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Q: career-change recommendations ( Answered 5 out of 5 stars,   0 Comments )
Subject: career-change recommendations
Category: Business and Money > Employment
Asked by: mattlistener-ga
List Price: $30.00
Posted: 29 Apr 2004 15:18 PDT
Expires: 29 May 2004 15:18 PDT
Question ID: 338486
I am looking for recommendations for new career-paths for myself.  

I'll give some personal (non-identifying) data, and describe what I'm
doing now, what I'm missing, and what I'm passionate about. 
Suggestions of careers or therapy disciplines to look into are welcome
in comments; for an Answer I'd also like some discussion of the actual
job market (i.e. where I'd be in demand right now -- perhaps assuming
I trained up first).

I will happily pay for an Answer with relevant suggestions I don't
happen to like, if it gets me thinking in useful ways.

Personal data: Buying a house in Boston area, not willing to relocate.
 Age 32.  BA in Philosophy.  Myers-Briggs INTJ.  Enneagram 9.  GRE:
780 Verbal, 800 Analytical, 800 Math.

Three days a week I'm a unix sysadmin with 10 years' experience
working for a large company.  I do a lot of troubleshooting and
interaction with users.  Advancement in this position involves more
technical work and less human interaction, the opposite of what I'd
prefer.  Over the years this job has become more busyness and less
interesting challenges, and management has gone downhill.

In the rest of my time I rent office space in which I have a private
practice as a massage therapist, currently seeing enough clients in a
week to cover costs with some extra.  The Unix job pays enough that I
haven't been motivated to market for more clients.  I also have a
qualification to practice Rogerian Therapy and have seen several
counseling clients in the same space.

What I'm missing: intellectual challenge, passion for my work, full
use of my abilities.  A union of massage therapy and counseling might
fill the bill, and I'm very qualified and motivated to work with
clients who need good listening and touch therapy at the same time. 
Or an engaging technical/personal job might be right, especially
if long-term part-time was an option.

What I'm passionate about: Helping individuals (as opposed to
"changing society").  Understanding systems.  Careful observation of
my surroundings.  Taking a leadership role in chaotic circumstances
(e.g. leading chants at a protest, directing foot traffic during last
year's NY blackout).

Things I'm not interested in doing: Being in charge of people. 
Convincing people that my way is right.
Subject: Re: career-change recommendations
Answered By: czh-ga on 30 Apr 2004 21:59 PDT
Rated:5 out of 5 stars
Hello mattlistener-ga,

I?m a career counselor so your question naturally grabbed my
attention. I?m very familiar with the MBTI and Enneagram and how
they?re used in career exploration. Your story is intriguing because
you?ve shared a lot of information but as I started analyzing your
situation it also became clear that some essential pieces of
information are missing. Instead of asking for clarification before
giving you my answer, I will simply alert you to possible options
depending on the missing information.

There are three steps to the career management process: 
 -- Self-assessment: exploring your skills, values, preferences,
experience, aptitudes, personality, financial requirements, etc.
 -- Targeting: exploring what the world of work has to offer in line
with the goals and objectives you identified in the self-assessment
 -- Action: jobs search to find you work from the
careers/companies/jobs you identified in exploring the world of work.
Movig forward with company research, resume preparation, networking,
job applications, interviewing, salary negotiation, etc.

You?ve given me a lot of information for the self-assessment piece.
Here is my summary:

Profile: Background, Personality, Qualifications 

Age 32
Boston area

 -- BA Philosophy
 -- Rogerian Counseling (advanced degree? practice areas?)
 -- Massage Therapy (certified or licensed?)

 -- MBTI: INTJ ? Mastermind, Scientist
 -- Enneagram: 9 - Peacemaker
 -- GRE: Verbal ? 780, Analytical ? 800, Math ? 800
 -- (Strong: My Guess ? Investigative, Social, Artistic/Realistic?)

 -- Unix Systems Administrator ? 10 years in large company
 -- Massage Therapist ? private practice
 -- Rogerian Therapy Counselor ? private practice

 -- Troubleshooting
 -- Listening
 -- Leadership 

Passions and Drivers:
 -- Intellectual challenge 
 -- Passion for work
 -- Full use of abilities
 -- Engagement in job
 -- Helping individuals
 -- Understanding systems
 -- Careful observation of surroundings
 -- Leadership role in chaotic circumstances


The most important unknowns are your career ambitions and salary
requirements. My guess is that neither of these is very important
compared to job satisfaction, flexibility and intellectual challenge.
I base this conclusion on the fact that you work only three days at
your Unix Systems Administrator job and that you have not felt
compelled to grow your side businesses as a Massage Therapist and
Rogerian Counselor.

