Hello damv-ga,
Here's the list, culled from a number of sources (identified at the
end of this document).
As I mentioned earlier, I have complete listings for most of the
wineries, partial listings for some, and in a few cases, only the
mention of a town or general area, along with the winery name. The
vineyards are grouped by geographic region within Hunter Valley. You
asked for just email addresses and phone numbers, but I included
mailing address information, too, when that was available.
Before rating this answer, please let me know if anything here is
unclear, or if you need additional information. Just post a Request
for Clarification, and I'll be happy to assist you further.
Fairview Wines
422 Elderslie Road
Branxton 2335
NSW Austra
Ph: 02 49381116
Fax: 49381116
Wyndham Estate
Dalwood Rd.
Dalwood, NSW 2335
Phone: 1 (800) 677-366 or (61) 2 4938 3444
Fax: (61) 2 4938 3422
E-mail: georgewyndham@orlando.com.au
Cockfighter's Ghost
Milbrodale Rd.
Broke NSW 2333
Phone: (61) 2 9667 1622 Fax: (61) 2 9667 1442
E-mail: info@harbridgewines.com.au
Elsmore?s Caprera Grove
Bindy and Chris Elsmore
657 Milbrodale Road
Broke NSW 2330
Ph: +61-265 791344
Fax: +61-265 791355
Krinklewood Vineyard
Suzanne & Rod Windrim
712 Wollombi Road
Broke NSW 2330
Ph: (+61 2) 6579 1322
Fx: (+61 2) 9968 3435
Mount Broke Wines
Adams Peak Road
PO Box 108,
Broke NSW 2330
Phone/Fax 02 6579 1314
Nightingale Wines
1239 Milbrodale Road
Ph: 02 6579 1499
Fax: 02 4965 8666
Allandale Winery
Lovedale Road
Lovedale NSW 2321
Tel +61 2 4990 4526
Fax +61 2 4990 1714
Apthorpe Estate
Lot 1073
Lovedale Road
Lovedale NSW 2321
Telephone: 02 4930 9177
Fax: 02 4930 9188
E-mail: apthorpes@bigpond.com
Capercaillie Wine Company & Gallery
Londons Road
Lovedale, NSW 2325
Phone : (02) 4990 2904
Fax : (02) 4991 1886
E-mail : capercaillie@hunterlink.net.au
Emmas Cottage Vineyard Lovedale
Lovedale Road
Lovedale NSW 2321
ph 02 4930 7113
fax: 02 4930 7114
Lot 1, Wilderness Road
Rothbury, NSW 2320
Phone: 02-4930 9070
Fax: 02-4930 7679
Mobile: 0427 307 679
E-mail: monahanestate@hunterlink.net.au
Sandalyn Estate
Wildnerness Road
Lovedale NSW 2320
(61 2) 4930 7611
Sovereign Hill Country Lodge & Vineyard
Lot 34 Taiga Road
Lovedale NSW 2320
PH (02) 4930 7755
FAX (02) 4930 7715
Wandin Valley Estate
Wilderness Road
Lovedale Hunter Valley NSW 2320
Telephone: 61-2-49307317
Fax: 61-2-49307814
Warraroong Estate
Wildnerness Road
Hunter Valley NSW 2321
PH 612 4930 7594
FAX 612 4930 7199
Briar Ridge Vineyard
Mt View Road
Mt View via Cessnock
PO Box 148
Telephone +61 2 4990 3670
Fax +61 2 4990 7802
E-mail: indulge@briarridge.com.au
Millbrook Estate
Lot 18/19 Mount View Road
Millfield. NSW. 2325
Phone/Fax: +61 (02) 4998 1155
Proprietors: Elsie & John Lyons
Millfield Wines
Telephone (02) 4998 1571
Facsimile; (02) 4998 0172
Briar Ridge Vineyard
PO Box 148
Cessnock, NSW 2325
Phone: (61) 2 4990 3670
Fax: (61) 2 4990 7802
E-mail: indulge@briarridge.com.au
Mount View Estate
PO Box 220
Cessnock, NSW 2325
Phone: (61) 2 4990 3307
Fax: (61) 2 4991 1289
E-mail: mountviewestate@bigpond.com
Petersons Wines
Mount View Road
Mount View, NSW 2325
Phone: (61) 2 4990 1704
Fax: (61) 2 4991 1344
Tallavera Grove Vineyard Mount View
Arrowfield Wines
Denman Road
Jerrys Plains NSW 2330
Phone: (02) 6576 4041
Fax: (02) 6576 4144
Audrey Wilkinson
Oakdale, DeBeyers Road
Pokolbin, NSW 2320
Phone: (61) 2 4998 7411
Fax: (61) 2 4998 7303
E-mail: wines@audreywilkinson.com.au
Ballabourneen Wine Pty Ltd Pokolbin / Rothbury
Batchelors Terrace Vale Wines
Deasey Road
Pokolbin NSW 2320
PH: +61 2 4998 7517
Fax: +61 2 4998 7814
Bellona Estate Pokolbin / Rothbury
Bimbadgen Estate
Lot 21 McDonald's Rd.
