The City of Milwaukee pays for the crossing guards.
See: Executive Summary, City of Milwaukee Office of Management and
Budget analysis, Intergovernmental Cooperation in the Milwaukee
Metropolitan Area, by Alicia Sidman et al.
"The city provides MPS several services through cooperation
agreements, including borrowing to finance MPS capital projects,
providing crossing guards, and providing health services, to name a
La Follette School of Public Affairs
(This document is in PDF format, so the Adobe Acrobat Reader is
required. If you don't have that, visit:
http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html )
The fact that the city is funding the crossing guards to MPS is
further confirmed by the fact "school crossing guards" are listed as a
"city service" with the same telephone number 935-7990 at the city's
Safety Commission.
Additional confirmation is the fact that the city took bids last year
for new crossing guard coats. The city wouldn't be buying the coats if
the crossing guards were MPS-funded.
See Bid 1209, City of Milwaukee 2003 BID TABULATIONS/AWARDS
search strategy:
"city of milwaukee" "crossing guards" budget
site:mil.wi.us, crossing
I hope this helps. |