These four modules do not seem to be a part of any programming
language's API. Is this a generic question? Or are you asking about
these modules with regards to a common programming language such as C,
or Java?
Please assume the data type "double" below means a large (16 or 32 bit
or maybe even 64 bit) floating point data type. In that case, please
substitute "double" with the appropriate double-sized floating type
Similarly, the data type "string" means a data type that can hold text
strings. It can be a character pointer (char *) in C, or String in
Java, or any such similar data type.
Returns: double
Takes: Three arguments that are all double
Syntax: double addThreeNumbers(double a, double b, double c)
Returns: string
Takes: one argument type string
Syntax: string findNameByID (string s)
Returns: double
Takes: one argument type double
Syntax: double convertCelsiusToFahrenheit (double t)
Returns: double
Takes: Two arguments, both of type double
Syntax: double averageTwoNumbers (double a, double b)
Please feel free to request a clarification regarding this answer, if
necessary. I hope I have provided the answer you're looking for.
gopalkamat-ga |