FedEx's most recent Annual Report may be downloaded at:
(This document is in PDF format, so the Adobe Acrobat Reader is
required. If you don't have that, visit:
http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html )
If you're interested in subscribing to Value Line, visit:
As I said, though, if go to a good public or university library that
subscribes to Value Line, you could obtain the same information free.
If you'd like to see what the outdated '99 Value Line report that I
mentioned, it's here:
search strategy:
"value line"
"value line" "fdx corporation"
I hope this helps. Good luck with your research. |
Clarification of Answer by
24 Apr 2004 15:21 PDT
Sorry for those typos:
"... if you go to good public or university library..."
"If you'd like to see the outdated '99 Value Line..."
Request for Answer Clarification by
25 Apr 2004 09:30 PDT
Hi there
Well thx for answering me, actually i do have the annual report, i
just need the value line, are they the same or different?
Clarification of Answer by
25 Apr 2004 09:59 PDT
I'm sorry, but I thought I made clear above the situation with Value Line:
Value Line is a subscription-based service. You'd need to subscribe to
get their most recent report on FedEx, or you'd need to visit a
library that subscribes. There is one free web site that has an old
Value Line report on FedEx from 1999, but obviously that report is
quite outdated.
Your use of the "/" between Value Line & Annual Report led me to
believe you were asking for the two different things: Value Line and
Annual Report. If you meant the Value Line Annual Report, the "/"
wasn't really necessary.
I notice that in other questions you ask for multiple sources:
"Standard and poor's barrons, Dow Jones, Wall Stree Journal, BIB for Fedex"
"What are the reasons for/against the firm as seen by
investor/ownership, customers, employees."
In that question, your use of the "/" clearly indicates that "for" and
"against" are two separate things, as in "for and against."
Thanks for your understanding.
I'm sorry if that wasn't the case, but
Clarification of Answer by
25 Apr 2004 10:01 PDT
I'm sorry if that wasn't the case, but I thought you wanted FedEx's annual report.
Clarification of Answer by
25 Apr 2004 10:05 PDT
And, no, the Value Line and the Annual Report are not the same.
The "Value Line" is typically a one page analysis of the company. For example:
Request for Answer Clarification by
27 Apr 2004 00:59 PDT
So now do i have to pay again to get the Value Line for Fedex?
Clarification of Answer by
27 Apr 2004 01:10 PDT
No, it's not a matter of paying again.
Value Line is a subscription-based service. The most recent Value Line
report for FedEx is simply not available free online.
You'd need to subscribe to their service to get their most recent
report on FedEx, or you'd need to visit a library that subscribes.
If you're interested in subscribing to Value Line, visit:
I hope this clears things up.
Request for Answer Clarification by
27 Apr 2004 03:23 PDT
thx for ur response. Well my university have access to the value line
database, but am lost in the site, i dont know where to find it. Woul
u please guide me where to find it. thx again
Clarification of Answer by
27 Apr 2004 10:12 PDT
I don't have access to the Value Line site. I'm not a subscriber.
What you're looking for is called the "Value Line Investment Survey"
that has reports on various stocks.
The "ticker symbol" for FedEx is FDX, so if they have some means of
searching by symbol, search for FDX.
I hope this helps.