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seeking permanent confirmation unto the church on the internet
Category: Relationships and Society > Religion Asked by: markchrist-ga List Price: $2.50 |
01 May 2004 06:33 PDT
Expires: 31 May 2004 06:33 PDT Question ID: 339343 |
how do I receive permanent confirmation unto the church on the internet? | |
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There is no answer at this time. |
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Re: seeking permanent confirmation unto the church on the internet
From: neilzero-ga on 01 May 2004 20:33 PDT |
Markchrist may not have a specific denomination in mind. Some internet Churches try to be undenominational. When I was a Presbeterian, children were typically confirmed at age 12 and new members after they attended a ten session instruction course by the minister. I have been a Mormon for 50 years now. The nearest equivelent is boys are ordained to the priesthood at age 12, and new members after about 7 lessons by the missionaries. Mormons do not baptise before age 8. Internet(only) Churches likely do not insist on baptism by imersion. Adult Mormons = The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are sometimes able to have their calling and election made sure after numerious visits to the temples and/or very devoted service. This may be similar to "permanent confirmation" Practices very widely amoung various Christian groups. I recommend www.fairlds.org where you can ask questions and get opinions from devoted Mormons, fallen Mormons and a wide variety of other denominations and a few athiest. Most diversified is the Mormon debate board. Neil |
Re: seeking permanent confirmation unto the church on the internet
From: musicandmore-ga on 19 May 2004 18:37 PDT |
Friend, I can confirm you unto the church at no cost. It is written in Scripture that the church is the body of believers who testify that Christ was crucified, and who believe in their hearts that God raised him from the dead. It is also written that if a person confesses with his lips, "Jesus is Lord", and believes in their heart that God raised him from the dead, that person will not only be saved, but also justified. That's everything you need to join the church of God. Please let me know whether you receive this message in your heart. I will help you mature as a Christian if you're willing, not for any money, but because God loves me, a sinner. May God richly bless you friend. |
Re: seeking permanent confirmation unto the church on the internet
From: dalman-ga on 04 Apr 2005 16:17 PDT |
I could say a thing or two about sign seekers, but really when it comes down to it, Church and Religion is all about faith and belief. Permanant confirmation, meaning to know, isn't something you are going to get from anyone. Like all belief, though, it originates within yourself and what you CHOOSE to believe. Anyone who tells you differently is trying to prove something that can't be legitamately proven. If someone uses say the bible, the koran, or some other book of scripture, you are assuming that it's true, which brings you back to your debate, "how can you get a permanant confirmation of the bible" Sure, ask any Christian and they will tell you it can be proven. Then again, many muslims will debate the Christian blue in the face. Bottom line...go with your heart and accept the fact that faith really isn't something that can be proven or disproven unless you want it to be. |
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