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infra red sauna and side effects on people taking tranquilizers&anti depressants
Category: Health > Conditions and Diseases Asked by: noknell-ga List Price: $25.00 |
24 Apr 2004 07:51 PDT
Expires: 24 May 2004 07:51 PDT Question ID: 335434 |
What are the side effects generated in a person who is under permanent medication consisting of tranquilisers and anti depressants and who is using regularly infra red sauna? Please precise to what extent these side effects can be dangerous ? |
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Re: infra red sauna and side effects on people taking tranquilizers&anti depress
Answered By: nenna-ga on 24 Apr 2004 15:41 PDT |
noknell, The infra red sauna really can not interact with the medication per se. The infra red heats up the room, your skin, which causes your body to sweat. Here's how one web site explain infra red saunas. "Infrared heat is simply a form of energy that is directly transmitted onto objects because of its specific wavelength. It has nothing to do with ultraviolet light which gives you sunburn and damages your skin. Where conventional saunas use hot air to transfer heat, the infrared heat rays warms your body directly. This allows an in-depth heat in a more pleasant temperature of 43 - 66 °C, thus providing more health advantages and providing a highly enjoyable and comfortable environment, where you can still breath normally without the discomfort of high humidity or steam." http://members.optusnet.com.au/~tongs1/faq.htm Now, that will not interact with anymedication. Since it has nothing to do with ultraviolet light, even if your medications would make you sensitive to the sun, this would not harm your skin. However, because it heats up a room, you still have to take the normal steam room/sauna precautions no matter what, but especially if you've been ill, have high blood pressure, feel dizzy, etc. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO SELF-TREAT ANY DISEASE WITH SAUNA THERAPY WITHOUT FIRST CONSULTING A PHYSICIAN. DO NOT USE IF THERE IS A HISTORY OF: 1. Adrenal suppression (body does not respond to heat). 2. SLE (systemic lupus erythematous) 3. Multiple sclerosis IF YOU HAVE ANY DISEASE, CONSULT WITH YOUR PRIMARY CARE PHYSICIAN BEFORE USING. Do not use: If Pregnant or are nursing. You have acute joint injuries. You have enclosed infections (dental, joints, tissue). With artificial joints, metal pins, or any other implants. With Silicone implants (may melt at higher temperatures). During menstrual cycle, may increase menstrual flow. If you are a Hemophiliac or anyone with a predisposition to hemorrhage. If you are taking a prescription drug, check with a physician or pharmacist for any possible change in drug?s effect due to any interaction with infrared energy. If you are heat intolerant and do not sweat even with vigorous exercise. If your skin becomes clammy, you feel weak, tired, or nauseous. STOP use immediately! This could be signs of heat exhaustion. If you stop sweating, get out immediately! This may be the initial stages of heat stroke. This list comes from http://altmed.creighton.edu/sauna/precautions.htm Here are a few others... http://www.cyberbohemia.com/Pages/saunaprecautions.htm http://www.healthyinfraredsaunas.com/Precautions.html (Infrared specific) http://www.saunex.com/precautions/ Now, you see the line about prescription drugs. Even when you can find no documented cases of saunas interacting with medications such as antidepressants. ALWAYS CHECK! A simple phone call to your family doctor will answer the question about your specific medications and doseages, probably with no cost to you at all. So, those are the possible side effects of saunas and infrared saunas, and I can find no documented cases of antidepressents interacting. The tranqulizers may make someone sleepy, so they don't recognizr the heat or heat exhaustion, so take care if on those meds. It's the heat that is the problem though. And, like I and so many sites said..always check with your health professional before starting any sauna regime, no matter what. If this answer requires further explanation, please request clarification before rating it, and I'll be happy to look into this further. Nenna-GA Google Answers Researcher Google searches used were, Infrared sauna FAQ ://www.google.com/search?num=100&hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&safe=off&c2coff=1&q=infrared+sauna+FAQ&btnG=Search and, sauna precautions ://www.google.com/search?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=sauna%20precautions&btnG=Google+Search I also checked: antidepressants and saunas tranqulizers and saunas medication and saunas and found no interactions. |
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Re: infra red sauna and side effects on people taking tranquilizers&anti depressants
From: neilzero-ga on 24 Apr 2004 22:35 PDT |
You will have judge how seriously to take those disclaimers. Suppose you sat at a desk in a steel making factory where the temperature is about 50 degree c = 122 degrees f Some of the other workers are doing hard phyical work and few of them have heat stroke or heat exhaustion. Perhaps one fatality per week. You are sitting quiet, so you should be less valnerable, but maybe not, if you are sick. Many medications make you more valnerable to ultra violet, but this is infrared. We would not expect any effect. Likely there were no infra red tests in the drug studies. But many medicines make you sick, so you are more valerable than if you are well. Even if you are in perfect health on no medications, excessive sauna temperatures can kill, but are safe if you avoid extremes. If the equipment has only one setting, unplug it at least one minute out of each five so you don't get dangerously hot, or don't use it at all. I suspect the health benefits of sauna are mostly in the minds of people who want to sell us equipment. Neil |
Re: infra red sauna and side effects on people taking tranquilizers&anti depress
From: nenna-ga on 26 Apr 2004 09:30 PDT |
In response to Neilzero's comment, I would like to add a few URL's to the benefits of a infrared sauna. Especially the 2nd one talks about it from a more detailed medical standpoint. Also, I do want to clarify....infrared and ultra violet light are 2 different things. So, medications that make you sensitive to sunlight or UV will NOT make you sensitive to infrared. Also, heat tolerance is the big factor here. Not only do you have to find your body's natural heat tolerance, you have to adjust it if your medication makes you sensitive to heat. Now, being well acquainted with anti-depressants, most do not, however, like I mentioned before, please check with a medical professional also. I am not a doctor by any means, and you should ALWAYS, no matter what you here, get at least 1 or 2 medical reccomendations before starting any type of sauna program, medications or not. So, once again... I can find no recorded indications of anti-depressants interacting with a infrared sauna, or, in fact, saunas in general, but I do advise checking with a health professional over the phone for your specific meds, and their recomendation. Nenna-GA Google Answers Researcher |
Re: infra red sauna and side effects on people taking tranquilizers&anti depress
From: nenna-ga on 26 Apr 2004 09:35 PDT |
Oops, might help if i gave you the URL's These are for the 2 google searches I did... infrared sauna benefits ://www.google.com/search?num=100&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&c2coff=1&safe=off&q=infrared+sauna+benefits&spell=1 infrared sauna health benefits ://www.google.com/search?num=100&hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&safe=off&c2coff=1&q=infrared+sauna+health+benefits&btnG=Search infrared sauna reviews ://www.google.com/search?num=100&hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&safe=off&c2coff=1&q=infrared+sauna+reviews&btnG=Search And, some helpful links... http://www.houseofcedar.com/benefits/health_benefits_of_far_inf_sauna.html http://www.hightechhealth.com/sauna_pdfs/sauna_benefits.pdf Nenna-GA GAR |
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