Hi zoom555,
Visible Earth - The Iberian Peninsula
"Portugal and Spain share the Iberian Peninsula in southwestern
Europe, shown here in this true-color Aqua MODIS image acquired on
March 20, 2003. This peninsula separates the Atlantic Ocean from the
Mediterranean Sea, is separated from North Africa by the narrow Strait
of Gibraltar, and is separated from the rest of continental Europe by
the Pyrenees Mountains along the Spain-France border.
A central plateau, the Meseta, dominates the peninsula. This plateau
averages 610 meters above sea level, and is surrounded by a number of
mountain ranges. Madrid, Spain's capital city, sits atop the Meseta,
and can be seen as a gray smudge near the peninsula's center. To the
north of Madrid are four mountain ranges that cross the Meseta: the
Sierra de Gredos and the Serra de Guadarrama, which run northeastward;
the Serrania de Cuenca, which runs southeastward; and the Sierra de la
Demanda, which sits at the apex of the other three ranges."
Iberian Peninsula
"c.230,400 sq mi (596,740 sq km), SW Europe, separated from the rest
of Europe by the Pyrenees. Comprising Spain and Portugal , it is
washed on the N and W by the Atlantic Ocean and on the S and E by the
Mediterranean Sea; the Strait of Gibraltar separates it from Africa.
The Iberian Peninsula is dominated by the Meseta (central plateau), a
great uplifted fault block (average elevation 2,000 ft/610 m) ringed
and crossed by mountain ranges. It covers about two thirds of the
peninsula. Coastal lowlands, the site of the major industrial cities,
surround the primarily agrarian-oriented Meseta. Climatically, the
Iberian Peninsula has hot summers, cold winters, and limited
precipitation. Five major rivers drain the peninsula."
The Iberian Peninsula
"... Terra nua e tamanhaQue nela coube o velho e o novo mundo...Que
nela cabem Portugal e EspanhaE a loucura com as asas do seu povo..."
Miguel Torga - Portugal
"... Large naked landWhere both the old and the new world fit...Where
both Portugal and Spain fitAnd adventure with the wings of its
people..." - Translated and adapted
"("eye BIHR ee uh,") is the ancient name of the Iberian Peninsula, as
a distinct geographical region, is made up of Spain and Portugal.
Spain, with Madrid as its capital, has a population of approximately
40 million. Portugal is home to over 10 million and has Lisbon as its
principal city.
The term Iberia is still sometimes used in literature, and geographers
refer to the Iberian Peninsula. The Iberians were one of the oldest
European peoples. They probably came from Africa during prehistoric
Iberian Weather
"Coastal areas and low altitudes, below 500m (1600ft)
Will usually be very mild throughout the year. Northern areas of the
Iberian Peninsula tend to be cooler than southern especially in
Rainfall More frequent in Winter, occasionally in November and April.
Summer is always dry."
Day Temperatures Spring and Summer typically between 15º-30ºC (60º-85º
F), in July/August it occasionally gets to 35ºC (95ºF) at lunchtime.
Autumn and Winter temperatures will be around 5º-20ºC (40º-70ºF)
during the day.
Geography of Portugal
Spain's Geography Dominates Iberian Peninsula
Definition of peninsula - Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
Main Entry: pen·in·su·la
Pronunciation: p&-'nin(t)-s(&-)l&, -sh&-l&
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin paeninsula, from paene almost + insula island
: a portion of land nearly surrounded by water and connected with a
larger body by an isthmus; also : a piece of land jutting out into the
water whether with or without a well-defined isthmus
- pen·in·su·lar /-s(&-)l&r, -sh&-l&r/ adjective
Definition of plateau - Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
Main Entry: 1pla·teau
Pronunciation: pla-'tO, 'pla-"
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural plateaus or pla·teaux /-'tOz, -"tOz/
Etymology: French, from Middle French, platter, from plat flat
1 a : a usually extensive land area having a relatively level surface
raised sharply above adjacent land on at least one side : TABLELAND b
: a similar undersea feature
2 a : a region of little or no change in a graphic representation b :
a relatively stable level, period, or condition
3 : a level of attainment or achievement <the 500-point plateau>
Keyword search:
Iberian Plateau + Peninsula
Spain Iberian Peninsula
Portugal Iberian Peninsula
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