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Q: Gasoline price in Stockholm ( Answered 5 out of 5 stars,   4 Comments )
Subject: Gasoline price in Stockholm
Category: Reference, Education and News > Consumer Information
Asked by: misterpaperknife-ga
List Price: $10.00
Posted: 27 Apr 2004 10:53 PDT
Expires: 27 May 2004 10:53 PDT
Question ID: 337076
What is the price of gasoline in Stockholm, Sweden in both Kronors and
US dollars? What percentage of this price in Stockholm is taxes?

Request for Question Clarification by answerfinder-ga on 28 Apr 2004 01:43 PDT
Dear misterpaperknife-ga, 
I can supply the price (in SEK), including a breakdown of the various
taxes, for August 2003. The source is a Swedish Tax information site.
I will provide the conversion to the $ rate as of today. Does this
meet with your requirements?

Clarification of Question by misterpaperknife-ga on 28 Apr 2004 09:43 PDT
Yes, that appears to be what I need.
Subject: Re: Gasoline price in Stockholm
Answered By: answerfinder-ga on 29 Apr 2004 01:31 PDT
Rated:5 out of 5 stars
Dear misterpaperknife-ga,
Thank you for your clarification.

This information is from ?A summary of Taxes in Sweden ? Tax
Statistical Yearbook? issued by the  Swedish Tax Agency. Page 16,
table 19 provides a breakdown of petrol prices (brand and type not
identified) for August 2003.

Swedish Krona per litre
Pre-tax  2.92    31%
Energy Tax 2.94     31%
Carbon Dioxide Tax 1.77     19%
Value Added Tax (VAT) 1.91     20%
Consumer Price 9.54        100%

Home page

As of today, 9.54 Swedish Kronor is equivalent to 1.23755 USD

Information for different types of petrol (not including VAT) is
provided by the National Tax Board as of January 1 2003. As you can
see, a different rate of Energy Tax is levied for different types of
petrol depending on their environmental qualities.

Fuels                   Energy tax     CO2 tax     Total tax
Petrol SEK/litre
environmental class 1       2,94       1,77        4,71
Alkylate based petrol       1,41       1,77        3,18
environmental class 2       2,97       1,77        4,74
other petrol                3,63       1,77        5,40

Up-to-date pump prices are provided in the link which my colleague
aht-ga has kindly found. I have found no evidence which shows the tax
rate has changed since August 2003.

The price of the cheapest unleaded petrol, as of today, is 10.20
Swedish Kronor which is equivalent to 1.32407 USD per liter.

I hope this answers your question. If it does not, or the answer is
unclear, then please ask for clarification of this research before
rating the answer. I shall respond to the clarification request as
soon as I receive it.
Thank you

Search strategy
sweden tax petrol OR fuel

Request for Answer Clarification by misterpaperknife-ga on 29 Apr 2004 08:40 PDT
The comsumer price of 9.54 and 10.20 are both in kronors per liter? Is
there an easy conversion tool to what those prices would be per
Thank you

Clarification of Answer by answerfinder-ga on 29 Apr 2004 09:51 PDT
There are 3.7854 litres to 1 U.S. gallon

So, 3.7854 x 9.54 SEK = 36.112716 SEK which converts to US$ 4.7160974 per gallon
and, 3.7854 x 10.20 SEK = 38.61108 SEK which converts to US$ 5.042368 per gallon

Hopes this helps.
misterpaperknife-ga rated this answer:5 out of 5 stars and gave an additional tip of: $1.00
Thank you!

Subject: Re: Gasoline price in Stockholm
From: rainbow-ga on 27 Apr 2004 12:00 PDT
This may help:
Subject: Re: Gasoline price in Stockholm
From: erkowit-ga on 28 Apr 2004 02:10 PDT
A litre of unleaded petrol is around ten SEK - or, say, 1.30 USD -
equivalent to around 4.71 USD per gallon (US).

This is arrived at by taking the producer price, add an energey tay,
another CO2 tax, and then apply VAT on the total arived at (around 22
%) (Yes, in Sweden the taxes are taxed....) and the proportion of the
price that goes directly to the government is seventy-odd percent
(this is why the price of crude oil does not matter a great deal in
such countries: the effect on the price at the pump is marginal)
Subject: Re: Gasoline price in Stockholm
From: aht-ga on 28 Apr 2004 18:16 PDT

In addition to the information that answerfinder-ga will be providing
you in the posted Answer, you may also refer to this site for
up-to-date prices at the pump:

This is Statoil's website.


Google Answers Researcher
Subject: Re: Gasoline price in Stockholm
From: answerfinder-ga on 30 Apr 2004 00:28 PDT
Dear misterpaperknife-ga,
Thank you for the tip. Pleased I could help.

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