Pokolbin, NSW 2321
Phone: (61) 2 4998 7585
Fax: (61) 2 4998 7732
E-mail: office@bimbadgen.com.au
Blueberry Hill Vineyard
Cnr McDonalds & Coulson Roads
Pokolbin, Hunter Valley NSW 2320
Phone: (02) 4998 7295
Fax: (02) 4998 7296
Mobile: 0412 648 033
Email: wine@blueberryhill.com.au
Meerea Park
Broke Road
Pokolbin, NSW 2321
Phone: (61) 2 4998 7474
Fax: (61) 2 4998 7974
E-mail: meereapark@hunterlink.net.au
Brokenwood Wines
McDonalds Rd.
Pokolbin, NSW 2320
Phone: (61) 2 4998 7559
Fax: (61) 2 4998 7893
E-mail: graveyard@brokenwood.com.au
Calais Estate
Lot 2 Palmers Lane
Pokolbin, NSW 2320
Phone: (61) 2 4998 7654
Fax: (61) 2 4998 7813
E-mail: calaisestate@bigpond.com.au
Carindale Wines
Palmer's Ln.,
Pokolbin, NSW 2321
Phone: (61) 2 4998 7665
Fax: (61) 2 4998 7665
E-mail: sales@carindalewines.com.au
Constable & Hershon Wines
1 Gillards Rd.
Pokolbin , NSW 2320
Phone/Fax: (61) 2 4998 7887
E-mail: lorena@constablehershonwines.com.au
De Bortoli Wines
PO Box 21
Bilbul, NSW 2680
Phone: (61) 2 6964 9444
Fax: (61) 2 6964 9400
E-mail: dbw@debortoli.com.au
De Iuliis Vineyards
1 Lovedale Rd.
Keinbah NSW
PO Box 20, Waratah NSW 2298
Phone: (61) 2 4967 6511
Fax: (61) 2 4968 8192
E-mail: Jossde@wareng.com.au
Drayton's Family Wines
Oakey Creek Rd.
Pokolbin, NSW 2321
Phone: (61) 2 4998 7513
Fax: (61) 2 4998 7743
E-mail: mattd@hunterlink.net.au
Evans Family Wines Pokolbin / Rothbury
First Creek Winery
P. O Box 387
Cessnock 2325
Mc Donalds Rd
Pokolbin, Hunter Valley, N.S.W.
Ph: (02) 49987293
Fax: (02) 49987294
Gabriel's Paddocks
Deaseys Rd.
Pokolbin, NSW 2320
Mobile Phone: 0403 199 707
Fax: (61) 2 4998 7603
E-mail: gabrielspaddocks@hunterlink.net.au
Golden Grape Estate
Oakey Creek Road
Pokolbin, NSW 2321
Phone: (61) 2 4998 7588
Fax: (61) 2 4998 7730
E-mail: gge@nobbys.net.au
Hermitage Road Cellars
Pokolbin, NSW 2320
Phone: (61) 2 4998 7777
Fax: (61) 2 4998 7787
E-mail: resort@huntervalley.com.au
Honeytree Estate Wines
16 Gillards Rd.
Pokolbin, NSW 2321
Phone/Fax: (61) 2 4998 7693
E-mail: honeytree@bigpond.com
Hungerford Hill Wines
1 Broke Road
Pokolbin, NSW 2320
Phone: (61) 2 4998 7666
Fax: (61) 2 4998 7375
Toll Free: 1 800 187 666
E-mail: wines@hungerfordhill.com.au
Hunter Cellars Pokolbin / Rothbury
Iron Gate Estate
Oakey Creek Road
Pokolbin NSW 2320
PH 02 4998 6570
Fax 02 4998 6571
Ivanhoe Wines
Marrowbone Rd.
Pokolbin, NSW 2320
Phone: (61) 2 4998 7325
Fax: (61) 2 4998 7848
E-mail: ivanhoewines@bigpond.com
J.Y.T. Wine Co.
Bebeyers Rd.
Pokolbin, NSW 2320
Phone: (61) 2 4998 7528
Fax: (61) 2 4998 7370
Kevin Sobels Wines
Broke Rd.
NSW 2320
Phone: (61) 2 4998 7766
Fax: (61) 2 4998 7475
E-mail: sobels@ozemail.com.au
Kelman Vineyard
Oakey Creek Rd & Mount View Rd.