It would be helpful to have more information about your motivated
skills. The clearer you are on what you?re good at and want to keep
doing, the easier it is to find jobs that encompass those skills.

The information you?ve provided indicates that all of your jobs/work
make sense as an expression of your personality type.

As an INTJ you have a strong interest in systems and systems thinking
and value knowledge and competence. You prefer to wait on taking a
leadership position unless circumstances compel you to act. Your
preference for "leadership role in chaotic circumstances" is an
indicator. You like to make decisions and complete projects. The
Systems Administrator job gives you the opportunity to use your brain,
interact with people, troubleshoot and solve problems and use your
special expertise. I don?t know where you are on the
Introvert/Extrovert continuum. Both Massage Therapy and Rogerian
Counseling are one-on-one occupations but highly personal and might be
attractive to both Introverts and Extroverts.

Since INTJs like to make decisions and are driven to closure, the
Systems Administrator job seems a very good fit because each problem
has to be resolved and then you?re done until the next project or
crisis. This doesn?t apply to the therapy jobs because the therapy
process can go on for months or years without a clear ending or
closure. From my experience with colleagues, I find that counselors
and therapists tend to be Perceiving rather than Judging types and
people who have a very strong J tend to get fed up and/or bored with
client work.

Your Enneagram type Nine also seems to fit your self-description that
you like to observe and listen and help individuals. You have many and
diverging interests so choosing among them is not always easy. You?re
easygoing and don?t want to tell anybody what to do but you?re eager
to help them find their way. You don?t want to run the show but are
eager to step in and help in a crisis. Your listening and helping
skills come into play to express this. Many Nines are introverted and
this is in line with your being an INTJ. Your choice of Rogerian
Therapy alos seems to be very congruent with this.

Although you didn?t give me your Holland Code scores from the
Strong/SDS interest inventories I will make a guess based on what
you?ve said about yourself. This assessment rates your interests based
on the types of work activities you prefer among data, people or
things. The results of these assessments give you a three letter code
for the six areas assessed: Realistic, Investigative, Artistic,
Social, Enterprising, Conventional. I feel fairly confident that you
are Investigative and Social. You also show some Realistic and
Artistic inclinations. Sys Admins are primarily Investigative, Massage
Therapists and Counselors are Social/Artistic.

Your test scores show that you?re exceptionally bright and that you
are probably more intelligent than most of your coworkers and clients.
Getting sufficient intellectual stimulation on the job may be a big
challenge. This will definitely be the case in your work as a Massage
Therapist and Rogerian Counselor.

Your motivation for seeking a career change are not entirely clear.
You say that you?ve become dissatisfied with your Systems
Administrator job because advancement would require more technical
work and you?d prefer more human interaction. In addition, the job has
become somewhat routine and less challenging and you?re also unhappy
with the management of the company.

You want to make a change in order to rekindle passion for your work
by having greater intellectual challenges, full use of your abilities,
and opportunities to help individuals. You would like to use your
listening skills, your systems thinking, powers of observation and the
ability to bring order out of chaos. You like leading in turbulent
situations but you don?t want to be a supervisor or manager. Although
you like listening and helping people, you don?t want to convince them
of anything.

When considering career change it?s much easier to stay in your field
and change jobs or change to a new role in the same field. One of the
obvious options you have is to change jobs but keep on relying on your
Systems Administrator experience and expertise to bring in most of the
income you require. You said you work for a large company but you
didn?t say whether you have explored the possibility of changing
jobs/roles within the company. Since you?re unhappy with management,
this may not be an attractive option.

Alternatively, you could seek a Systems Administrator job in a more
attractive company. One option would be to identify companies that are
known for high intellectual standards. (For example, Google is known
for a high percentage of Ph.D.s) You could also look for target
companies that are working on challenging problems that are of
interest to you. I?ve included some Boston resources to help you with
this exploration.

