Hi ashfaqjuna-ga,
You're definitely not alone in your search: I was able to find many
organizations also working to provide affordable water purification
solutions to those in need. As you're located in the U. K., Wateraid,
which is "the UK's only major charity dedicated to the provision of
safe water, effective sanitation and hygiene promotion to the world's
poorest people," may be particularly helpful; their webpage is
avalable at http://www.wateraid.org.uk . The United Nations
Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
International Hydrological Programme has a contact specifically for
the Pakistan national committee:
Official IHP Correspondence Address
The Chairperson
Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources
Convener, IHP National Committee
House N°3 and N°5, St. N°17
F-6/2, Islamabad
Tel +92 51 921 8984
Fax +92 51 921 8939
E-mail pcrwr@isb.comsats.net.pk / via UNESCO NatCom:
A good source for general information about modern water purification
practices is the unicef "major review of current procedures,
methodologies and technologies for water programmes," available at
http://www.unicef.org/programme/wes/pubs/glines/water.htm .
A summary of private sector participation in water sanitation can be
found at http://www.wateraid.org.uk/pdf/psp/pspinwatsan.pdf .
Specific equipment for water filtration is available for export
worldwide through the U.S. company Reopure: http://www.reopure.com .
Additional Links:
Hundreds of links from UNESCO regarding water purification
UNESCO International Hydrological Programme
Wateraid's links to other institutions concerned with water quality
UNICEF publications from the Water, Environment and Sanitation (WES)
Common water problems & explanations
Arab Center for the Studies of Arid Zones and Dry Lands
Search Strategy:
purification desalination methods
water charity filtering
Good luck with future searches!
Hoping I was helpful,
not_you-ga |