Phone: (61) 2 4991 5456
Fax: (61) 2 9904 8188
Lot 101, Broke Road
Pokolbin, NSW 2320
Phone: (61) 2 4998 7358
Fax: (61) 2 9898 0200
E-mail: ross@kulkunbulla.com.au
Lake's Folly
Broke Rd.
Pokolbin, NSW 2320
Phone: (61) 2 4998 7507
Fax: (61) 2 4998 7322
E-mail: folly@ozemail.com.au
McDonalds Road
Pokolbin, New South Wales 2320
Littles Winery
Lot 3 Palmer's Ln.
Pokolbin, NSW 2320
Phone: (61) 2 4998 7626
Fax: (61) 2 4998 7867
E-mail: info@littleswinery.com
Lowe Family Wine Company
PO Box 207
Maitland, NSW 2320
Phone: (61) 2 6372 0800
Fax: (61) 2 4930 0233
E-mail: lowewine@iniaccess.net.au
Madigan Vineyard Pokolbin / Rothbury
McGuigan Wines
PO Box 6727
Parramatta, NSW 2150
Phone: (61) 2 9630 7565
Fax: (61) 2 9683 1806
E-mail: mcguigan.syd@bigpond.com
McWilliam's Wines
68 Anzac St.
Chullora, NSW 2190
Phone: (61) 2 9722 1200
Fax: (61) 2 9707 4408
McLeish Estate Wines
Lot 3 De Beyers Road
Pokolbin, NSW 2320
Phone/Fax: (02) 4998 7754
Maling Family Estate
Waverley-Honour, Palmers Lane
Pokolbin, NSW 2320
Phone: (61) 2 4998 7953
Fax: (61) 2 4998 7952
E-mail: agedwine@wineloverslane.com.au
Margan Family
1238 Milbrodale Road
Broke, NSW 2330
Phone/Fax: (61) 2 6579 1317
E-mail: marganfw@hunterlink.net.au
Marsh Estate
Deaseys Rd.
Pokolbin, NSW 2321
Phone: (61) 2 4998 7587
Fax: (61) 2 4998 7884
Moorebank Estate
Palmers Ln.
Pokolbin, NSW 2320
Phone: (61) 2 4998 7610
Fax: (61) 2 4998 7367
E-mail: moorebank@ozemail.com.au
Oakvale Winery
Broke Rd.
Pokolbin, NSW 2330
Phone: (800) 005 550 or (61) 2 4998 7520
Fax: (61) 2 4998 7747
E-mail: info@oakvalewines.com.au
One Broke Road Pokolbin / Rothbury
Peacock Hill Vineyard
Branxton Rd. & Palmers Ln.
Pokolbin, NSW 2320
Phone/Fax: (61) 2 4998 7661
E-mail: peacockhillwines@hunterlink.net.au
Pendarves Estate
110 Old North Road
Belford, NSW 2335
Phone: (61) 2 6574 7222
Fax: (61) 2 9970 6152
E-mail: winedoc@sneaker.net.au
Pepper Tree Wines
Halls Road
Pokolbin, NSW 2321
Phone: (61) 2 4998 7539
Fax: (61) 2 4998 7746
E-mail: ptwinery@peppertreewines.com.au
Peterson Champagne House
Broke & Branxton Rds.
Cessnock, NSW 2325
Phone: (61) 2 4998 7881
Fax: (61) 2 4998 7882
E-mail: bubbles@petersonhouse.com.au
Piggs Peake
697 Hermitage Rd.
Pokolbin, NSW 2335
Phone: (61) 2 6574 7000
Fax: (61) 2 6574 7070
E-mail: wine@piggspeake.com
Pokolbin Estate Vineyard
McDonalds Rd
Pokolbin NSW
Phone: (61) 2 4998 7765
Toll Free: 1800 074 477
Fax: 1800 074 488
E-mail: wineyd@netaus.net.au
Poole's Rock Vineyard
Lot 41 Wollombi Road
Broke, NSW 2330
Phone: (61) 2 9667 1622
Fax: (61) 2 9667 1442
E-mail: info@harbridgewines.com.au
Reg Drayton Wines
McDonalds & Pokolbin Mountain Rds.
Pokolbin, 2321
Phone/Fax: (61) 2 4998 7523
E-mail: wines@regdraytonwines.com.au
Rothbury Estate
Broke Rd.
Phone: (61) 4 998 7555
Rothbury Ridge
Lot 171 Talga Rd.
Phone: (61) 2 4930 7122
Rothvale Vineyard & Winery
Deasys Rd.
