Thanks for letting me know that the information in that article I
linked to was what you needed. I'm repeating the information here for
the sake of clarity:
Frist blames high health care costs on malpractice insurance, lawsuits
...Frist and his fellow Republicans, who hold a narrow majority in the
Senate, have repeatedly tried to pass limits on malpractice suits, but
have been stymied by a series of Democratic-led filibusters.
...Frist said he also is working to overcome opposition to two other
pieces of tort reform -- one to federalize class-action lawsuits and
the other to curb lawsuits against the asbestos industry. The former,
he said, would prevent trial lawyers from shopping class-action suits
to certain counties with sympathetic juries. The latter would provide
a relief to an industry, in which a number of companies, with limited
ties to asbestos manufacturing, have gone bankrupt, costing hundreds
of jobs.
Frist noted he and Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle, D-S.D., are
quietly working on a bi-partisan asbestos bill.
By the way, a great way to look for the most current information on a
topic is to do what I Google News at:
I ran a search on:
federal "class action" reform
and it took me quickly to the article I cited.
Other results from the same search can be seen here:
Let me know if you need any additional information on all this.
pafalafa-ga |