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Q: HELP!!!!!!!! Need to Restore Taskbar ( Answered 5 out of 5 stars,   5 Comments )
Subject: HELP!!!!!!!! Need to Restore Taskbar
Category: Computers
Asked by: steph53-ga
List Price: $4.00
Posted: 06 May 2004 16:23 PDT
Expires: 05 Jun 2004 16:23 PDT
Question ID: 342352
By some weird fluke or by hitting a wrong key, my task bar now runs
horizontally on the right side of my screen. It is also preventing me
from closing windows as I cannot see the close buttons as they are
behind the open window.I've tried everything to get it back to the
bottom of my screen. Please HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Request for Question Clarification by pinkfreud-ga on 06 May 2004 16:32 PDT
Hi, Steph! Let me know whether or not this helps:

Left-click on a blank portion of the taskbar, hold the mouse button
down, and try to drag it toward the center and downward to its former
position. If this works, "drop" it at the bottom of the screen. The
taskbar can be moved and resized as if it were a window.

Clarification of Question by steph53-ga on 06 May 2004 16:37 PDT
It worked!!!!!!!!!Thanks Pinkfreud :) Please post as the anwswer.
Subject: Re: HELP!!!!!!!! Need to Restore Taskbar
Answered By: pinkfreud-ga on 06 May 2004 16:47 PDT
Rated:5 out of 5 stars
I am delighted that my suggestion solved your problem!

Whenever anything wonky occurs to the taskbar, it's helpful to
remember that the taskbar shares some of the properties of a window.
It can be moved and resized. The taskbar can be docked on the left
side, right side, top, or bottom of your screen.

I know that some folks like to have their taskbar at the top of the
screen, or crawling down the side. Personally, I am so accustomed to
having my taskbar at the bottom that anything else seems like a sin
against nature. ;-)

I hate to post an answer without a single link in it, so here's a page
of handy-dandy taskbar info:

Computer Hope: I've lost my Windows Taskbar how do I get it back?

steph53-ga rated this answer:5 out of 5 stars and gave an additional tip of: $2.00
WOW!!!!!!!!! The question was answered in mere minutes after I posted
it. Does anyone at GA keep track of extremely fast answered questions?
If they do..this one sure must be near the top of the list ;)
Thanks a bunch Pink...a pleasure to see you again as always...


Subject: Re: HELP!!!!!!!! Need to Restore Taskbar
From: pinkfreud-ga on 06 May 2004 17:09 PDT
Thank you for the five stars and the tip, Steph! 

It's great to be able to offer prompt service, but I can't claim to be
any paragon of virtue in that area. I remember one answer that I
posted just a few hours before the question was set to expire. Whew.
Fortunately, the customer was very pleased to receive the information,
even though it took nearly 30 days for me to come through.

Subject: Re: HELP!!!!!!!! Need to Restore Taskbar
From: pinkfreud-ga on 06 May 2004 20:09 PDT

One more thing. Here's how to prevent your taskbar from wandering again:
Subject: Re: HELP!!!!!!!! Need to Restore Taskbar
From: realegor-ga on 07 May 2004 01:57 PDT
Remember also such thing:you can press Alt+F4 instead of close
button,and Ctrl+F4 for child windows,Esc for dialogs
Subject: Re: HELP!!!!!!!! Need to Restore Taskbar
From: probonopublico-ga on 16 May 2004 23:48 PDT
Hi, Again, Steph

Would you believe that I had the same problem many years ago?

Subject: Re: HELP!!!!!!!! Need to Restore Taskbar
From: steph53-ga on 17 May 2004 05:46 PDT
Hi Bryan....

 I see you had the same problem. LOL but your taskbar got an

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