Pokolbin, NSW 2320
Phone/Fax: (61) 2 4998 7290
E-mail: RothvaleHunterHabit@bigpond.com
Saddlers Creek Wines
Marrowbone Road
Pokolbin, Hunter Valley NSW
Phone: (61) 2 9979 6422
Fax: (61) 2 9999 0294
E-mail: info@saddlerscreekwines.com.au
Sandalyn Wilderness Estate
Wilderness Rd.
Lovedale , NSW 2320
Phone/Fax: (61) 2 4930 7611
E-mail: sandalyn@hunterlink.net.au
Scarborough Wine Co.
Gillards Rd.
Pokolbin, NSW 2320
Phone: (61) 2 4998 7563
Fax: (61) 2 4998 7786
E-mail: sales@scarboroughwine.com.au
Serenella Estate
Hermitage Road
Pokolbin, NSW 2320
Phone: (61) 2 4998 7992
Fax: (61) 2 4998 7993
E-mail: indulge@serenella.com.au
Small Winemakers Centre
McDonalds Road
Pokolbin, NSW 2321
Fax: (61) 2 4998 7430
McDonalds Rd.
Pokolbin, NSW 2321
Phone: (61) 2 4998 7570
Fax: (61) 2 4998 7763
E-mail: sales@tamburlaine.com.au
Thalgara Estate
DeBeyers Rd.
Pokolbin, NSW 2320
Phone: (61) 2 4998 7717
Fax: (61) 2 4998 7774
Tinkler's Vineyard
Pokolbin Mountains Rd.
Pokolbin, NSW 2546
Phone: (61) 2 4998 7435
Fax: (61) 2 4998 7529
Tintilla Estate
725 Hermitage Rd.
Pokolbin, NSW 2335
Phone: (61) 2 6574 7093
Fax: (61) 2 6574 7094
E-mail: info@tintilla.com
Tower Estate
Corner Broke & Halls Road
Pokolbin, NSW 2320
Phone: (61) 2 4998 7989
Fax: (61) 2 4998 7919
E-mail: sales@towerestate.com
Tulloch Winery
Glen Elgin Estate, De Beyers Rd.
Pokolbin, Hunter Valley, NSW 2320
Phone: (61) 2 4998 7503
Fax: (61) 2 4998 7682
Tyrell's Vineyards
Broke Rd.
Pokolbin, NSW 2320
Phone: (61) 2 4993 7000
Fax: (61) 2 4998 7723
E-mail: desktop@tyrrells.com.au
Veron Cellars Pokolbin / Rothbury
Vinden Estate Wines
17 Gillards Rd.
Pokolbin, NSW 2321
Phone: (61) 2 4998 7410
Fax: (61) 2 4998 7421
DeBeyers Rd.
Pokolbin, NSW 2321
Phone/Fax: (61) 2 4998 7648
E-mail: pottersinn@email.com
Windsors Edge Vineyard
McDonalds Rd.
Pokolbin, NSW 2320
Phone/Fax: (61) 2 4998 7737
E-mail: windsorsedge@ozemail.com.au
Wright Family Wines Pokolbin / Rothbury
Arrowfield Wines
Unit 8, 61-67 O'Riordan St.
Alexandria, NSW 2015
Phone: (61) 2 9669 1666
Fax: (61) 2 9669 6366
Cruickshank Callatoota Estate
2656 Wybong Rd.
Wybong, NSW 2333
Phone: (61) 2 6547 8149
Fax: (61) 2 6547 8144
E-mail: johnc@nobbys.net.au
James Estate Winery
951 Rylestone Rd.
Sandy Hollow, NSW
Phone: (61) 2 6547 5168
Fax: (61) 2 6547 5164
E-mail: info@jamesestatewines.com.au
Rosemount Estate
18 Herbert St.
Artarmon, NSW 2064
Phone: (61) 2 9902 2100
Fax: (61) 2 9902 2199
E-mail: shawnl@rosemountwines.com
Verona Vineyard
Small Winemakers Centre
McDonalds Rd.
Pokolbin, NSW 2321
Phone: (61) 2 4998 7668
Fax: (61) 2 4998 7430
E-mail: poolside@hunterlink.net.au
Undercliff Winery
Yango Creek Rd.
Wollombi, NSW 2325
Phone/Fax: (61) 2 4998 3322
E-mail: finewines@undercliff.com.au
Stonehurst/Cedar Creek
Cedar Creek Cottages
Wollombi Road
Ph: +61-2-4998 1576
Fax: +61-2-4998 0008
Wollombi Village Vineyard Wollombi Valley
search strategy: Google search on [ (wineries OR vineyards) "hunter
valley" ] led me to a number of sites that listed wineries in the
region, and the above listings were culled from these sites. Two
sites of particular value are:
The Wine Guide
Hunter Valley Wine page
Again, if you need any additional information, just let me know.
pafalafa-ga |