary.com/search?q=palestine&db=%2A Search Strategy: "history of Palestine" map ://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&q=%22history+of+palestine%22+map Palestinian definition ://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&q=Palestinian+definition | |
rated this answer:![]() Thank you , it makes things clearer, and I shall certainly explore all those links. I think there is a lot of obscurity about the question and the everyday media does not help, words are used that only further confuse viewers. In the course of my work I meet young people from all over and my impression is that they think Palestine should be r e s t o r e d to what it used to be, an independent and unique country. Also - regarding those (Jewish)Israelis whose grandfathers actually live under the Ottoman rule, would they also be internationally recognized as Palestinians ? Following your explanations - if the whole Turkish Ottoman area was called Palestine, wouldn't those Israelis whose grandfathers actually lived under the Turks be "entitled" to refer to themselves as Palestinians, too? |
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Re: Pre-Israel Palestine: sovereignty, boundaries, governments
From: orbitalelement-ga on 26 Jun 2002 02:33 PDT |
I guess that this is something of a political minefield, but as they say, fools rush in... As far as I understand things, Palestine was a territory of the Turkish Ottoman Empire but, following the end of the First World War, the League of Nations (in a 1922 resolution) allowed Britain to govern the territory under the so-called "Palestine Mandate" (see, for example http://www.mideastweb.org/Mandate.htm which has a good summary). The Mandate arose out of a declaration in 1917 by the then British Foreign Minister, Arthur Balfour, which declared "sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations" and stated that "His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine...". Therein, I suppose, lies the root of the ongoing conflicts in that troubled region. See also: www.un.org/Depts/dpa/ngo/history.html www.mideastweb.org/BriefHistory.htm http://www.globalexchange.org/tours/profile/palestine/history.html Google search terms used: 1) palestine mandate 2) palestine history turkish empire [Note: Recognising the politics of the region, I make no assertion as to the impartiality or accuracy of any of the sites referenced. I have, however, tried to find sites that do not take sides but try and present the history impartially. It wasn't easy!] |
Re: Pre-Israel Palestine: sovereignty, boundaries, governments
From: carmi604-ga on 26 Jun 2002 05:38 PDT |
Thank you, it certainly helps to clarify this obscure situation. I have experienced how people from all over - expecially young people - believe Palestine should be r e s t o r e d to what it used to be, independent and unique among its neighbors. |
Re: Pre-Israel Palestine: sovereignty, boundaries, governments
From: mwalcoff-ga on 26 Jun 2002 08:06 PDT |
Carmi, You are hardly the first person to be confused about all this. Recently I was watching the NBC Nightly News, and the reporter in Jerusalem said that before 1967, one side of the street was Israel and the other side was "Palestine." Of course, there was no political entity called "Palestine" in 1967. The other side of the street was actually shown on maps as part of Jordan. The kingdom of Transjordan had occupied the West Bank in 1948 and annexed it in a move not recognized by most other countries. Transjordan (beyond the Jordan) shortened its name to reflect its claim over the West Bank. The West Bank and Gaza Strip were to be part of an independent Palestinian Arab state under the UN's 1947 partition plan, but the Arabs rejected the plan. After the 1948 Israeli War of Independence, most of the wouldbe Palestinian Arab state was in the hands of Jordan (West Bank) and Egypt (Gaza Strip). Because of the uncertain political status of those territories when Israel occupied them in 1967, the Israeli government refers to them as "disputed" rather than "occupied." The concept of an Israeli-Palestinian dispute rather than an Israeli-Arab dispute dates to the 1967 Six Day War. In the 1940s, Jews would be as likely to refer to "Palestine" as Arabs. The Jerusalem Post used to be The Palestine Post, and there was a "Palestinian" soccer team that consisted entirely of members of the Jewish community. Before 1967, the Arab world focused on the unity of the "Arab nation." This philosophy reached its apex in the 1960s with the unification of Egypt and Syria under Gamel Nasser and the placement of Jordanian troops under Egyptian command. After 1967, the "moderate" Arab countries gradually resigned themselves to Israel's existance and began to focus instead on returning the West Bank and Gaza to Arab rule. "Palestinians" came to be shorthand for the Arab population of those territories, although it took quite some time for Israelis to reconcile themselves to the definition. Many Israelis still fear that the Arab world will not be satisfied with a Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza. Indeed, the Palestine Liberation Organization's logo still shows all the land in Israel proper, and many maps in the Arab world still label all of Israel as "Palestine." Recently, many Arab citizens of Israel have begun referring to themselves as "Palestinians in Israel" rather than "Arab Israelis." |
