Available data services include game downloads, ring tone downloads,
picture transmission, text messages, and e-mail.
Most data services are billed in terms of the amount of data
transferred. Some carriers offer the option of paying by the minute.
Games and ring tones are typically purchased at a per item rate. Text
messaging and e-mail is typically purchased per message or in blocks
of quantities of messages, such as 100 messages for a particular
price. Unlimited options for messaging are also available.
"Adapted from Linux Unwired" by Roger Weeks, Edd Dumbill, and Brian
Jepson (http://www.jepstone.net/downloads/LWUnwired.pdf) provides an
overview of one person's experiences with four cellular data services
in the United States.
United States
AT&T Wireless:
Monthly Service Charge $2.99 $7.99 $12.99 $19.99
MB Included Per Month pay as you use them 1MB 4MB 8MB
Price Per Additional KB*/** 2¢ per KB 1¢ per KB 0.8¢ per KB 0.6¢ per KB
* Price per KB reflects cost per kilobyte after exceeding the plan's
megabytes (MB) monthly.
** No US Data roaming charges. Canada data roaming $.0127 per KB.
International data roaming $.0195 per KB.
"mMode plans" http://www.attwireless.com/personal/features/mmode/plans.jhtml
T-Mobile Internet
$29.99 per month Unlimited usage
"Select a Plan" http://www.t-mobile.com/plans/default.asp?tab=internet
Verizon Wireless:
"The service is offered for an additional monthly access charge, plus
airtime and other applicable charges."
Monthly Home
Airtime Minutes Monthly
Access Additional
Minutes 150 $35.00 $0.40 400 $55.00 $0.35 600 $75.00 $0.35 900
$100.00 $0.25 1500 $150.00 $0.25 2000 $200.00 $0.20 3000 $300.00
"NationalAccess" http://www.verizonwireless.com/b2c/store/controller?item=planFirst&action=viewPlanDetail&sortOption=priceSort&catId=328
"For just $79.99 a month, you get unlimited NationalAccess and
BroadbandAccess for your wireless data needs."
Monthly Access Additional
20 MB $39.99 $0.004/KB 60 MB $59.99 $0.002/KB
"NationalAccess Megabyte"
Sprint Unlimited Web access is available for $15 per month by phone.
"Sprint PCS Fair & Flexible-Nationwide"
Cost Per Month
$40 20MB, $60 40MB, $80 70MB, $100 300MB, Additional kilobytes $.002.
Additional $.20 per minute charge for calls made on PCS Connection
Cards with voice capability.
"Sprint PCS Vision for PCS Connection Cards-Laptop & PDA"
"How much does it cost?
There are no set up or subscription charges, you just pay for the call
time you use.
Calls to the T-Mobile WAP service will cost 10p per minute and will
not be included within your free time allowance.
You are billed in the same way as for a voice call, with each mobile
internet call listed as 'WAP' on your bill."
"Common questions" http://www.t-mobile.co.uk/Dispatcher?menuid=help_cq_ws_q8
Data usage per KB: 0.75p
"Perfect Fit Price plans"
Wonko |