There are approximately 179,000 garbage trucks in use in the United States:
"The refuse business serves a critical function, collecting garbage
from over 75 million homes, 7 million businesses, and 100,000
government enterprises nationwide. But most of the 179,000 garbage
trucks that wend their way through our neighborhoods are diesel-fueled
and more than 10 years old, making them among the most polluting
vehicles on US roads."
INFORM: Greening Garbage Trucks
"There are more than twice as many garbage trucks in the United States
as urban transit buses, about 179,000 trucks--136,000 refuse
collection trucks, 12,000 transfer vehicles and 31,000 recycling
vehicles versus 82,600 buses. More than 90 percent of all garbage
trucks and more than 99 percent of heavy-duty ones are diesel
FindArticles: New study makes strong case for natural gas garbage trucks
"Environmental research organization INFORM recently released a study
of the nation's estimated 179,000 garbage trucks, saying 'a slow but
successful shift is taking place as fleet operators in 25 U.S. cities
move from diesel to cleaner natural gas.' According to the study, 90
percent of existing garbage trucks are powered by traditional diesel
Kryopak: Turkistan Gas Newsletter
Google search strategy:
Google Web Search: "estimated * garbage trucks" "in the united states"
OR "in the us"
I hope this information is useful. If anything is unclear or
incomplete, please request clarification; I'll be glad to offer
further assistance before you rate my answer.
Best regards,
pinkfreud |