Your question gives me the impression that you?re more inclined to
somehow grow your other areas of expertise. You said that a ?union of
massage therapy and counseling might fill the bill.? I suggest that
you explore the family of therapy occupations, especially occupational
therapy and physical therapy. Both of these fields are expected to
grow at higher than average rate in the next few years. They both have
a hands-on component that would dovetail with your interest in touch
and both are highly personal so you would be able to use your
listening and counseling skills. I?ve included some links for
occupational exploration.

Finally, since you like to lead in chaotic situations and are good at
troubleshooting, problem-solving and systems thinking, I was trying to
think of jobs that require you to use these skills. Some of the jobs
that came to mind are: crisis negotiator, arbitrator, mediator, or
various jobs in emergency services. I have not researched these, but
they might be worth exploring as a completely new arena to use your
unique combination of people and systems skills.

I hope that you will find these suggestions for your career change
useful. Please don?t hesitate to ask for clarification on any of this.
(I will be gone all weekend until Monday evening.)

Best wishes for the next stage of your career.

~ czh ~


 -- intellectual challenge, 
 -- passion for work
 -- full use of abilities
 -- engagement in job

 -- listening skills
 -- touch therapy skills

 -- helping individuals
 -- understanding systems
 -- careful observation of surroundings
 -- leadership role in chaotic circumstances

 --- being in charge of people (i.e., supervision, management)
 -- convincing people 

Introverted iNtuitive Thinking Judging

In the broadest terms, what INTJs "do" tends to be what they "know".
Typical INTJ career choices are in the sciences and engineering, but
they can be found wherever a combination of intellect and incisiveness
are required (e.g., law, some areas of academia). INTJs can rise to
management positions when they are willing to invest time in marketing
their abilities as well as enhancing them, and (whether for the sake
of ambition or the desire for privacy) many also find it useful to
learn to simulate some degree of surface conformism in order to mask
their inherent unconventionality.

The Portrait of the Mastermind (iNTj)

Natural leaders, Masterminds are not at all eager to take command of
projects or groups, preferring to stay in the background until others
demonstrate their inability to lead. Once in charge, however,
Masterminds are the supreme pragmatists, seeing reality as a crucible
for refining their strategies for goal-directed action. ? To the
Mastermind, organizational structure and operational procedures are
never arbitrary, never set in concrete, but are quite malleable and
can be changed, improved, streamlined. In their drive for efficient
action, Masterminds are the most open-minded of all the types.

Portrait of an INTJ

INTJs live in the world of ideas and strategic planning. They value
intelligence, knowledge, and competence, and typically have high
standards in these regards, which they continuously strive to fulfill.
To a somewhat lesser extent, they have similar expectations of others.

INTJ's tremendous value and need for systems and organization,
combined with their natural insightfulness, makes them excellent
scientists. ? INTJs are natural leaders, although they usually choose
to remain in the background until they see a real need to take over
the lead. ? INTJs are ambitious, self-confident, deliberate,
long-range thinkers. Many INTJs end up in engineering or scientific
pursuits, although some find enough challenge within the business
world in areas which involve organizing and strategic planning.

INTJ -- Introverted Intuition Aided By Thinking

INTJs can be very single-minded at times; this can be either a
weakness or a strength in their careers, for they can ignore the
points of view and wishes of others. ?

INTJs live to see systems translated into substance; ? Both internal
and external consistency are important, ?  Cost-effectiveness is a
concept which has a strong imperative for INTJs, who frequently select
occupations in engineering, particularly human engineering. They also
can be found in the physical sciences, in roles which require
development, such as curriculum building, and, in general, any job
which requires the creation and application of technology to complex

Fellow workers of INTJs often feel as if the INTJ can see right
through them, and often believe that the INTJ finds them wanting. ?
Thus colleagues find the INTJ apparently unemotional and, at times,
cold and dispassionate. Because of their tendency to drive others as
hard as they do themselves, INTJs often seem demanding and difficult
to satisfy. INTJs are high achievers in school and on the job. On the
job, they take the goals of an institution seriously and continually
strive to respond to these goals. They make dedicated, loyal employees
whose loyalties are directed toward the system, rather than toward
individuals within the system.

What makes an INTJ tick?

The classic temperament of an INTJ is Promethean, or Phlegmatic, for
whom a basic driving force is the search for competence or excellence.

