There are a number of places you can connect with someone looking to
sell a classic car in Canada. I have 1 great website dedicated to
Cuda's in the US and Canada that has a sell/want board, and then 2
other great sites that have had them listed in the past.
"Look no further, you have found the most comprehensive on-line Buy &
Sell for the 1970 Plymouth AAR 'Cuda! More Plymouth AAR 'Cudas have
changed ownership through this page than any other webpage or
publication. Send your Plymouth AAR 'Cuda ads to Please note that in return for your free ad,
you must send in your fender tag information so that a complete entry
can be created in the Registry database. This is to prevent the
Plymouth AAR 'Cuda being sold and the information no longer being
available as some sellers have reported. Unless otherwise indicated,
all prices are in U.S. dollars."
And, of course EBay Canada is always an option to find one
You can place a used care request for this make and model here, for Canada only
And, here is a google search I used to find these links
If this answer requires further explanation, please request
clarification before rating it, and I'll be happy to look into this
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