Hello msw-ga,
Ive found three resources that should provide you with the
information you require. However, please do request clarification of
this answer if you feel that you require more from me.
First, for background on the issues that arise regarding
confidentiality in a mental health context, there is a general fact
sheet, aimed at the public, from the American Psychiatric Association
(pdf file, Acrobat Reader required):
Another very useful background paper on this topic from the Mental
Health Dissemination Network of Arizona (pdf file, Acrobat Reader
required): http://www.azmentalhealth.org/ibrief/MHDNA-Privacy%20Brief-Spr01.pdf
Finally, there is a document from the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse:
Fact sheet on Responsible Information-Handling - A Checklist of
Responsible Information-Handling Practices. This does not deal
exclusively with health records, although some of the examples it
gives are from the health sector, but it does list a number of
checkpoints with respect to office practice and procedures which are
of relevance to clerical workers and others in any organisation where
confidentiality is an issue:
search strategy on Google: confidentiality guidelines + mental
health; confidentiality guidelines + psychiatry; confidentiality
guidelines + psychotherapy
search on the web site of the American Psychiatry Association:
confidentiality |