Hi susanam-ga,
Thanks for your question.
The best way to determine if your work has been cited in other
academic journal articles is to use a citation index. A citation index
is a way of tracking cites. Who a particular author cited in his or
her article, and who in turn cited that particular author. In another
words, it makes it possible to go backward and forward.
In the past these were books that came out every year. I'm assuming
your work is of relatively recent origin, so what you want to use is a
database called "Web of Science."
The best route will be through an academic library--universities, in
particular, should have this database. Web of Science covers the
Arts and Humanities Citation Index
Social Sciences Citation Index
Sciences Citation Index
Given your topic, it's probably a reasonable guess that whoever cited
your work would be using the Social Sciences version, but it's
possible to use all three at once in Web of Science.
Web of Science
There are a couple of types of searches you can do in the database,
but given your need, a full search and then a cited reference search,
is probably your best option.
Although you will certainly have all of the pertinent details
(author--your name, journal name, volume, year, etc.) to do this
search, you may want to give less rather than more information. For
Author: If your last name is Mary E. Brown, you could put in: Brown ME
in the author field. However, since it's possible the index has you
down just as Mary Brown, a better choice might be: Brown M* (The
asterisk will capture all the possible permutations of your name)
Journal: Use the format from their list of journals--click on the
"list" to get the appropriate abbreviation.
Year: You can either put in the exact year (e.g. 2000) or if you're
not sure you could put 1999 OR 2000 OR 2001. If your name isn't
common, you could also try doing the search without the year.
More detailed instructions are available here:
Cited Reference Search
Once you get to the right record, you should be able to click on it.
Cited References means the works the author cited. Times cited means
who has cited the author in subsequent works.
This is not going to be totally comprehensive and it won't cover
popular periodicals, but they seldom include bibliographies anyway.
It's the best means out there to find out who's cited your work. Web
of Science may have some books included, but the bulk of this will be
journal articles. Another tactic would be to go to some full text
databases for your field and run a search on part of the title of your
article or on your name, but I really think Web of Science is the best
first step.
citation index
cited reference search
Web of Science
personal knowledge of the field.
I hope this answers your question. If you need further information,
just ask for clarification and I'll do my best to assist you.
luciaphile-ga |