Thanks for the question.
First the bad news - I was not able to find an online marketing plan
for easy download. The good news: there are at least a couple of
books available that should be able to help you do exactly what you
There are a lot of free sites out there who are more than willing to
show you how to create a marketing plan for your small business. If
you're willing to spend some money, there are some books and even some
programs that can help you create your own as well.
These two books may just be your best bet overall:<br>
The super studio: the guide to a successful dance studio! / Roberts,
Debbie. c1992
Both Amazon and Barnes and Noble have a listing for this but does not
have one available: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1879260077/qid=1027533997/sr=1-5/ref=sr_1_5/104-7450491-3828728
The Ultimate Guide to a Successful Dance Studio: Plus 120 Ideas That
Will Transform Your Life
Roberts, Debbie Louisville, KY: Chicago Spectrum Press, 1999
Amazon has a listing for this but does not have one available:
The dance studio: business managing for aerobics, dance, and
gymnastics teachers. Zima, Marie, 1987.
Both Amazon and Barnes and Noble have a listing for this, but has none
These listings were found at the following URL:
Some additional items:
White, David R., et al., eds. Poor Dancers Almanac: Managing a Life
and Work in the Performing Arts. Durham, NC: Duke University Press,
Available at Barnes and Noble in Paperback:
and Hardcover:
or at Amazon in Hardcover:
Sample Plans and How-To's<br>
I managed to find an article on "Marketing your K-12 dance program"
which provides some basics for developing the plan, but unfortunately
does not provide a sample.
http://dance-teacher.com/backissues/jun00/k12.shtml <br>
http://dance-teacher.com/backissues/sept00/businessofit.shtml <br>
Here is another general link for "Starting Your Own Studio".
Unfortunately, it does not provide a sample plan either, but does
provide a link to a message board for Studio Owners.
An easy-to-read article on marketing your *music* studio may also be
http://www.serve.com/marbeth/marketing.html <br>
Here are a couple of starter articles that can also help you figure
out the best way to approach the process:
Guerrilla Tactic's De-Mystifying Marketing Plans, by Debra Kahn
http://gmarketing.com/tactics/weekly_111.html <br>
There is no shortage of generic marketing plans that you might want to
look at that can possibly be of help. One of the most thorough and
straight-forward (and isn't trying to sell you something) is the Small
Business Administration's Marketing Workbook:
For some specific marketing ideas for your studio, you can check out
these suggestions:
http://www.photolabrep.com/Marketing%20Ideas.htm <br>
Here is a list of some URLs that will bring you straight to the sample
Marketing Plan software
PaloAltoSoftware ( http://www.paloaltosoftware.com/ ) provides a
program called Marketing Plan Pro ($99.95), designed to help you
create your own plan. It includes "30+" Sample plans, with more being
added often (their site says). While a Dance Studio plan is not among
them, there are several similarly-oriented plans.
Another program that doesn't appear to have too many templates (they
advertise none) but seems to have a slightly better organization is
Plan Write for Marketing ($129.95)(
http://www.businessplansoftware.org/marketing_plan.asp ). It uses a
"Wizard" format that asks you questions about your company and writes
the document as you progress.
In the practical day-to-day operation, there is also software
available for helping you with "Dance Studios, Ballet, Jazz, Tap,
Ballroom, Creative Movement..." etc. It's called DaceSOFT and it
bills itself as sort of a Quicken for Dance studios. You can even
download a free demo at http://www.massagesoft.com/dancesft/index.html
I'm sorry that I can't just give you a simple URL to go to and
download a Dance Studio Template. I was taken by surprise that there
wasn't more out there.
Good luck!
Search terms used:
Google: Ballroom Dance Studio Marketing
Google: Ballroom Dance Studio Marketing Plans
Marketing Plans for Ballroom Dance Studios
Marketing Your Dance Studio
Sherlock Terms used (no urls available):
ballroom marketing plan
ballroom marketing
marketing plan ballroom studio
marketing plans dance |