INTJ -- "The Masterminds"

INTJs are known as the "Systems Builders" of the types, perhaps in
part because they possess the unusual trait combination of imagination
and reliability. Whatever system an INTJ happens to be working on is
for them the equivalent of a moral cause to an INFJ; both
perfectionism and disregard for authority may come into play, as INTJs
can be unsparing of both themselves and the others on the project.

INTJ - The Free-Thinker
Profile by Sandra Krebs Hirsch and Jean Kummerow

INTJs tend to seek occupations that allow them to change the status
quo and to design models to express their vision creatively. They
desire autonomy and room for growth. They prefer to work in a place in
which the future can be planned and where they can work for change in
an organized manner.

Some occupations seem to be especially attractive to INTJs: computer
systems analyst, electrical engineer, judge, lawyer, photographer,
psychologist, research department manager, researcher, scientist,
university instructor, and other occupations in which long-range
vision is essential.
1%   INTJ ? Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Judging -- Competence +
Independence =  Perfection

POPULAR OCCUPATIONS AND CAREERS FOR INTJ?s (see jobs in following categories)

Connecting MBTI Personality Types with Careers and Jobs Chart

The US Department of the Interior provided this chart that shows,
based on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) categories, what types
of careers that may be enjoyable for those within a particular MBTI

Life in the trenches: a sysadmin speaks

I think, though, that to be any good at this job you have to have a
particular way of thinking and looking at the world. For those who
like personality tests, Myers-Briggs personality types INTJ and INTP
typically make good systems admins. These personality types are fairly
uncommon (less than five percent of the population), and the worldview
is moderately alien to most people... so, while there may be some
level of "cut off" from other people, the job isn't the cause.

THE PEACEMAKER Enneagram Type Nine
The Easygoing, Self-Effacing Type: Receptive, Reassuring Agreeable, and Complacent

 -- Basic Fear: Of loss and separation
 -- Basic Desire: To have inner stability "peace of mind"
 -- Enneagram Nine with an Eight-Wing: "The Referee"
 -- Enneagram Nine with a One-Wing: "The Dreamer" 

Type 9. Peacemaker 
 -- World View: My efforts won't matter to the world. It's best to keep the peace.
 -- Basic Desire: to find union and peace
 -- Basic Fear: of separation

Keeping peace and harmony

People of this personality type essentially feel a need for peace and
harmony. They tend to avoid conflict at all costs, whether it be
internal or interpersonal. As the potential for conflict in life is
virtually ubiquitous, the Nine's desire to avoid it generally results
in some degree of withdrawal from life, and many Nines are, in fact,
introverted. ? Most Nines are fairly easy going; they adopt a strategy
of "going with the flow." They are generally reliable, sturdy,
self-effacing, tolerant and likable individuals. ? The Nine's
inability to tolerate conflict sometimes translates into an overall
conservative approach to change. Change can provoke unpleasant
feelings and disrupt the Nine's desire for comfort. Less healthy Nines
seem incapable of motivating themselves to move into action and bring
about effective change. ? Intellectual Nines, especially males,
frequently mistype as Fives, but Fives are intellectually contentious
whereas Nines are conciliatory and conflict avoidant.

Case Description: Style Nine--The Diplomat
Serene and centered, well-developed Diplomats bring cooperation to any
organization; they are highly capable of dealing with others' problems
and building consensus. They have a natural tendency to honor
diversity, and can get along with almost anyone.

The Enneagram -- Point Nine:  The Mediator

Point Nine is the core point of what is called the "anger" and "gut-
or body-based" triad of 8, 9 and 1.

for Karl Ingram--Type Nine

Note to the Reader: What follows is a composite development plan
created for a typical Type Nine executive. While "Karl" is unique in
many ways he also clearly illustrates how some Nine dynamics play out
in the workplace. As you read through this plan, begin to formulate
what you would suggest as developmental actions for Karl and for Nines
in general. Then compare your ideas against his actual development

A Clinical Pharmacist's View of the Enneagram Nine - Part I

Nines often go through life in a relatively unfocused manner. ? Nines
can have a hard time making choices. The reason for this difficulty is
that all of the available options seem equally agreeable. ? Because
nines cherish their peace and inner harmony, they make good mediators
in solving disputes between people. One of the names given to point
Nine is "the Mediator." ? Under stress a Nine takes on some of the
negative aspects of point Six. They become moody and anxious and start
to worry and will have a hard time making choices. ? When relaxed, a
Nine takes on the positive aspects of point Three. The formerly
unfocused Nine becomes extremely focused. They can engage themselves
in their work and become extremely productive.