Re: Pre-Israel Palestine: sovereignty, boundaries, governments
From: tunghoy-ga on 25 Sep 2002 13:02 PDT |
Never in the history of the world was there ever an independent country called Palestine, so there is nothing to "be restored." Territories controlled by the Ottomans and the British were not countries; they were territories, without any central or governing body. Seeing an area on a map with a "Palestine" label does not mean it was a country. Moreover, the only independent countries in what is now Israel have been Jewish: the ancient kingdoms of Israel, Judaea and Samaria. Only Jewish countries or kingdoms have had Jerusalem as their capital. No non-Jewish country has ever had a capital in Jerusalem. Regarding calls for a Palestinian state: they did not begin until after Israel gained control of the West Bank and Gaza Strip in 1967. Before 1967, Egypt controlled the Gaza Strip and Jordan controlled the West Bank. This also shows a oft-repeated untruth told by Palestinians and their apologists -- that terrorism today is a result of Israeli "occupation" of these areas. In fact, Arab terror against Jews predates the 1967 war by approximately 50 years. |
Re: Pre-Israel Palestine: sovereignty, boundaries, governments
From: blackjack23-ga on 28 Oct 2002 19:34 PST |
This is a somewhat loaded question, because the idea of nation-states is a fairly new one and does not correspond directly to ethnic or cultural identity. To illustrate, there were no sovreign, distinct nations called "Germany" or "Italy" until the last 150 years, but their were certainly people who would have identified as "German" or "Italian", if for no other reason than the language they spoke. Moreover, for a large portion of the history of the world, most peoples lived under the dominion of foreign powers or empires, so distinctions between nations were often simple matters of geography or administrative convenience. Indeed, since transporting large populations was a common means of maintaining imperial dominion (as in the case of the Babylonian exile), a "nation", historically, is better defined on cultural and ethnic terms than by drawing borders. So, while there has never been an independant STATE called Palestine, the physical REGION has been called Palestine for quite some time. While the word is derived from the name of the Philistines, who lived primarily south of what is modern Israel, the Romans refered to the entire region as "Palestina". The various Muslim empires which ruled the area for 1300 years called it "Filastin", and its inhabitants "Filastini", the same Arabic words today translated as "Palestine" and "Palestinian". Incidentally, Jews living in the region under Ottoman rule wer, indeed, refered to as "Palestinian Jews". To say that no nation of ever Palestine existed is disingenuous. No nations of Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, etc. existed prior to the breakup of the Ottoman empire either. The area that makes up modern Israel and the Occupied Territories has, historically, gone by many names, and was rarely a single nation. Only at the greatest extent of the Solomonic kingdom, which lasted only a few decades, did it include the entirety of modern Israel (plus good bits of modern Jordan, Syria, and even Iraq). Modern Israel includes parts of lands which have been variously called Canaan, Philistia, Edom, Egypt, Phoenicia, Judah, Israel, Judea, Palestina, Judema, Samaria, Galilee and Filastin. Gaza, for instance, was NEVER a part of the Davidic/Solominic kingdom, nor the divided kingdoms of Judah and Israel. It was part of Philistia until the Philistines fell to the Assyrians, and was administered seperately from Judea under the Romans. So what you had, with the fall of the Ottomans, was a region which had been called "Palestine" (or some linguistic variant) for about 2000 years, and a people, primarily Arab muslims, but also decendants of indigenous peoples, who had been living there for 1300 years and calling themselves "Palestinians" (or some linguistic variant). Like most peoples of the Middle East, these people had not had a nation of their own in thousands of years, but unlike the other peoples of the Middle East, the European powers did not allow them to form one. At the same time, a growing population of immigrants, culturally and religiously distinct, were beginning to assert tremendous political and economic power in the area, so much so that when the European powers eventually chose to allow the people of the region to form a state, there were now two distinct populations with very different ideas about how this should be done. |
Re: Pre-Israel Palestine: sovereignty, boundaries, governments
From: shibl-ga on 30 Jun 2003 12:43 PDT |
There is no state in history called New York. There is certainly such a thing as a New Yorker. If for some reason New York residents had their land confiscated and were told to go to Ohio, I think they might be upset. |
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