Nines are based in the Body Center. They primarily seek peace, harmony
and comfort in their lives. In a sense they are asleep within
themselves and deliberately avoid activities or discussions that
require an expenditure of energy. They are non-judgmental and like to
merge with the energy of others, making them easy going and pleasant
to be around. Feeling at peace is important to Nines.

Your Enneagram Report ? 9 The Negotiator

Compatibility at Work
You'll usually do your best in positions where you can gain power.
This leverages your aggressiveness and focus on winning. Fields you're
most likely to be suited for include arbitration, counseling, and

The Holland Inventory ? Holland Code Groups

Discover Careers That Fit You

Holland Code Careers ? Organized by Code

Massage therapists (O*NET 31-9011.00)
Massage customers for hygienic or remedial purposes.
 -- 2002 employment: 92,000 
 -- Projected 2002-12 employment change: Faster than average 
 -- Most significant source of training: Postsecondary vocational award
Massage Therapists - 31-9011.00
31-9011.00 Massage Therapists
OES Code, Title, and Other Data - 31-9011. Massage therapists 
Education : Postsecondary vocational award 
Employed : 34,000 
Projected Growth : 32% 
Earnings : $ 27,190 

Interest Profile: SRI

Job Outlook: Very Good
The outlook for therapists is very good. Growth is well above average
in most occupations, and many jobs offer higher-than-average wages.
Experts say demand is coming back around after a period of oversupply.
Competition has been fierce in the past, especially in the Twin
Cities. Opportunities are opening up again, both in rural and urban

The increased aging of the population will also drive future demand.
People are able to live longer ? even with chronic illnesses.
Therapists help people live more comfortably as they age. Demand will
be high in long-term facilities like nursing homes. Healthcare
advances will also increase demand. People are being saved from
illnesses and injuries more than in the past. Therapists can also help
them live comfortably.

Therapy Occupations:
 -- Massage Therapists
-- Occupational Therapists
 -- Physical Therapists
 -- Radiation Therapists
 -- Recreational Therapists
 -- Respiratory Therapists
 -- Speech Pathologists & Audiologists

Career: Massage Therapists
Career: Occupational Therapists
Career: Physical Therapists


Physical Therapists

 -- Employment is expected to increase faster than the average, as
growth in the number of individuals with disabilities or limited
function spurs demand for therapy services.
 -- After graduating from an accredited physical therapist educational
program, therapists must pass a licensure exam before they can
 -- About two-thirds of physical therapists work either in hospitals
or in offices of physical therapists.

Physical therapists (PTs) provide services that help restore function,
improve mobility, relieve pain, and prevent or limit permanent
physical disabilities of patients suffering from injuries or disease.
They restore, maintain, and promote overall fitness and health. Their
patients include accident victims and individuals with disabling
conditions such as low-back pain, arthritis, heart disease, fractures,
head injuries, and cerebral palsy.

Job Outlook 
Employment of physical therapists is expected to grow faster than the
average for all occupations through 2012. The impact of proposed
Federal legislation imposing limits on reimbursement for therapy
services may adversely affect the short-term job outlook for physical
therapists. However, over the long run, the demand for physical
therapists should continue to rise as growth in the number of
individuals with disabilities or limited function spurs demand for
therapy services.

Median annual earnings of physical therapists were $57,330 in 2002.
The middle 50 percent earned between $48,480 and $70.050. The lowest
10 percent earned less than $40,200, and the highest 10 percent earned
more than $86,260.

Client-Centered Psychotherapy - A Humanistic form of psychotherapy
developed by Carl Rogers. The  therapist is non-directive and
reflective and does not interpret or advise except to encourage  or
clarify points.

Client-Centered Therapy

Empathy is the foundation of Carl Rogers' client-centered therapy
(also known as Rogerian therapy). He asserted that empathy alone is
healing. A client centered therapist strives to provide an environment
of empathy, unconditional positive regard, and acceptance. Therapists
are trained to accept the client where they are at the moment.
Client-centered therapists consider diangosis and treatment planning
to be much less important than being supportive to the client. Instead
they act as an understanding listener, helping the client by providing
advice and alternate interpretations to past events only when asked.

Association for Humanistic Psychology

About Sys Admin TALK 

Sys Admin TALK was started out of a general frustration of
administering the many systems at NEXCESS.NET Web Hosting. Chris Wells
and Paul Oehler frequented Web Hosting Talk and liked the discussions
and the format and with Matt Freeman's OK (the owner of Web Hosting
Talk) Sys Admin TALK was born. We are grateful to Web Hosting Talk and
Matt for their great format, sensical rules and nice atmopshere, we
owe this site to them!

Pegasus Communications is dedicated to providing resources that help
individuals, teams, and organizations understand and address the
challenges they face in managing the complexities of a changing world.
Since 1989, Pegasus has served the community of systems thinking and
organizational development practitioners through its conferences,
newsletters and other publications, and audio and video materials. The
company continues to develop new ways to communicate and apply the
ideas, principles, and tools of systems thinking and related
disciplines to an ever-widening audience of leaders, managers, and
educators across industries and around the world.

Systems Thinking World-Wide Portal 

Globe 100 ? May 2003

***** You can use this list to spark ideas about companies that might interest you.

Creativity and Innovation: A Bridge to the Future

A Summary of the Boston Indicators Report 2002
Welcome to the 2002 Boston Indictaors Report website.  Informed by the
contributions of hundreds of participants and experts, this website
provides high quality data and information about Boston and the region
in 10 categories: Civic Health; Cultural Life and the Arts; the
Economy; Education; the Environment; Housing; Public Health; Public
Safety; Technology; and Transportation.  You'll also find special
features and news updates.

Technology Overview

Current issues and opportunities in the Boston technology picture.
Lots of information and links are offered here.

Enneagram Nine
Holland Codes
occupational outlook massage therapy
occupational therapy
massage therapy careers
Rogerian therapy
systems thinking

Request for Answer Clarification by mattlistener-ga on 02 May 2004 22:43 PDT
Thanks czh!  There's a lot to work with here.  There is one thing I
hope you can expand on: it feels like my requirement to work 3 days a
week in a Sysadmin job rather than 5 is highly limiting.  What
business sectors or company types would be more likely to consider
part-time to be acceptible (or even a desired feature), as opposed to
a liability in a Sysadmin?   Is there any other adivce you can give on
finding permanent part-time work in this field?

I took a Holland code test this weekend, by the way.  I came up with
equally high scores for Social and Investigative, and a trickle of
Artistic and Realistic -- much as you thought.

FYI, I'm flying to NYC for a training Monday night and may be away
from net access until Thursday night.

Clarification of Answer by czh-ga on 03 May 2004 15:07 PDT
Hello mattlistener-ga,

I'll have some additional informations for you by the time you get
back on Thursday.

Have a great trip.

~ czh ~

Clarification of Answer by czh-ga on 05 May 2004 21:04 PDT
Hello mattlistener-ga,

Finding a part time professional job is a tough challenge. The
probability of landing one depends on your individual circumstances
and how desirable your skills are. It is much easier to find a new job
while you?re still employed so I would recommend hanging on to your
current job while you explore the possibilities.

Networking is the best way to find any kind of job and especially a
job that has unique qualities. It?s easier to conduct your networking
campaign if your current employer knows that you?re looking for new
opportunities. If you would rather they didn?t know, you?ll have to be
very circumspect.

When you want a job that?s out of the ordinary --  like working three
days a week for a decent salary ? you have to do a lot of the legwork
yourself. You?ll have to identify companies that are favorable to the
idea of part timers. You?ll have to figure out who would value your
skills the most and find some way of presenting yourself. You will
have to dig for the opportunities because they?re not likely to be
advertised on the open market.

I?ve collected some additional links to get you started.

Wishing you well for a unique and satisfying career.

~ czh ~
System Administrator

***** This is a good start for browsing who is hiring right now and
what skills they?re looking for. Check out the article archives as
Craigslist ? Boston Jobs

***** Browse through the relevant job categories, especially part time
jobs and the job forum. This will give you some ideas about who is
hiring and what skills are in high demands.
Part-time Work

***** This article gives you an overview of the most common advice
given to professionals who are interested in part time jobs.
Flextime Article Index 
Part-time Professional

***** Most of the resources here are geared to women/moms but some of
the articles might give you some material on how to position yourself.
mattlistener-ga rated this answer:5 out of 5 stars
Plentiful relevant links, helpful suggestions.  Thanks!

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